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murat k.

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Everything posted by murat k.

  1. Steve we were talking about changing the note sizes with the Alt key in PRV. This talk is not about Clips. Are they related? Of course. When talking to you I found a way to achieve it in Cakefolk™ and said it with the excitement. Sure. But developers can add some new features to the Smart Tool. Can't they?
  2. Why Steve? Can't we add a function to Shift+Alt+Mouse Move for instance, if ALt+Mouse Move function is not possible? It seems nothing doing different in PRV with Shift+Alt combination with the Smart Tool. I mean it seems available.
  3. I get it. Changing the note size by moving the mouse left or right when pressing Alt key on the keyboard. It would be a nice improvement. I liked it.
  4. I opened FL Studio and it acts the same way actually. And Alt click doesn't make any difference. But I have FL Studio 12. It seems that this is a new feature. I will look at it sometime and I'll see what can I do. Edit: This issue is continued in another topic. Using Draw Freehand Tool solves this issue.
  5. Yeah I thought so when I saw the MIDI Track. It would be a nice improvement.
  6. Can't you do the same thing with the Smart Tool?
  7. You can use Synth Rack with assigned controls. But you need to detach the Synth Rack window from the dock. I like the idea by the way.
  8. It will be available in the next release of the Cakefolk™. Stay tuned!
  9. I'm sorry, I didn't get the request. Can you show it? Maybe it's already existing in the Cakewalk.
  10. I am glad that you solved your issue. Also you can easily bring the Background Color Menu over the selected clip with Capslock + Left Click by Cakefolk™.
  11. I am sorry I didn't get it. If you are talking about changing the clip's background color individually, you can do from the Clip Properties section. When you change the clip's background color, you see that it will also change in the PRV View. But if you are talking about selecting clips in PRV for changing color or some different needs, it would be nice.
  12. If you make brighter of the default background color of the clips in Tungsten theme, this issue will be solved automatically. However, the colors of the grid lines may need to be changed with the new background color.
  13. By the way there was no attack. And if I dislike something, there is a dislike button made for these kind reasons. I decided to use it from now on when someone is discouraging people who is trying to help. Because I really dislike it. No offense @Will_Kaydo. And I am sorry @solarlux for the all talk unrelated to your topic.
  14. As I said to you as personal, you are discouraging people who is trying to help. I will dislike all your posts like this from now on. Watch your behavior.
  15. Yeah, Matrix View is a very useful tool and it will be greater with the improvements like that.
  16. That was a great tip @solarlux. I didn't know that. I think I will use it frequently. Request 15 had a different intention, but I took something new different from you. Thank you.
  17. Will, I just wanted to thank to the developers. And I am really glad for you. If I make you feel that I am offended I am sorry.
  18. Thank you developers for the Cakewalk 2021.01 update. I saw two of my requests released with this update. 19 ) Stereo/Mono and Phasing controls on Instrument Tracks. 21 ) Storing Synth assignment information for Drum Maps in Track Templates. Also thank you for the other improvements, especially "Arranger section inclusion of outlying MIDI notes" and adding four new buttons to the Control Bar's Select Module.
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