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Everything posted by pbognar

  1. I wonder if ARA 2 in S1 paved the way for the Chord Track (and it's ability to work on polyphonic audio) in S1? Does this pave the way for the same chord track functionality in Cubase once ARA 2 arrives there? And what about a chord track in CbB now that it has ARA 2 support?
  2. I know Elements and Artist come with a "basic" score editor while Pro comes with an "advanced" score editor. In practice, I would prefer the "basic" score editor for entering/tweaking MIDI and save the "advanced" score editor for printing if needed. Does anyone know if in Pro, you have the option of using the "basic" score editor? I don't want to be bombarded with options. I am more than happy to have an editor which looks like Cakewalk's staff editor, but without the limitations of triplets and embedded rests. Pro is the edition which will have ARA 2, Chord Assistant, VariAudio, etc.
  3. Tell me about the one on the left - how did you end up with full sized, non-slanted pickups in there? What pickups are in there now, and how are they wired?
  4. If that's true (and I thought the same thing), and Cakewalk just implemented ARA 2, could a chord track be far off within Cakewalk ??
  5. +1 Would love to see a chord track (affecting polyphonic audio), analysis, and assistant.
  6. I too have Sonar X3 Professional. This is tempting, as Cubase has notation, chord track, assistant and pads. However, S1's implementation of chord track is incredible, in that it can deal with polyphonic audio. Hopefully S1 will get a mini version of Notion embedded for editing MIDI. I was leaning toward S1, but this cross-grade price is really low. Decisions...
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