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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. It not just VSL its Kontakt (some libraries), Omnisphere and others. Reset controllers on stop could have check boxes and allow us to pick which controllers to be reset. That would enhance the reset to be more functional. (Just be sure they [sustain-lol] reset) Max Arwood
  2. O just bounced another Trillian track it was fine. Seems to be project related. Ill try removing and reinstalling trillian to see if that would help.
  3. 57Gregy: If you freeze with stuck notes on they are still stuck. msmcleod: Is there a way to add global pedal off to space bar stop as an option?? Or some way I can program it? Thanks, Max Arwood
  4. Over lapped midi notes and clips can have strange behaviors sometimes. You could try recording it on another track. Then you could move it or merge it into the other track. Or you could just leave it there. Max Arwood
  5. It sounds like a engine stall. These are caused by dropouts. If the buffers are to small the computer will keep playing with no sound for a short amount of time to feed data into the cache. Once it is fill the sound will restart. It is a complex problem that many people struggle with. It could by caused by: CPU not fast enough Disk not fast enough Computer not configured for audio production Hardware or software not running smoothly (misconfigured) Soundblaster or other non professional sound card not able to handle latency Bad memory chip......... And the list goes on and on! The first and probably the easiest thing to do is just keep moving the latency slider up till it stops. Then you can download Latency monitor: https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon That should get you started. Max Arwood
  6. Is there some way to key bind the sustain pedal up globally to the space bar. That way with I press space to stop to pedal will lift on all channels will stop ringing. I know when I use space to start a song it might make the 1st few notes different. This will only till a pedal press is encountered. Max Arwood
  7. It plays just fine un-frozen I did not rewind before I froze it. Trying that right now. Wow that's it! I've never had to do that before on any soft synth. I just bounce them. Never had a problem whether I froze from the Synth, the midi or the audio/instrument track or worry where the cursor was. Thanks to davet, at least I know a work around. I would still call it a bug. Does yours 1/2 bounce if your cursor is in the middle of the song? Thanks!! Max Arwood
  8. I just noticed tonight. I use my thumb for the space bar and where it rest is right below the N key! I turned it off and locked it out and all is well. Thanks, Max Arwood
  9. I have that too. I get stuck noted all the time in Kontakt 4,5,6 Might be even older versions, I can't remember. My work around has been to put a volume envelope at the front of the track. Then I drop the volume to 0 for a measure. Most of the notes will be gone by then. I've tried setting this and that, nothing seems to help. Your saying just set it to 120 and all is good? If not please put me on the list to be notified if someone finds the cure. Max Arwood
  10. We are not talking about a measure - it is 37+ measures late. I unfroze it and refroze it - still 37+ measures late. Already up to date. TrilianSoftware1.4.5d Soundsources1.0.1 Patches1.4.9d Max Arwood
  11. Measure 2 I could try further. Thanks, Max Arwood
  12. Trilian midi runs the entire track - Frozen audio starts in the middle. 1/2 missing Shifted back. This has happened a few times. (EDIT - Unfrozen it plays fine.)
  13. Hum - Yes it does. I guess I could be bumping it. Thanks, Max Arwood
  14. Am I doing something wrong? I keep looking up and the snap keeps getting engaged. Why? I looked and there is no hot key assigned to it. Thanks, Max Arwood
  15. I never knew this. I tried several times tonight. It didn’t work I thought. Why? The problem is - the map properties window was hidden below the prv all these years ThIs window should float to the top of the prv right? Fortunately it does stay where you put it. I had pictured it as a long column popping up below the drum name. The window thing is fine. Thanks for the tip. Max Arwood
  16. Years, no -I am familiar with CTRL+Shift. Have you never wanted to correct the name on a mislabeled note in PVR instead of going to the Drum Map manager? I the drum map manager does need some work, but I this quick edit from the PRV would be nice. I should save time. Click a button by that key or note name and it could pull up one record from the Map manager for that note with cells for that record. Click the close button, then the window closes and the map manager is updated. Max Arwood
  17. Thanks, but I already know this method of Envelope editing. Sometimes it is a long way to drag the cursor. When it is a long song, it is difficult to get it to stop in the exact point you want. Thanks, Max Arwood
  18. Why isn't the Drum map editor not built into the PRV? You could click a plus sign by the notes track(Piano Key) to expand the info from the drum map and be able the edit it there. Have you ever just wanted to rename the drum map instrument name in the PRV?
  19. That would make envelope volume and other edits much faster. Like Alt-click or CTRL-click could add 2 nodes close together. Max Arwood
  20. 1) Have you ever wanted to turn off all the sends on a track?? Like turning off several reverbs on a track to hear it dry? 2) Have you ever wanted to put a group manager group on 2 track effects to compare them? Or compare groups of effects on a tracks or a bus in one click? Max Arwood
  21. No, the best way is to learn the plugin manager. You are going to want to sort plugins by category. Make folders like (Choose you own titles) Most used, Reverbs, Compressors, EQs, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Special effects, Distortion, Vintage, Saturation etc. When you get this set up you fill be glad you did, If you don't know FX chains, this would be the second thing to set up. Max Arwood
  22. The only ones I use all the time are Pro Q3 and Saturn 2. Q3 in every project-not on tracks just buses. In Q3 you have some options you can change to lower CPU usage. Manual says Q3 is more efficient than Pro Q and Pro Q2. If I didn't have Q3 I would use Waves Q10 or Renaissance Eq then Melda or Waves for the dynamic EQ. Max Arwood
  23. Oh my bad, sorry User 905133 - I did not change it so I just thought it was still on MME. Thanks msmcleod for reshowing me the right answer! Thanks, Max Arwood
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