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murat k.

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Everything posted by murat k.

  1. Definitely. After this talk I checked it again. The long latency only happens on the external sound card. Now I am trying it on the onboard Audio Device, It says the same latency, but the latency is not the same. It is very short. Edit: I changed and rechanged the driver mode. Now I see the real latency.
  2. Mine says 85.3 msec with WASAPI Shared and it sounds very late to me. And the Exclusive one is not working at all. Again I say, I have never get trouble with FL Studio ASIO. It is ASIO but ASIO with no problem ?
  3. Unfortunately yes. Sometimes I try it to see whether if it is working or not ? There are good infos on the channel by the way @John Vere https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIImmMf5qdvYsgRLQvlZlFA I subscribed. ?
  4. Audio quality is related to the recording device when you are recording the sound. What you hear is related to the playback devices. It is nothing about the Cakewalk. It is the playback device you picked for Default Device from the Windows Sound Settings. I should add that: The only thing is related to the Cakewalk is when you are choosing the Driver from the Driver Settings in the Preferences menu. But the logic is the same. Only the playback and the record driver has an affect on the sound.
  5. I use FL Studio ASIO Driver with onboard chips on my laptop. It works great with the Cakewalk. There is no different profiles for Audio devices in the Cakewalk but if you choose Default Audio driver with the FL Studio ASIO Driver, when you change your Audio Device from the Windows Sound Settings, it will change automatically without opening it from the Preferences menu. It is easier to change the Audio Playback/Recording Device with a single click with the Cakefolk™ for the Cakewalk with your Numpad keys up to 6 different audio playback and recording device.
  6. I used it once but actually I liked my Mastering better ? BandLab has that kind of thing and it's free. Check it out: https://www.bandlab.com/mastering
  7. In general I can't give you a mixing advice because I'm not at that level at the moment, I'm just a learner like you are. But I'm sure that some experienced people in this community can help you about that.
  8. I think @Glenn Stanton wanted to summarize the whole bad-checking process from the beginning in general. And yes @John Vere, it is obvious from the beginning that the problem is not about Windows Sound settings, me in personal I get that from @Marcello said that he is having the issue in one project in all tracks. So that was meaning there is an FX causing that problem in Master Bus. But he said there is no FX on Master Bus because Audio Meter plugin is not an FX actually he was kinda right. ? Then I thought that ProChannel thing. Anyways, I am glad that finally his problem is solved. ?
  9. After this all talk I thought even if Marcello bypass FX Bin he should look at all FX one by one to find what causes the problem. And it's good for him to figure out that he find that problem from an unexpected plugin. ?My god, who'd have thought, an Audio Meter plugin! ? And I think this is a great advice too. ? Generally I use SPAN for metering purposes on my Master Bus.
  10. You can figure it out by yourself by switching those settings in the image actually. And I think the same way, there should be some differences but not that much. Honestly I couldn't think that either. ☺️ Great tip. ?
  11. Good to hear that ☺️ Are you using these functions on the Track Strip ? You can convert any Audio & Instrument track or bus to mono and you can change the phase with these by clicking on the icon. Maybe it works for you in this case.
  12. Oh OK. So I understand, you checked all ProChannels in related Busses to the track. I told that because sometimes it seems there is no FX on the channel but there may be somethings going on at the ProChannel side. If there is no widening plugins on the ProChannel module of the Busses like BREVERB 2, Rematrix Solo or Space, check your Sends in the Busses.
  13. I bet you left BREVERB 2 open on your Master Busses ProChannel. I think that way because the same thing happened to me once. ?
  14. I'm big fan of the JBridge. It works perfect with W10.
  15. Please feel free to report any issues.
  16. Insert key is for the Suspend. F12 + Insert is for the exit. And the error is about the icon actually. That explains that why you are not seeing the icon from the beginning. Thank you again! ?
  17. It seems you suspended Cakefolk. Didn't exit the program. If Cakefolk icon is still visible, Right Click the icon and select "Exit" from the menu to shutdown the Cakefolk. There is no uninstall is necessary. By the way F12 & Insert is working on my side. I'll check that out too, thank you. Edit: I guess you hit Insert key at first and suspended the Cakefolk, then you hit F12 + Insert key, and it didn't work because all shortcuts are disabled at that time. Everyone can do that obviously. I guess I'll change the Exit shortcut in the next release.
  18. Thank you for reporting this issue @eli0s. You can exit Cakefolk™ with F12 + Insert key on your keyboard. Official release will be available after I fix these kind of bugs in the software. ?
  19. 3- You can use Cakefolk Magic Mouse™ feature to use all navigation possibilites in all different views. Also you can Alt+MouseWheel to zoom horizontally all views in the Cakewalk. 4 - You can Shift + Mouse Wheel to Vertical Zoom in all possible views in the Cakewalk with the Cakefolk™ as well. Also there are many other navigating and workflow enhancements in the Cakefolk™ you might be interested.
  20. Scrolling with multi column is the most efficient one I think. When you are selecting an item from the list, only space you need is belongs to the list.
  21. We can call it maybe multiple columns in the right click context menu. We need this kind of feature in Drum Maps too. Rematrix Solo has this kind of feature. Navigating between files is easy.
  22. I am using FL Studio ASIO Driver which works with Cakewalk with no problem but it would be great if Cakewalk had own ASIO drivers.
  23. New Release just came out! Cakefolk for the Cakewalk v.1.4.0
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