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Jeremy Murray-Wakefield

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Everything posted by Jeremy Murray-Wakefield

  1. Does anyone know what this padlock is for? - I don't remember noticing it before...
  2. > Oh and I new exactly what John was talking about when he called a split instrument tack an audio track. That's how I've always thought of them. I think they literally *are* audio tracks - just in a special "mode". If you create a regular audio track and set its input to come from a synth, the track icon changes, the monitor button turns into a Wave Preview button, and the Freeze button becomes linked to the Freeze button on the corresponding MIDI Track. - and vice-versa, if you take the audio track from a split instrument and set its input to your soundcard, the icon changes and the behaviour becomes that of a regular audio track. The same thing happens if you delete the synth that feeds such a track.
  3. > Are these brand new templates or older? Relatively new > What happens if you make a template as a split instrument track? Ha! I did not know that was possible! Interesting: save either one of the pair as a template and on loading, *both* tracks (and synth) get recreated! I've learnt something new today! Thank-you. > Does it also loose the connection? Only time will tell. It never happens straight away, normally on a future session.
  4. Hi John, I think you misread my post ? My personal Track Templates are my go-to sounds, exported from perfectly working Instrument Tracks on existing projects. However, I find these often do not work when I drag them into a new project. When I split them to see what has gone wrong, I find that the Audio Track of the pair has had its input re-assigned from a soundcard input instead of the VST. I fix it (naturally) by simply changing the input to come from the VST output (as it was on the original template, as saved) and then re-pairing the tracks using "Make Instrument Track". My question is basically "Why does this keep happening to my templates?" It's all a bit random. Some are completely fine. Others seem fine for a while and then one day stop working. It's a nightmare if I want to quickly audition my go-to sounds for suitability for a particular project. I'm wondering if some kind of configuration change that one makes in new projects can break existing templates somehow?
  5. Often I find when I drag a track template into my project - one with a MIDI instrument in it - that it is broken and doesn't make any sound. When I execute "Split Instrument Track" it turns out that input to the Audio Track part of it, has been re-assigned to my soundcard, rather than the output of the VST synth that was loaded. I have to re-select the relevant synth as the audio track input, and then execute "Make Instrument Track" to put the instrument track back together again. Am I doing something in Cakewalk which is breaking these Track Templates of mine? Rgds, Jeremy.
  6. Thanks both - someone from NI (on their forum) has now helped me fix this. I'm posting here in case it helps others. It turns out that MIDI Controller 123 (All Notes Off) had somehow gotten assigned in Komplete Kontrol to "Knob 1". Cakewalk (and Ableton Live) broadcasts 123 at level 0, across all MIDI channels when a project stops playing. Assigning Komplete Kontrol's Knob 1 to something sensible, fixed the issue.
  7. Experienced user here. I am finding that after I load sounds in Absynth / FM8 via Komplete Kontrol, and then stop the transport - or even export the track as a track template - the sound suddenly changes. This happens even on brand new empty projects. I can stop this from happening by deleting all the macro Komplete Kontrol controller cc mappings - but I don't understand why Cakewalk is affecting these on Stop. I have got both "Zero Controllers When Play Stops" and "MIDI Event Chase on Play" switched off in preferences and it still happens. I've even got a MIDI Event Filter on the input, allowing only notes through. Any ideas what is causing this? It happens in Ableton Live too. It's driving me mad, and I don't want to have to spent time constantly deleting Komplete Kontrol mappings every time I select a new sound preset.
  8. That would make sense. It reminds me that I've previously had issues with Komplete Kontrol with Ableton Live too. I seem to remember I discovered some kind of bug whereby KK can mis-declare the size of the parameter block that gets saved, and that I found some workaround that involved toggling KK's FX chain window on/off and re-saving. Thanks, you've pointed me in the right direction, I think.
  9. A very common crash (almost once-per-session) on my system is this: I unfreeze (not quick-unfreeze) a virtual instrument that is loaded into NI Komplete Kontrol, and Cakewalk instantly exits. This can happen on any project, new or old. I can't attach a sample project, because on reloading such a project, the problem goes away. i.e. I can save a project immediately before the moment of the crash, and upon reloading and retesting that saved project, the crash does not happen at that same point (although it might do so later on during that session), and so it appears to be a state that isn't captured within the project file. One thing I've noticed is that I've not yet had a crash if I mute the track prior to unfreezing. That might of course just be coincidence. Happy to post this somewhere else, if this is not the right place.
  10. The trouble is that the audio of the effects overlaps, so that won't work (unless I record each one on a seperate track, but that's changing the workflow to a very slow one)
  11. I have a MIDI clip which triggers various spot sound effects at specific points in time. How can I make this clip be unaffected by tempo change? Those effects must be triggered at specific times in H:M:S:F not on specific beats. I've tried all the different time base settings etc for the clip, yet the individual events are always locked to the tempo.
  12. Thanks guys - yes, it's the Snap Offset. They show up unannounced when you create a linked clip and crop the start of it. The new start time of the copy is reflected in the original clip as a Snap Offset.
  13. From time to time I get a little marker line (with a small triangle on the bottom) within my tracks, as outlined in red here: What is that? - and how is it used? (I have no idea what I am doing to cause these to be created). Thanks in advance, Jeremy.
  14. Did John's Mix Recall trick not work for you? - if the tracks are as you describe, it sounds like the best approach.
  15. Not if you visit lingscars.com first.
  16. Yeah I think it could really do with being saved as part of workspaces. I'll not put a feature request in though, I'm sure the backlog has enough in it already, and it's not high priority ?
  17. Other than the mix, in what ways do the projects differ? (are they alternative edits of the same song?)
  18. No, both are on W10 with latest updates - it's still the best performer for me overall, and can normally cope under circumstances where nothing else copes. Ah well. Maybe one day they'll be back ?
  19. Thanks v. much for that; will investigate.
  20. Apologies, I didn't intend to come across so confrontational - it's just that OF COURSE if you set up a project file - in any software application - in a certain way, you can re-use it in future. That's like a Word user saying "I've set all my fonts to a particular style - how can I apply them to other documents?" and someone saying "Well, just base future documents off that one". As stated, the question is how would I load a bunch of meter settings into another project? - that's the nested right-click menu items for Peak Hold / Db range / Peak vs. RMS etc.? - These settings don't appear to be stored as part of the workspace (which surprised me), and they don't seem to be stored in screensets either. Each time I revisit another existing project, I don't want to have to go through what must have been around 30 mouse clicks to set up the meters how I like. It's not a major gripe, I just wondered if it's possible.
  21. ASIO4ALL still performs more reliably, provides better latency, and is more flexible than WASAPI on both my laptops. So why the "DO NOT" in capital letters?
  22. Well, I'd say: The re-installation issue is not a bug. The "problematic time stretching" isn't a bug. You expect a DAW to figure out the tempo from that vocal track?? (seriously?) - and you've got "Follow proj. tempo" ticked with the incorrect tempo assumptions and then you wonder why it's making a hash of it? A feature not having human intelligence, and/or not working the way you want it to work, is not a "bug".
  23. The question isn't clear - what are you trying to do? Simply copy the stereo mix output into another project? Set fader levels in one project to be the same as those in another? Copy all automation from one project into another?
  24. Try installing ASIO4ALL (free download) and after starting cakewalk, go into preferences and set ASIO4ALL as the driver.
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