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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. I've had several different mains monitors in the walls since 1988, my all time faves being Westlake HR-1's, followed closely by some Genelec 1234's and Massenberg units (at Blackbird in Nashville). But I've been mixing 98% on either Yamaha NS-10M's [with a SONY consumer 5" sub] (yeah... I know, go ahead and laugh) since 1989, and for the last 15 years an additional pair of Mackie 10" powered units. Once you get really used to what they sound like in a reasonably treated room, mixes translate very well nearly everywhere else, at least in my personal career. It really does come down to developing the muscle memory for what ever you prefer to use and LOTS of ear training. And NEVER listening too loud for an extended period. If ya gots the ears, you're golden... if ya don't... hire someone that does. I do most of my tracking and Ivory Soap mixing using headphones (Beyer DT700 pro-x or AT D40fs's) and never have had anyone complain that "it doesn't sound good" when the final product is delivered. I never liked 'em, but had a colleague who swore by Sony 7506's, which were great for FOH live work, but IMHO sukt in the studio. To each their own...
  2. If the VST3 files have indeed been deleted from your C:/Program Files/Common Files/vst3 directory, then search (as you have) for all "kilohearts" references in the registry and delete the regkeys. Most of the references will occur in: Computer\HKEY_USERS\{your user ID}\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/common files/vst3/Kilohearts/kHs {actual plugin reference} Then rescan in the DAW and they should be gone.
  3. The WAVES wrapper cannot be moved from its installed location. Talk to the folks @Waves about that.
  4. Glitches can occur in the Prefs for no known reason on occasion. My favorite excuse is that the nutrinos that are constantly bombarding the planet can bob through your computer and change a bit in storage without warning. 😁
  5. It's my laptop. I'll keep running Win10 on it until it dies from old age. And be very careful from a security standpoint.
  6. Check for compatibility of your MOBO & CPU with Win11 upgrade. A lot of the i7 7xxx series are not compatible. I have a laptop that is just below the CPU cutoff by one digit, and hence cannot upgrade.
  7. One of two ways; 1. Change the base octave setting in CW preferences... Or 2. Build & use articulation maps for your instruments (which actually are the better way to go because then the articulation data gets FIFO priority in the serial data stream).
  8. That's almost like I just witnessed Roger Waters and Ry Cooder in my living room for a jam session. Good work!
  9. I import OMF files from clients quite regularly without issue. From the documentation;
  10. Enable <Ripple Edit>, select all tracks (Ctrl+A), select bar 1 in timeline ruler, Delete. Disable <Ripple Edit>.
  11. They are shown as the primary of a pair in Preferences, but are coupled in fact. Once you have a track with one of the inputs you will see that you can record in mono from either 1 or 2; OR as a stereo pair from "Focusrite ASIO Input 1" which is actually 1 & 2. Try it , you'll see.
  12. ASIO drivers generally are only supported & supplied with an external audio I/O device. Your best bet is to completely delete Asio4All as it is known to be a disaster and try to set up the DAW using WASAPI (Shared). This will allow your DAW, browser, & system audio to run simultaneously.
  13. I regularly work in 5 different DAWs; 2 from Steinberg, 1 Avid, 1 Presonus, and CW. All can work with beds at some level, and four have access to the Dolby Atmos Render engine. Only the CW product (at this time) is unable to operate on objects. Maybe that will change someday.
  14. I've had clients require 5.1 since 1996, and a few that asked for 7.1 since 2017 (which I can do in house), but one editor asked for 7.1.4 Atmos in '23, so when I went up to Vancouver to the film mix stage, turns out that, since all I did was the music beds, 7.1 was more than sufficient. Generally (not always tho) the MD wants the music bed to be down close to the ground, and only the foley and EFX are flown in elevation. However, a colleague of mine has been doing quite a bit of 7.1.4 and larger jazz projects (like for the Las Vegas Sphere) and they are 'interesting' to say the least.
  15. It's an issue with Workspaces and/or Screen Sets.
  16. Quite a few older Korg/Yamaha (and other) keyboards only used the USB port for librarian and programming functions, while MIDI was only transmitted via the 5pin DIN connectors. Check in your Korg manual that it is capable of using the USB port for MIDI data transmission.
  17. Partially because ARA2 was not incorporated until 2018.
  18. With CbB open go to <Help> <Log into Bandlab>. The "assistant" was deprecated about a year ago.
  19. Not a bug. Been that way since forever.
  20. If you are trying to use a desktop icon to launch, it may be pointing to an incorrect location. Try to search the start menu for "Cakewalk by Bandlab" and then RMB to <Open file location> and try to launch the program directly from the Executable file. The default (for most users) location is in the C:\\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core directory.
  21. 1. NOT a good idea to post your email address in a thread here... there are bots that harvest that information. [you can click on the 3 dots in upper right corner of post and select Edit to delete the info] 2. If you open Cakewalk, make changes to the I/O settings in <Preferences> (keyboard letter 'P') or via the <Edit><Preferences> menu item, and then click <Apply> at the bottom of the dialog, the window will close (and probably then re-open) at which point click on <OK> and all the changed settings are saved automatically. Also; as a new user, I highly recommend that you download the last version of the PDF manual and keep it handy.
  22. You may be in 'comping' mode. Download and read the section on comping in the PDF manual starting on page 530.
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