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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. BX-TOWN-4999 https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_townhouse_buss_compressor.html
  2. 'exclusive mode' - When adding node - All "selected tracks" will have nodes added. If you select from the timeline this will happen. Sometime I select from the timeline between markers, then I click the track to de-select all other tracks to add nodes only on that track.
  3. Many times I have to freeze tracks (need more CPU) and unfreeze them to edit and refreeze them. It's a pain, but it works.
  4. Nice song Kevin. Yes I agree - your vocals have a nice pop-rock sound to them. Great song too. I think the lead vocal could use a tiny more lows. I hope someone else will chime in. Not sure where, and not very much. And just to say - It sounds nice the way it is. I know what you mean about years! Some people just pop songs out left and right. I'm worse than you. I'm embarrassed to say how long I have been working on several songs!
  5. Very nice. Vocals sit in the mix just right. Less reverb on the guitar and bring it out a tiny bit. Words are really good too!! Mix and performance is very good.
  6. There is so much stuff going on I can't believe it! Amazing! I like the intro/buildup - each new sound one step to the goal - full sound section. If that it you on guitar, I'm amazed. Great sound nice playing. The percussion is super crisp. You got to tell us how you did the percussion tracks. Nice ending too.
  7. Did you find the button to send keystrokes to the plugin? It is a little keyboard icon in the top right of window next to the pin icon. I have a few plugins I have to use this on.
  8. I have Poise and Sitala too. I can't believe they are both still free. Glad you like them. Haven't seen the video - thanks for posting it. I'll look at it after while.
  9. Sorry to not get back with you any sooner. My wife has been sick - dealing with that. I can not find the track. I think it has something to do with having one track soloed while freezing another track pointed to an aux. Or freezing at a time where cakewalk is in an unstable conditon (midi tools lose function) I have been trying to duplicate - but unable to (Except the midi tools This song has to be reopened every once in a while when editing midi. After a period of time working on the song, the midi editing tools are unable to select notes. It s a large project - I think that is part of the problem too. The track could have been frozen when cakewalk was in this unstable state - when the midi tools quit functioning. I could send it to you to see if you can figure anything out with it. (ADDED - This is the same project that the AUX was silent) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-NP5wSVf8LhsmxgmuV--voafkSUXPSPo/view?usp=sharing Thanks, Max Arwood
  10. I do projects on this size range all the time. I have seen one time that this happened to me about a year ago. I ended up creating a clean project and copying them a few at a time to the new project. Never seen this since then. I don't think it is a limit thing, I think it is possible a glitched/damaged file. Not sure other than you should have named the folder #14 not #13 LOL!!!
  11. The track that was silent was a frozen VSTi pointed to an AUX track. I simply unfroze and refroze it and all was well. Still don't know how or when it happened.
  12. Just wondering why?? Has it always been this way? I don't remember having them on before.
  13. Ok I’ll. Get it too you as soon as I can. Thanks.
  14. I have not use aux tracks much. I have a habit of not using new features till they have been out for a good while. I started using aux track a little lately. I have a project that the aux tracks keeps going dead. No sound at all. All the ins and outs are set up correctly. The aux tracks were just fine until I saved and reopened the file. When it was reopened is when I noticed that the tracks sounds were missing. Not just 1 aux but several aux tracks not working. Any Ideas about what could have caused this?? Has anyone else ever had this happen to you? Thanks
  15. Don't know it it is ok to spam here? I hope this is not really spam. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Neumann-U-87Ai-Microphone-w-Neumann-Shock-mount-case-Large-Diaphragm-Condenser/293766560692 Don't know if anyone is interested. I hate to part with one of my favorite mikes but things have been really slow in the studio. It is in near perfect condition. If this needs to be posted somewhere else please le me know. Max Arwood
  16. Thanks for the presets! I also want to thank you for all the hard work you did on MenuMagic Plug-in Manager! It is a great piece of add on software.
  17. Don't know why these are locked. But other software like Kontakt allows this, and it is very useful.
  18. Final Draft as another "View" in Cakewalk would be great on each track to note info about that section. "scook - Could also abuse the Arranger to tag section of the timeline" Simple notes would work I guess. Extended text in markers just ends up being a blur when you are zoomed out. I would like to put post-it noted all down several complex tracks LOL!!!
  19. Finally after years of doing this differently - I just assigned one of my audio channels to computer sounds and another output to Cakewalk. That was I can do both at the same time. I also have another channel set up for Samplitude. That way I can keep all three on and live with no suspending of the audio driver.
  20. Still need a quick way to get from envelope editing back to clip select.
  21. Thanks for all the suggestions! Going to demo a few.
  22. I have several 7506 's and they are my favorite. I have some expensive Sennheiser's but I use the Sony's most of the time. I just replaces the pads on the pair I wear the most, but they are 20+ years old!
  23. I did not like the demo on the 7506's Enabling EQ compensation was at least 2db louder that without. The software might be good - know anything about it
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