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Lynn Wilson

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Everything posted by Lynn Wilson

  1. Michael, your inner Bon Jovi is coming through in your voice. This is a fine production and song, and I believe that it reflects the growth I've been hearing from you guys over the last few years. Well done!
  2. Lynn Wilson


    Nigel, your words are much appreciated! Like you, I've been trying to stay busy during these trying times. Thank God for music!
  3. Lynn Wilson


    Thank you very much for your time and reply! I'm glad you like the middle section, as it was fun to do.
  4. I love the title of this song. It reflects how I feel at the beach Otherwise, the mix is solid, but I think you could be a bit more adventurous with the drums (as you have the word beatz in your moniker). Overall, well done.
  5. Lynn Wilson


    Thanks, mate! Attitude is all I have these days... Thanks for your time and kind words. Your turn, now!
  6. Wow, you guys keep upping the ante! Terrific in all respects. I especially like the lyrics and drums. Keep it up!
  7. I like the way you keep finding new rooms in that mansion of yours! You're in uncharted territory, and I'm happy to be along for the ride.
  8. Lynn Wilson


    Kurt, this is the kind of music that I listened to when I was studying theory, back in the day. I like your guitar work and mix which has a lot of breathing room and good dynamics. The drums are well mixed, too, but I'm not sure they match the rest of the arrangement as well as they could. I'm not a drummer so take that with a grain of salt. I believe a slight uptick on them would make this mix stellar. Hope you don't mind.
  9. Good video and good mix. The intensity comes through very well, though, it may mask the message a bit. It does match the mood I've been in at times, lately.
  10. Kenny, I like this very much, and I think you nailed the production! "Dance to the music" indeed!
  11. "Take me on a trip upon your magic, swirling ship, all my senses have been stripped, ..." I may have to move to Oregon to hear this properly someday. Great head music!
  12. Lynn Wilson


    Daryl, thanks a million! I had a lot of fun transposing my vocal scatting up an octave. It gave the song an almost trumpet like feel (to my ears). Bjorn, I always appreciate your ears and time and kind words! Wookie, thanks for your replies and kind words about the wah wah. It's done in TH-U, one of their better presets.
  13. Lynn Wilson

    Doo Dah

    Well done, Mark! The combination of beats and textures is very pleasing. I love this style of music when it's as well done as this. The cello is just right!
  14. Douglas, this is a terrific song and production. You've captured the sound and feel of an era of music that is sorely missed. Thanks for providing the details of your recording, as it shows what can be done in the box with CW. Keep it up!
  15. Lynn Wilson


    Kurt and Douglas, thanks so much for your feedback!
  16. Hi, John. Try making a template with it loaded in each track. Or, group select all channels and insert while holding Ctrl.
  17. Lynn Wilson


    Hello to all my CW friends! I just finished this song in honor of my wife's birthday. As always, I'm looking for your comments and suggestions. Thanks in advance! It can be found here: https://soundclick.com/r/s8f4fm
  18. Terrific! I love unpredictability, and this has it. I have to listen some more.
  19. Wow! This is one of your best songs that I've ever heard. Your productions skills are catching up with your songwriting skills. I love the delay and hugeness of this song, which compliments your terrific vocals. Congrats!
  20. The free convolution reverb in Melda is fantastic and CPU friendly.
  21. Outstanding! Excellent panning and a surprise ending. Eerily haunting which is perfect for this time of year and history. At this end, it's clear as a harp/bell.
  22. You're doing more than nothing, my friend! This is one of your better ones. It's inspiring.
  23. I like this version (#3), and I especially enjoy hearing your voice. You always seem to be bursting with fresh ideas and new songs- you're hard to keep up with. Keep it up!
  24. Barry, this is a terrific song that's just a hair from being stellar mix-wise. You've got the clarity down pretty well. All elements are easy to hear and are in the right place. What I'm missing is "body". There's a thinness as if too many low frequencies have been shaved off by a hi-pass EQ. The latest version of CW has a ton of good presets in the quad EQ in the PC, which might be a good starting point if you're interested. Not to worry, your songwriting is as sharp as ever, and your music is a pleasure to hear!
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