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Everything posted by tom

  1. Just to confirm that you need the full N4 commercial edition for these to work, not the free N4 player. His compressors are the best imo even compared to all the acquas. RA6 for tons of character as well as Sum100. Opto3a and U76 for great LA2A/3A and 1176 emulations. Actually can’t go wrong with any of it, tapes are amazing and best ITB distortion is SCS power distortion
  2. Pretty niche market but if anyone owns Acustica Nebula, Tim Petherick has released a new transient EQ library with intro price https://www.timpetherick.co.uk/downloads/smteq/
  3. I mean some people may massively disagree but I was very impressed fwiw ?
  4. This is really good. I have gullfoss but actually preferring the extra control I have with this
  5. just get a trial of this to work has been such a nightmare that I gave up. Even at 9.99, the trial alone pissed me off enough to sack the whole thing off
  6. I have have MAutoDynamicEQ that has analog modelling and saturation. What is different here, just that you can draw your own curves? Not sure how needed that is really. Does this bring something else apart from that
  7. Great, that’s exactly what I wanted to know thanks! It’s SSS that I will wait for, their pattern generator thing is great
  8. Need a good percussion library and been waiting for Shimmer Shake Strike to go on sale as I’ve demo’d and is perfect. Any comparisons to this library? Anyone own and recommend?
  9. Oh I didn’t get that. Will email them. Thanks for heads up
  10. Looks like Cream interface, which I already own. Is it similar hardware? Quite expensive unfortunately, will save for unisum instead
  11. Even sale price is crazy. So just GUI change or any change to engine as these are ancient now. Do they still stand up? Always wanted them but never saw a good price
  12. Yeah their support is one of the downsides to Acustica. Lag is not an issues in the latest core updates for me, now it’s finally possible to sweep the EQs. I’m a huge Acustica fan but funnily Taupe was never a big hit with me, didn’t have that option to drive it as well as IK tapes and I like all the options in the IK ones (IK tapes are a mix of algo and dynamic sampling so best of both). Larry has inspired me to A/B them again though!
  13. This is getting nothing but supreme praise over at gearslutz. Just a little expensive for me but sounds like an investment
  14. Can’t get the demo of this to run whatever I do. Ilok says redemption limit reached. Tried izotope and plugin boutique but trial serial number is same on both. I guess at this price no real need to demo
  15. Are you doing it on mobile? That’s where I had problem so reset password on desktop. Just a thought
  16. yeah thats what i was getting, I had to re-set my password.
  17. Great, been meaning to finish the collection by getting Kotelnikov GE. For some reason I’ve been locked out of my account there, does SPRING2020 code work on it too for extra discount?
  18. Yeah ive come around and now really like his plugins. Konsol has a great tone and transformer crunch too it. I use them also as placeholders for my Acustica plugins which are too CPU intensive. In final mix down I reach for Acustica to replicate the sound but don’t always need to as they sound decent
  19. He got banned? Weird. So are his apps worth going for or one to avoid?
  20. You have to write something meaningful in the forum to be eligible (this is going to be hard, I'm shallow af) and if you participate in the forum every day for a week you get Wusik 8008 modular synth free too apparently. Pretty generous!
  21. https://www.acustica-audio.com/pages/specials/the-pun
  22. Not sure if already mentioned https://www.arturia.com/make-music#en
  23. Yeah it was this, thanks
  24. weird, I didnt get any. Anything I'm supposed to do?
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