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Everything posted by Jeremy Murray-Wakefield
How to feed Waves Abbey Road Studio?
Jeremy Murray-Wakefield replied to Jeremy Murray-Wakefield's question in Q&A
OK - I’m sure that you’ll admit that it’s a bit confusing when in you say emphatically in one post that Cakewalk does not support surround sound, and then in a following post, say that it does. But yes, I do get the fact that multichannel VST plug-ins are not supported within the architecture of one channel/buss etc. - I was looking to see if anyone knew of any routing workarounds (such as other Bridge software, patch-points etc.) Any ideas anyone? -
How to feed Waves Abbey Road Studio?
Jeremy Murray-Wakefield replied to Jeremy Murray-Wakefield's question in Q&A
OK but can you then explain howcome preferences allows you to completely customise and configure the surround sound configuration for your project, then add surround sound mix busses into it, and then have Cakewalk automatically add fully-functional 3D surround panners to every channel routed to such busses? -
Does anyone know how it's possible to configure Waves Abbey Road Studio surround to work in Cakewalk? Or is there no way to feed a multichannel VST in Cakewalk? When I insert it in a surround bus, it just creates multiple instances of the plugin - which is no use at all: It also doesn't even seem possible to route to any of its inputs other than "Left Input" and "Right Input": Which is weird, because Cakewalk clearly understands how many inputs it has: Anyone - especially Cakewalk Staff - have any ideas/workarounds? Thanks in advance, JMW.
OK - I've managed it. It looks a little crazy, but it works well. (channel 1 is just the control fader - no audio goes through that channel) The pan-pots are doing the crossfading between the two stereo channels, and the main faders are applying just the right amount of volume correction for the overall level to remain consistent (the synth channels themselves are not routed anywhere, they rely on their output being fed to the "Selector" aux channels for the cross-fading). A much simpler solution would be to find a plugin that had a volume control where 50% of travel meant 50% of the volume, and apply it to each of two channels (with one in reverse). That is, after all, the only thing that I am trying to do here - a simple "constant volume" crossfade between two channels...
Not possible unfortunately, because offset/normal faders are always wired to the same control groups (which is odd, and I'm not sure why Cakewalk doesn't treat the "offset faders" to their own set of control group routings.)
This is for sound-design/composing purposes, and as such needs to be under real-time control. I suspect that I may have to do something wild involving stereo splitting, mis-combining and the abuse of panpots... ?
What's your solution for rack-style functionality?
Jeremy Murray-Wakefield replied to Jeremy Murray-Wakefield's question in Q&A
Using Ableton Live's Instrument Rack (as a reference point), I get 30% using both "Dune 3" and "Wavestate Native" synths at the same time, however in Patchwork, it goes up to 50% (and starts glitching) so that's a significant increase. -
Does anyone have any bright ideas on how to use a MIDI controller to properly cross-fade between two channels with (e.g.) a 3db drop when balanced 50:50 ? I've tried putting a couple of faders with "opposing travel" into a Control Group - but of course in the centre-position of the MIDI control, the faders have too much of a level drop, because 50% of physical travel is quite low volume-wise (and I wouldn't want to change the fader law). Any suggestions gratefully received. Rgds, Jeremy.
What's your solution for rack-style functionality?
Jeremy Murray-Wakefield replied to Jeremy Murray-Wakefield's question in Q&A
Yeah, I just discovered this a few minutes before you posted it, and I have been doing a bunch of experiments with it. - it's amazing! - I never knew that CW track templates could be multi-channel and even include nested folders! It's the perfect solution to my needs! ? -
Hi all, I'm about to start on a big multi-song project and I need the equivalent of Ableton's "Instrument Rack" functionality - i.e. to be able to Save&Load a set of parallel synths & effects as a single preset. Does anyone know how to achieve this please? I've investigated 3rd-party solutions without much success - "Carla" won't load as a VST on my system (some seemingly unsolvable QtGui error), Bluecat "Patchworks" uses too much CPU for no good reason, and other multi-plugin hosts don't seem to be loadable as plugins themselves. Would be good to know of others. What do other people do to in order to Load&Save a multi-synth setup for exchange between songs? Is there an alternative way of approaching the problem? I will still need to be able to remote control the synth and effects parameters from a MIDI controller. Thanks in advance, Jeremy.
Click-Select in time ruler (rant)
Jeremy Murray-Wakefield replied to Colin Nicholls's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Another option is to deselect "Left Click Sets Now" and get into the habit of only clicking on the ruler when you want to set the NOW time: -
[Monty Python voice:] "Amiga? Luxury! When I were a lad, we'd record our sequences into a UMI Sequencer on a BBC Micro, it'd crash terribly if you deleted any of the fake patterns created by software bugs, losing of all your work! - and we thought we were lucky! But tell that to the kids today? - Will they believe you? No..."
