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Jeremy Murray-Wakefield

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Everything posted by Jeremy Murray-Wakefield

  1. Oh well... It's overwritten with an empty one now. Thanks anyway - I'll be sure to back it up periodically in future. I wonder what zapped it.
  2. I restarted Cakewalk and now suddenly the external MIDI instrument definitions have disappeared - even the built-in default ones. Does anyone know where that "database" lives and how I can recover it? - I put a lot of work into adding my own definitions...
  3. This one isn't driver-related though; the video clearly shows that on Stop, Cakewalk itself fails to send the Note Off to external devices. (actually, that isn't strictly true - it does send a matching note-off, just one minute, thirty-seven seconds later!) This happens regardless of which MIDI output device/driver is in use, in both MME and UWP driver modes. (it even happens if you set the output to Window's own built-in Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth)
  4. If you need anything else @Noel Borthwick, just let me know. Best rgds, J.
  5. Here we go: It only seems to happen when using external MIDI output - so I've attached MIDI-OX to show an example of a stuck note. It happens EVERY time so repeatability is not a problem. Matrix View Stuck MIDI.cwp
  6. You can choose which behaviours you want for each clip: You can set whether the audio is stretched or not: You can set whether the clip is triggered on a beat, or at a specific moment in time:
  7. Sure, I'll do that - and also post a video. Weirdly, when attempting to do this, I got it into state where it repeatedly worked OK (first time ever!) - which is great news, as it means I can debug it a bit, and provide some steps to show both how to make it work and how to make it fail, which will help narrow down the cause. I will post it in a couple of days. Best rgds, Jeremy.
  8. Yeah, it's a bit like what folks say about telescope eyepieces: "Don't keep buying loads of cheap ones, save your money and buy two or three of the very best instead!" Probably worth mentioning that Omnisphere is from THE man who defined the sound of the 1980's - Eric Persing. It's one of those synths where so many presets evoke a deeply emotional response when you hear them. Omnisphere is a class act for sure. It does however have a couple of bizarre licensing conditions: - You cannot use it - even as a tiny component - in any sound packs you sell - You cannot supply your clients with stems of tracks that feature it. That second one is pretty unreasonable IMO as it prevents using it in many TV/Film composing scenarios - crazy!
  9. But unlike real hardware, one can download trials of all the different ones and have a mini synth-fest comparison of them. I think one of the biggest problems is that vendors often don't hire good-enough sound designers to do their presets - and as such don't always show off the instrument to its full potential. I don't need yet another collection of "Square-Wave Lead #2", "Big Polysynth", "Warm Pad" etc. For me, having spent a long time going through all the different options, I settled on Dune from Synapse Audio. It's awesome. It's defining characteristic (for me at least) is that it sounds like hardware: It sounds like a $$$$ synth that needs a huge flightcase. The presets are all excellent - especially those by Kevin Schroeder, so I bought three of his add-on packs. It came as no surprise when I read this in his bio today: "Most recently [Kevin] has programmed the sounds for the motion pictures James Bond 007 - No time to die, Wonder Woman 1984, Top Gun Maverick and the "Dune 2020" remake."
  10. It's encouraging isn't it? i.e. to me at least, it suggests a genuine commitment to updating the app to modern standards.
  11. Yes I know: I was explaining the behaviour to mgustavo - not stating that there was anything wrong with it. ?
  12. Telling someone "You should really learn how to use Google", is never - under any circumstances - 'jovial' - nor was your smiley - which my system identifies as the 'grimacing face' emoji. I'll overlook the obvious call for a pile-on - we're both adults, and I am sure that you are well-aware of how much your contributions are valued by the community. I am happy to accept that you didn't intend to come across in quite the way that you did, so let's move on ? Best rgds, J.
  13. (for those new to this feature, I should point out that in my screenshots the header labelled "Double-click or drag to add section" is actually an empty Arranger Track that I had left open, and has nothing to do with the Tempo Map functionality)
  14. @Noel Borthwick has the Matrix stuck notes issue been formally logged as a bug? The Matrix demonstrably doesn't send matching note-offs when stopped mid-note with the "!" button or by switching cells. It only survives basic use when synced with the transport because the transport blasts all-notes-off to VSTs under stop. External MIDI gear is left with hanging notes under all circumstances. I am assuming that this is a regression, because The Matrix wouldn't have survived even basic smoke testing in the state that it is in at present. If this issue is not currently logged, do you need me to do anything, or write a post (where?) in a particular format in order to get this properly logged? Thanks in advance, Jeremy.
  15. If you look at my screenshot, you will see that my audio clip maintains the same relationship with the tempo map as before. - on playback, it is stretched.
  16. It seems to work fine for me. Here is a (demo) tempo map with a lot of variations in it. Take a close look at the time ruler: Now I offset tempo to go at half speed: - and look at the result: - as you can see, all of the tempo values are halved, and if you look at the ruler, you can clearly see that it takes twice the time to get to the same beats as before. Rgds, J.
  17. I'm on the latest non-early version: 2021.11 of Cakewalk and it's working fine here. You've not said how it isn't working. When the DIM button is pressed in the Mix Panel and you solo a track, what happens? Does it behave like regular solo, or do the solo buttons on tracks have no effect whatsoever?
  18. I think this is awesome - what a great update!! - I wasn't expecting to see such a major refresh of this key feature. Thanks guys!
  19. Is it possible to turn off that behaviour? - I find it annoying (especially if I've accidentally chosen the wrong parameter)
  20. Probably worth noting that you can customise Cakewalk (via Workspaces) to hide the advanced views that you are not interested in using at the beginning.
  21. It sounds like the input channel is mapped to a MIDI controller, and that you've got "Zero Controllers When Play Stops" switched on in project->MIDI preferences: If so, then your solutions are: 1. Untick the "Zero Controllers When Play Stops" option or... 2. Read the documentation for the X-air18 to see if you can unmap that input channel setting from being under MIDI control.
  22. Auto Track Zoom is switched on/off by a menu item in the Track View's "View" drop-down (not the main app menu): As for "Default Track Height" it always shows up as ticked if the current track is currently at the default height. As far as I can tell, the sole purpose of Default Track Height is to set the height for newly-created tracks in the project. (happy to be proved wrong if anyone can show that it does more than this!)
  23. Hi, Is anyone here successfully using the Cakewalk Matrix view and switching between MIDI clips, without getting MIDI notes stuck? - if so, did you need to do anything special to avoid the stuck notes problem? - and one for Cakewalk: is the stuck notes issue being looked at? (it's very easy to reproduce - in fact it seems pretty much impossible to switch clips in the matrix view without stuck notes)
  24. Thanks guys - I've had a play around, and it seems that you're right - that's what it is. > how it got on the main project window I've no idea. It happens when you've got a non-floating view (e.g. Piano View) in the main window. Here is the project non-maximised: When you maximise the piano roll, the padlock appears at top-right of the menu bar strip, next to the workspace selector: > Looks like a bug to me albeit a cosmetic one. Well - certainly if you flip to the main window and back, it disappears. Some other UI refreshing operations kill it off too: Interesting - I had not heard about Locked Views before, so thanks for that! ? Best rgds, Jeremy.
  25. You got the answer wrong. Are you always this rude and arrogant? Does anyone else know the (correct) answer?
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