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Everything posted by pbognar

  1. Given the delay of 11.5 / 12 and the DAW landscape, I'm expecting something really spectacular. There is already something of a "dump Cubase movement". It's theirs to lose.
  2. My mistake - that was for the iPad version
  3. I think on the Dorico page it says if you create an account, you can have 4.
  4. Ok, I have to wonder if Cubase 12 is going to inherit any of the UI characteristics of Dorico 4 - it's so clean looking. Also, it would be great if they put Dorico SE into Cubase.
  5. A DAW is like a spouse - you aren't just marrying them - It's also their family. Cakewalk and REAPER have nice families. If I ever activate Cubase or get S1, I have my concerns about the community and the company.
  6. What a great idea - my nearly 40 year-old PortaStudio II is in the basement along with my original cassettes. It would be a blast to go through that old stuff.
  7. I'm only interested because it will be the maiden voyage for the new Steinberg Licensing system and depending on how it goes, it could determine how quickly Cubase 12 will be released.
  8. Check out Caustic and Cubasis. Walkband would be nice if you could have more control over sequence sizing and looping. It's one of the only non-Apple DAWs which has smart instruments with chord strips. Chordbot is nice too.
  9. In case anyone mistakes this for an awful photoshop joke, this was built for Pat Metheny. I'd hate to have tune this before every show, let alone change the strings. ?
  10. Funny, I got this email and I already have Mixcraft 9 Pro Studio. Hopefully they are getting close with Mixcraft 10. I'm hoping for: MIDI insert effects/routing (for use with Scaler, etc.) Muting select MIDI notes Chord Track with Scaler chord name input support Maybe it's time to register Cubase Pro or buckle and get into Studio One. It's just that Mixcraft is so easy on my old brain.
  11. Until a chord track feature is implemented in Cakewalk, see this thread for a suggestion for displaying chord names - Multiple Arranger Tracks Chord track appears to be on their to-do list, so if the Cakewalk workflow best suits you, you may want to stand by. However, there are no promises, so you should make your DAW decisions based on your requirements and what is currently available.
  12. Has anyone had any issues with US credit card purchases at Best Service? That price for a crossgrade to Studio One Pro is really tempting.
  13. No, but I've written stuff I would never have, if not for Scaler.
  14. Version 10 is targeted for 2022 - hopefully early.
  15. Toward the end of the video, Davide says something about this version being culmination of features for v 2.x. I have to believe after this, the next will be a paid version 3. They put a heck of a lot in 2.x.
  16. This is a buyer beware situation. If v12 is the only reason one is buying or registering, there is no guarantee of features or delivery time. For Cubase 12, Steinberg were careful not to say it was due in "early" 2022 like they did with Dorico 4. Though I suspect they want to see how the new licensing scheme works with the smaller Dorico user audience first before they do it with the much larger Cubase audience.
  17. Oh and this for gits and shiggles... Deconstructing The Long And Winding Road (... Naked/January 31, 1969)
  18. Listen to this one with headphones. I hear Bass VI, and then in the chorus, there are 2 additional guitars playing with the bass, one and two octaves up respectively. And based on the timing and phrasing, to me it sounds like the same person recorded all three. The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Isolated Bass) (Surround Sound)
  19. I think that was George, doubling the part on guitar an octave higher. The phrasing of the two are identical and it's his song anyway.
  20. Cool, you can sound like John Lennon playing bass on Long and Winding Road.
  21. Maybe there will still be an 11.5 (albeit skinny) upgrade in a couple of weeks, but the incentive to do so is that v12 will be no additional charge.
  22. I've got to say, the theme looks really nice. Though a part of me doesn't like the cloning another DAW's interface to this level of detail.
  23. Or it could be a marketing maneuver to create version 12 excitement disguised as a mistaken leak.
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