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Everything posted by tom

  1. Oh great! Always thought Native meant ProTools only ? Saturator looks very interesting
  2. Are these Pro Tools only?
  3. Great thanks (yeah meant with Neural sorry), will try Nolly
  4. What’s the best amp to buy for good distortion but not metal, more alt rock crunch?
  5. On some plugins, the previous versions sound different, i.e Navy is different sounding between v1 and v2 and so some might prefer earlier. Mainly though it’s to keep backwards compatibility on older sessions. On most, the sampling has stayed the same throughout versions so same sound, it’s just techniques and optimisation improved
  6. Giancarlo just announced on gearslutz that he’s completely overhauling the license transfer system to make it easier and cheaper to transfer. Amazing news!: “Moved by these requests and these observations, today I called an emergency meeting and involved the whole team. We came to the conclusion that it is not right to wait until next year to have a solution, and I was promised to have a completed development before the end of the year. The idea that we came up with is to allow free movement for a finite number of licenses for each person before moving on to the classic mechanism. Next year, instead of deleting this system, we will extend it by replacing the previous classic mechanism, allowing for real trading on our marketplace, with the lowest possible fee, and it will have nothing to do with the one we have now. But the mechanism I am talking about would allow you to solve immediately the sale of products that you are not using, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COSTS. I talked at length with everyone and convinced them of the need to have a finite number of licenses with a free transfer and WITHOUT costs. Acustica goes from having the worst method of having the best method!“
  7. I'll demo it of course but really don't need another channel strip, they have so many now!
  8. Yeah I can’t use on a mix without freezing tracks as I go but worth it imo
  9. Bought! I have way too many delay plugins but couldn’t resist, this is special
  10. This! I’m at the stage where I’d be happy selling all my acquas and sticking with N4 libraries. Acquas are great too it’s just I always reach for TimP or Cupwise libraries etc., just that extra bit special. downside is they’re a pain to work with so I use blue cat patchwork to make life a bit easier as it remembers window positions when I have a stack of instances that make up the sound in a library if only selling acquas didn’t leave me way worse off !
  11. tom

    Klevgränd skaka

    Just demoed and yeah Skaka does everything I want. Thanks for the info, purchasing!
  12. tom

    Klevgränd skaka

    Been meaning to get Shimmer Shake Strike for ever but price put me off, maybe I’ll go for this!
  13. Yeah it’s great. I’m still awed by this free Klon plug-in emu. Not many people talking about it but working really well for me on a couple of tracks, using it instead of The Scream by cytomic as that’s been causing CPU overload: https://github.com/jatinchowdhury18/KlonCentaur/releases
  14. Bug confirmed by developer in his YouTube channel but yeah Nembrini issue still happening. Also serious problems with DibiQuadro guitar amp. Maybe I have a configuration issue in my Reaper setup
  15. These sound nice and remind me of the also free on github ChowTape - https://github.com/jatinchowdhury18/AnalogTapeModel - and also their excellent Klon emu. Bug for me however: closing and opening GUI in Reaper and all dials revert to default.
  16. IR Loader doesnt seem to remember loaded IRs after session closed and opened again (Reaper, Windows 10). Anyone else seeing that behaviour?
  17. Thanks Toffo, yeah I've been meaning to purchase a better amp sim for a while and its either S-Gear or Neural DSP at this point. I might take a punt at this price on Neural
  18. I want to up my game from Amplitube that just sounds a bit flat, are Neural DSP considered the best amp sims?
  19. Demo is really nice but I have Diva which I guess can do all of it??
  20. Hmm will watch this as I just cannot get this plugin to do anything useful
  21. Kind of similar no? Gulfoss rebalances the audio and so does DSEQ? Not exactly the same of course but I reach for either if I’m trying to control things a bit
  22. I think I'm preferring DSEQ, it’s great for taming resonances and repairing stuff.
  23. Just demo'd it on Drum buss and a few instruments and I don't really get it. Complicated and makes things sound just a bit weird. Clearly I need to read the manual but I don't know if I can be bothered, seems hard to dial in something good. Somebody mentioned it was great for mastering so maybe I'm using it wrong. Think it will be a pass though
  24. live cast happening now. Seems to be some kind of compounder
  25. tom

    Acustica Coupon

    Mine says I received as I owned another Studio DMI series plugin from Acustica (El Rey). Just heads up that it might only be valid if user already owns one. We’ll soon find out I guess!
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