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Everything posted by tom

  1. tom

    HorNET Doln

    Yeah it is and flaky as hell at the moment, best to wait a few iterations
  2. SKNote AnyTesla is my goto for Transformers, love the sound of that thing (but it can't be pushed too hard). True Iron is great too, different flavours and can be pushed so I'm happy now I've got both. I demoed Saturn 2 quickly but didn't gel with the sound of it, maybe I need to try again!
  3. Finally true iron will be mine! I’ve been waiting for this moment like the cheap ***** I am ? EDIT: bought! And it’s 50% off including the already $10 offf promotion so got it for $20. Steal!
  4. tom

    songWish reMidi

    I really like this app, it’s a sampler for midi files and I can remix a midi chord progression or melody very easy. Really fun and not much else like it but to get to next level it really needs independent editing of each slot. Currently if i adjust start time it affects all the other slices which is very annoying. A lot of other minor changes and things ironed out and this would be really great
  5. Yeah I had to get money back on Harvest as just didn’t work properly in reaper and windows. Went back and forth with Dev but I don’t think he was that interested in fixing so I decided to get out. Just a warning
  6. Unisum really is very good. They had a long time away from developing I believe which is why all previous plugins are 32bit
  7. Link just goes to a page of code and weirdly same if I just put in root address. Is that because I’m outside of US or something?
  8. Yeah instachord is great. Takes a while to understand the layout but after that I find it intuitive and fun to use. I don’t have scaler 2 but have a a few Ableton ones and I prefer Instachord There was a better deal at Christmas when WA sold this with instascale and a bunch of other midi tools they have for less than $9
  9. Pain to install but worth it. This sounds really really good. Great amp sim with tons of tweakablity
  10. Yeah for me, all Tim Petherick libraries outclass Acquas and I have nearly all of them now but they are an adjustment to my workflow, which isnt for everyone. I use Bluecat patchwork so each instance in a Comp or EQ opens up stacked up each time I open. I freeze tracks a lot when using N4 and AA plugins, too much of a CPU killer otherwise
  11. Demo Modula first if anyone considering. I love Acustica and N4 but Modula is the one product that just does not make sense. Adds a layer of complexity just not needed.
  12. Will have to email as I bought it like 4 days ago
  13. If you’re outside US you need to use a VPN
  14. They really screwed early adopters on this, shameful. Told them they were getting Modula at special intro price of $699 with full price reverting to $999. Many bought even though buggy as hell and even when they already had the 3 included Aqua plugins, only for them to drop price to $599 and now this for $99! (minus any acquas plugins yes but those aquas are always on sale for around 60Euros each). I'm a fan of AA but this was low. There's a lot of anger out there towards Acustica at the moment and totally justified
  15. so I bought the upgrade from WG Jr to White Grand and its showing in my order history but nothing is showing in my downloads, do we have to wait for orders to be approved manually?
  16. Yes totally, it’s a great utility plugin. Download demo, no time limit on it
  17. Great for removing HiHat bleed on drum stems and similar. I just bought Big Beautiful Door from Boz that takes idea to next level
  18. Yeah thats right, Ive used Nebula for years and absoultely love it but it takes a workflow adjustment. I use Bluecat patchwork to store Nebula instances and it allows me to recall them in the correct order in a session with the windows open as i set them. Its a steep learning curve but for that analog sound ITB its unbeatable. If you do go for it, the Compressors to get are Tim Petherick who has a 20% sale on currently https://www.timpetherick.co.uk/ as well as Cupwise. AlexB for consoles and EQs. Its a rabbit hole! Do your research but I can never go back. Due to latency and CPU usage though, when Im writing I use stock plugins and then Neb for mixing
  19. Demoing Big Beautiful Door, excellent on Live drum stems for de-bleeding. Anyone have it cheaper? Not on JRR or Audiodeluxe
  20. can't seem to get realtime and offline settings to stick with this update, anyone else? Refresh rate and size is fine EDIT: Nevermind, had only VST2 installed so Installed VST3 version too and seemed to work OK after a DAW restart
  21. tom

    Ripchord 2.2

    I managed to import a midi file that was full of single notes and chords badly played (by me) and it recognised them fine including single notes and lay them out across the keyboard. I was very impressed
  22. tom

    Blue Cat ReHead

    Interested to know how they all compare, please report back!
  23. tom

    Ripchord 2.2

    Midi file importer is great. What’s new in this version, can’t see a list?
  24. If you like Neve EQs, demo Gold, I love it as a colour EQ on guitars and Drums. So many flavours. I find the comp on it hard to dial in though
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