You’re assuming that the controller positions are recorded in the timeline. That’s only true if they are moved during a recorded performance or are hand-drawn in. When used for sound editing however there is no record of their original positions after they are reset. Fortunately it seems like only pitch and mod wheel are reset by Cakewalk, with the rest dependent on what the synth chooses to do with “Reset All Controllers”. The synth is free to ignore it if it so chooses.
Sure. A typical example is where a particular synth preset uses the mod wheel to balance between layers or to set the filter cutoff. Once set, you want it left alone - but pressing Stop slams it back down to zero. Native Instruments Absynth is an example where pressing Stop on some presets can completely change the sound. I'm not sure if it's only CC1 that causes this issue or whether other controller #s are involved.
[Later edit: I thought this was a bug, but apparently this is within spec.] When you press Stop on a MIDI track, the sustain pedal is not released and so external synths will continue to sound if the sustain pedal had been down in that part of the MIDI track. This can of course be mitigated by enabling "Zero Controllers When Play Stops" but surely Sustain Pedal should be a special case that does not require this - even if optionally? It is often not practical to have "Zero Controllers When Play Stops" enabled due to the way some things are set-up. Another solution would be to have a tickable option to send "All Notes Off" on Stop (which curiously is sent to VST synths, non-optionally). In the mean time - to solve my immediate problem - does anyone know if there is a setting in a file anywhere that would either force pedal-up on stop or cause an "all notes off" to be sent? (I've tried "MFX Sustain Fix" from TenCrazy but it has undesireable side-effects).
Indeed. I did a quick test a while back of connecting domestic ground to the USB ground to see if it did anything for USB chatter on the audio. It did - it made it much worse! ?
The scrollwheel does not respect Quick Groups (i.e. using Ctrl+Scrollwheel on Fader/Pan/Send on one of multiple-selected channels). I'm pretty sure this is not deliberate, since the scrollwheel *does* respect normal (non-quick) groups. Observed on: Cakewalk 2021.11 Build 18, 64 bit, Windows 10 21H1 19043.1415
How do I delete extraneous plugins SOLVED
Jeremy Murray-Wakefield replied to Billy86's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Similarly, if I'm on a big purge (not so much these days) I rename VstPlugins to VstPlugins.old and then create a new VstPlugins folder to drag in the ones I like. It's also a good debugging technique if you've got a project that keeps crashing whilst loading. -
How do I delete extraneous plugins SOLVED
Jeremy Murray-Wakefield replied to Billy86's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
- and for those you're not sure you want to completely delete, you can just exclude them with the plug-in manager in the main menu "Utilities". -
HURRAY!! Whilst looking at the properties of a random file today, I was reminded that the Windows file "Properties" dialog box has a "Previous Versions" tab! So I went to master.ins, took a look at it's Previous Versions tab and even though this particular master.ins was made from scratch only a couple of days ago, Windows listed a version of this file from a week ago, just before it got zapped. So I dragged in the version from the dialog onto the desktop, deleted the existing master.ins, and copied the previous version in its place. Sure enough - apart from some inconsequential changes from the last few days - everything is all there! VERY happy now! J.
Well, if you see this has happened, you could make a safety copy of Master.ins, and then open Master.ins in a text editor and investigate whether it is possible to edit it manually to get it back to a good state. For example, if it has a line that says ".Instrume######" you could rename that back to ".Instrument Definitions" to get the information underneath back. Unfortunately, if you open the "Define Instruments and Names" dialog box, the moment you close it (even without making any changes), Cakewalk will write the instrument map that it has in memory over that existing Master.ins file. This means that if for some reason Cakewalk has lost its instrument map in memory, and you then press the "Define..." button to see what's going on, when you close the dialog, Master.ini will be zero'd even if was previously in good shape and Cakewalk just had some kind of hiccup. In my case, this all happened today immediately following a Blue Screen of Death Windows halt, so it's impossible to know exactly what went wrong.
Looking at this some more, it must have got corrupted rather than deleted. If it's completely deleted, then the auto-generated one is MASTER.INS (all caps). I've just deliberately made a corrupt one called mAsTeR.inS and after Cakewalk's auto-sanitisation it retains that capitalisation. Since the (empty) file is called Master.ins (capital "M") then it's reasonable to assume it's contents got corrupted then overwritten. Gosh that's a lot of work down the drain...