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Everything posted by pbognar

  1. I can't believe I haven't ever seen an interview with him.
  2. Still requires a special pickup, but appears to track well and built "Ford tough" for live performance. Sounds engine is ZenCore, with natural and synthetic sounds. MIDI In/Out/USB. 4 parts and 1 Rhythm part. Each part can receive on a separate MIDI channel and has its own effects. Part editing is limited. Not sure about polyphony.
  3. Funny, Bill Lordan also played with Sly and the Family Stone.
  4. So, do you have a subscription for your popcorn and does it scale properly?
  5. This is interesting - might Cakewalk Sonar will be a place holder DAW, until Next gets more "production centric" features? Or will there be a Next Music Creator and a Next Producer? (sorry, for just adding to speculation city... )
  6. You may or may not know - Mixcraft 10 has been released.
  7. It shouldn't be a dream. I crossgraded to Mixcraft, Studio One and Cubase - all with my Sonar X3 proof of purchase. I would EXPECT at least that. Sonar Classic will be the flagship and New Sonar will be the version "for the rest of us". I could see New Sonar being targeted at the educational market. Who knows, it could end up being a cross-platform take on GarageBand.
  8. There will be one more update to CbB and people can continue to use it as long as they want. It just won't be supported forever. What would be considered a fair price for the new Cakewalk Sonar? $49? $99? Who knows what instruments / content will be added? Cakewalk Next will be interesting to watch. It would to differentiate itself from the crowd. The world doesn't need another new conventional DAW.
  9. Apple are holding the Smart Instrument MIDI hostage in the Apple ecosystem. I suppose I could use StudioOne / Melodyne to generate MIDI from audio stems. I've got Cubasis 3 on my Android phone, but it would be a heck of a lot easier to use on an iPad. With the release of Logic iPad, maybe it will light a fire under Steinberg to get more resources to enhance Cubasis. I was watching some demos of Logic Pro iPad, and though it has tons of features, it lacks the cohesiveness, simplicity and charm of GarageBand. For being a free app, GB is quite amazing for sketching out ideas.
  10. Learn to play keyboards A four bar loop is not a song Don't start a composition with a beat or bass line Don't produce while you're trying to write a song Master the things you own Compose with the instrument you know the best Compose with an instrument you aren't good at Start with an outline for a song
  11. I look at this as a paid subscription for a GarageBand on steroids. Besides the people who are balking at the subscription, there are also those who use Logic Pro on the Mac who are wringing their hands over the interoperability between the iOS version and Mac. What was their problem when there was only GarageBand on iOS? Half (maybe more) are using Windows or nothing as their primary computer. Just take Logic on iOS for what it is. I'm excited too - what better place to create music than on a couch, with headphones. You can be with your family and they don't know you are composing a tune ? My main problem with GarageBand on iOS is that your Smart Instrument and regular MIDI are held captive in the Apple ecosystem - Boo!!! Why shouldn't you be able to export that to a non-Apple DAW? Also re: the minimum hardware requirements - I thought it was any iPad with an A12 Bionic chip and greater: "Logic Pro will run on any iPad with at least an A12 Bionic chip, including the 8th-generation iPad, the 3rd-generation iPad Air, the 5th-generation iPad mini, and newer models. Final Cut Pro is more demanding and requires an iPad Pro or Air with an M1 or M2—presumably, it's the small amount of RAM included with older iPads that keeps them from running software that much slower Macs have managed to run for years." Apple brings Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro to iPad as $50-per-year subscriptions | Ars Technica
  12. pbognar

    Frying B

    Oont u vill like it
  13. This was fun. Can you believe, after 50-60 years, and we're still doing minute, archeological, examinationams of their recordings?
  14. The challenge for moving to any new DAW is getting used to the new workflow, menus, keyboard shortcuts, etc. The best way to go about it is to totally immerse yourself into the new DAW and use only it for about 3 weeks. S1 has some killer features, but job one is getting the feel of it. Definitely check out the videos.
  15. The only real way Cakewalk could implement true score editing is if they bought an existing package like Presonus did with Notion - starting from scratch would require dedicated staff ?. For MIDI editing in notation, things could be a lot worse than Staff View. Regarding a chord track, I've come to the conclusion thatthe addition of scale capabilities are necessary to properly handle melodies and bass parts.
  16. Hmm... There must be a new flagship workstation in the offing.
  17. I am a huge fan of chord tracks in DAWs, however, I realized that scales are just as important as chords, if not more. I your example, if a melodic phrase were snapped to a chord(s) the, the only notes allowed in the melody would be just those in the chord spelling. IMO, Cubase has implemented this the most successfully. You have the option to snap to chords, scales or a combination of the two.
  18. I'm still getting up to speed with Studio One which is quite impressive. The big draw for me are its composition tools, like chord track and harmonic editing. It's a little busy for my needs, but with some time, it'll be good.
  19. I'm interested to see how they're going to differentiate themselves from all the free / low priced alternatives out there.
  20. Mixcraft 10 has entered private beta testing.
  21. Our band learned this, but they had problems counting it out, because the bass is on the off-beats. ?
  22. Maybe OT, but to you S1 users, do you primarily hang out on the Presonus forums for questions, or somewhere else? For example, I noticed when you select a chord in the MIDI editor, and use the chord UP macro button for shifting up chord inversions, after the first time, only the top note remains selected, so for subsequent shifts, you have to re-select the chord. Where might I get the quickest answer for this?
  23. The coolest thing about the lyric track is that you can navigate to any point in the project by just selecting a phrase. I also like that you can de-clutter the workspace, depending on what activity you want to perform.
  24. If you can go up to $99, I say go for the $16 extra from Best Service.
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