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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. One of my favorite all time (and I mean EVER) guitarists has just put out a solo album here. I cut one of his first demo projects back in about '95 or so, and then I snuck him on to some Janet records and other session work. Dude could wail on the electric from Chet Atkins all the way to Hendrix, but really shows his prowess on solo acoustic guitar. Check it out!
  2. I hate to say it, but that operation was pretty obvious. CbB doesn't have an internal sampler (yet), which is why I suggested learning Kontakt or a similar sampler. Very powerful tool. Have fun!
  3. Several plugins have had this reaction for me for several years, NI GuitarRig and E/W Opus are examples. You can either activate the "send all keystrokes to plugin" button; turn off X-Ray in the Preferences; or exclude a specific VST from X-Ray, and try it again. I had to exclude EmVoice from X-Ray permanently and the problem went away.
  4. I started using V-Sampler about 30 years ago, but Kontakt blows it out of the water for utility. Just last week I built an instrument using a Piano A7 chord, spread it across the keyboard in the sampler, then played it as an A7 chord... real cool cacophony, if you're into that kind of sound design thing.
  5. Try this (using Time Machine) at about 2:40. Try to limit your range to +/- 1 octave from the root of the sample otherwise it will get really granular and ugly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yua85ylVKZA This one is good too, but really quick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJjND8mM0Mc Learning to use Kontakt as a 'one shot' sampler is fairly easy. Using it as a multi-sample device is much more involved, but not what you're after here. Search YT for other vids relating to Kontatk, Vocal one-shots, Tone Machine, Time Machine, and have fun! The deets are covered well in the Kontakt User Manual.
  6. Definitely sounds like the syllable "da" or maybe "dah" with some serious editing and then spread across the octaves in any sampler. I do this in Kontakt all the time.
  7. I'm not knocking it. Bootcamp works fairly well most of the time. I spent 22 years from Apple System 1 (1984) through Mac OS 9 running a large Macintosh network in studios. For personal reasons (and I got my MSEE using WinTel machines) I will never touch an Apple product again. Silly questions; have you cold booted the machine? Does it happen on every project? Single monitor?
  8. Well, if you're running CbB in a VM/OS on a Mac, I can't help you.
  9. It's possible that you accidentally tapped F14 or F15.
  10. IEEE standards for function keys is 13=PrintScreen/SysReq 14=Scroll Lock 15=Pause/Break Unless you're on a pre-2006 Macintosh or Unix/VT100 Terminal [DOS], in which case F13-F24 are assignable. (Altho F13 on Mac is still SysReq).
  11. As stated previously: cycle the power on your audio interface (ie: unplug it from the USB) for a moment and see if CbB clears the Task Manager in a few seconds. If it does then it is probably related to your Audio I/F driver set.
  12. Starting in about 1978, Gene Simmons had them add an additional semi-truck to the road caravan just to haul his ego around.
  13. This is most likely related to a hang in the drivers for your Audio interface. You can look for updated drivers, or cycle power (ie: disconnect) it for a few moments to pin this down. If you save & close the project session first, then close CbB, does it still hang?
  14. And Quincy Jones, and Berry Gordy, and Leonard Chess, and Sam Phillips, and... ...well... just about every producer that was worth his salt, ever.
  15. And that, in a nutshell, is why the producers chair exists... to get the artist out of their shell, and out of their own way. Also why so few 'self-produced' records are highly successful.
  16. Kontakt 7.x is a massive resource hog on all platforms and DAWs when compared to K6/5, so it's not specific to CbB. Hopefully NI will find a way to resolve that issue. Personally, I have regressed to only using K6, and I'll watch their progress in future.
  17. While I fully realize that much of the Coffee House isn't exactly a bastion of witty repartee, I couldn't convince myself that this type of conversation would better fit in Production Techniques...?. Too obscure.
  18. Maybe I should refine the query to a discussion of the actual edit time as listed in the <File Stats> section of the Notes Browser. I realize that many (myself included) may have extraordinarily long accretive time (days, months, years) during the creation of material, but I'm more interested in if anyone ever considers the file open/edit elapsed time and the resulting real or emotional consequences. After all, it should be a metric of growth, experience, and knowledge of your tools and skill set. Too deep? Too soon? Too metaphysical? ?
  19. Actually, back in the dark ages (where I cut my teeth), anything with 32 or more channel strips was considered 'large format'. Nowadays, one can access 256+ channels in arms reach. The largest console (in channel count) that I ever used was the Harrison MPC5 at Sony Studios in Culver City. Of course there were 3 engineers on it, so you didn't have to move far.
  20. This problem usually stems from the fact that most keyboard modulation devices are set to CC#1, and can't be changed. You could try to change its output assignment in the keyboard editor, or use MIDIOX to translate it to something else on input like CC#11.
  21. @Bapu; when we worked on what would eventually become "Velvet Rope" by Janet, it was a little over 2 years from inception to final mixes, and I thought that was an eternity. I worked on a John Prine record in the early 80's that only took about 3 weeks. I once did an first album for a band in Texas in about 50 hours over 6 days. But I'd been working with them on the arrangements for a year before that. But when you think that Motown would write, record, and ship an entire record in 3 days... jeez. Of course, they didn't have 'unlimited' tracks. And the arrangement was all done in about 3 takes.
  22. Does anyone else ever keep track of how much time (including coffee breaks) that they spend creating, fleshing out, and mixing a project from the note browser. I used to spend up to 24 to 30 hours to compose a movie cue of 4-6 minutes, and in the last 5 years have that whittled down to under 10 hours. Sometimes I get lucky with a theme and can recycle it into an accompanying cue in less than 5. These days it takes me about 3+ weeks to do an entire movie score, with rewriting & modifications to fit edits. Just curious. Does it make you happy... or dismayed?
  23. What does the Inspector tell you when you highlight the clip in question? Is there a checkmark in the <Looping> tick?
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