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murat k.

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Everything posted by murat k.

  1. Request Number 14 Update: While waiting The Developers to release the new big update, I wrote a script for Bringing Color Menu Over The Clip with Autohotkey. The script clicks the background color setting in Clip Properties and brings The Color Menu over the clip. It works when you use The Inspector with it's default location but you can change the click location to anywhere if you want. If you don't know about Autohotkey. It is easy to use, just install Autohotkey, load the attached file by double clicking it and press F12 when the clip is selected in Cakewalk. You can change the shortcut key by changing the beginning of the script. Color Menu Over The Clip.ahk
  2. I’ve compiled my feature requests in one big image. Please check the image. The List: 1 ) Selected Area Duration Indicator: Instead of looking the Large Export Module with every selection to get selection duration, we can see the duration next to the cursor with visible time formats. It is the same as we do it in Logic. (Actually I saw it today, I wasn't aware of that when I requested.) 2 ) Tempo Map Integration to the Timeline: Viewing Tempo Map on the Track View can make to work with the tempo much more easier. Also, it could be useful if we had snap settings to draw tempo by a specific amount. 3 ) Splitting the Timeline: Viewing two proportions of the Timeline at the same time will allow us to copy and paste clips at different times without scrolling the Timeline every time. 4 ) Independent Synth Rack: The Synth Rack is dependent on the Browser Section at now. When we dock it with the Browser Section, we can't see the Assigned Controls on the Synth Rack. And docking the Synth Rack to the Multidock is not handy because we use Multidock with a wide and short state. So if we dock it independently to the sides, we can use it anytime with controls, and we can see more synth on the screen. 5 ) Double Multidock: Nowadays people are working with wide screens. Working with two Multidock at the same time would improve our efficiency. 6 ) Save/Load Matrix Presets: When I make some loops with the Matrix View and assign MIDI to the Cells or Columns, I can’t use them with another project. Saving and loading our Matrix presets can be quite useful. 7 ) Bandlab Assistant Integration: We call it Cakewalk by Bandlab but Cakewalk still behaves like an irrelevant software with the Bandlab. Integrating Bandlab Assistant to the Cakewalk would allow us to use Bandlab loops directly from the Cakewalk and import our work in Bandlab Cloud to the Cakewalk. 8 ) Upload Cakewalk Projects directly to the Bandlab: Uploading to the Bandlab is still an outside job for Cakewalk. A plugin for uploading our work to Bandlab without leaving the Cakewalk screen could be nice. 9 ) Track Manager on the Main Screen: Managing track visibility from the Main Screen can be much handier than loading from another window. Also saving and loading the state of the visibility by Track Visibility Presets can help our productivity. 10 ) Measure Beat alignment to the Timecode: People commonly use CC assignments in the first measure to prepare them for the project. Starting measures from 0 can be quite helpful. Also aligning measures to the Timecode by using Set Timecode At Now command will make it easier to see the exact measure amount of the project when we start different from the beginning. And measures before the Timecode will become negative at that point. 11 ) Step Sequencer MIDI Input on Note Names: While recording we can click (or touch) Note Names to input notes. 12 ) Black Screen Blink on Video Pause: It becomes very disturbing while working. 13 ) Center-Aligned Narrow Plugins: Narrow plugins are coming with a left-aligned state and it is not looking quite right, if you center the plugin, it looks OK. 14 ) Color Menu Over The Clip: Bringing the Color menu over the clip by a shortcut to change the clip's color can be handy. 15 ) Solo Exclusive Mode mute other tracks. Playing only Solo Exclusive applied tracks when Solo Exclusive Mode is off state, could be very nice. 16 ) Selecting Tracks only have clips in the selection area to hide unused tracks. Timeline selection in the Cakewalk selects all tracks in the project. Selecting by the right button on the Timeline can select only tracks that have clips in the selection area. So we can hide unselected tracks or vice versa. Other feature requests which are not on the image: 17 ) Ctrl + Alt dragging for copying clips as linked clips. 18 ) Fading MIDI Clips from the clip start/end, as we do with Audio Clips, by changing CC 7 (Volume) values. 19 ) Stereo/Mono and Phasing controls on Instrument Tracks. 20 ) Duplicate command also works for selected envelope parts. 21 ) Storing Synth assignment information for Drums Maps in Track Templates. 22 ) Selecting clips with Select From, Now, Thru, End commands in Track View 23 ) Balancing the Track Navigator's Scroll Speed by zoom amount. 24 ) Quick grouping for Folder Open/Close action. 25 ) A proper Vertical Zoom for Tracks when some tracks are not visible.
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