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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. Cheers Nigel What you working on
  2. Cheers T, I'm going through a uninspired patch lol
  3. they still want full price for this mastering comp, it thought to good to be true https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/shadow_hills_class_a_mastering_comp.html
  4. Tried out my new audio booth which does the job nicely. Tried a couple of new plugins, I'm liking the fundamental bass, its a decent plugin.
  5. Some good free software here, i used the vocoder triggered by midi, works a treat and they got some nice little free plugins. https://tal-software.com/products
  6. whoisp

    Awakening My Soul

    Cheers B, im getting into my pushing drum beats and bass at the moment, working on another one, they great for me to review when im out on mountain bike, if they keep me going up the hills i know they ok haha
  7. I worked as a sound engineer for ITV and been in quite a few film and music studios. They all have different gear and were told by "them" to get this or that. Many studios etc bought gear the shop basically wanted to get rid off because they get stuck with old stock etc Speakers will last forever if your not pumping them over 70% all the time. People now go crazy over old gear, especially valve or and pre amps. Here is my ten bobs worth. We train our ears to what ever we are using and only notice a difference when we compare. We can only hear 20 Hz to 20 kHz when we was probably under 30. Everyone listens to music we produce on different headphones and speakers (*Audio equipment) so how does our system effect that, it doesn't its our ears. I know people with great gear that can't mix, produce and ear for sh*t. Get what works for you, what your ears like and can separate ranges to mix and master the way you want. Its like musicians some prefer a fender over a Gibson. Some of the best will only mix and master with headphones and not separate amps and speakers or monitors. Whatever system you change to will take time to train your ears to the end product, so get something your happy with and then you'll be happy.
  8. whoisp

    Awakening My Soul

    I always spend quite a bit of time on programming beats, updating with improvements when I'm mixing and getting the right sound design. I normally separate my drums with, tops (hi hat, crash & ride etc) so i can EQ, then mids (snare toms etc) track for fills and kick the same with EQ compression etc but i will have 2 or 3 separate drum fx tracks running parallel for ambience, noise, impacts etc and any other samples as might run a sub with kick or industrial thud.
  9. whoisp

    Awakening My Soul

    This was free, click plugins and they do a few more VST3 freebies https://tal-software.com/products/tal-vocoder
  10. Love the song but im always a funny one for people do covers...
  11. nice mellow vibe you have, tight mix
  12. whoisp

    Too Much

    solid mix, ive been looking at vocal trips which would help with your vocals. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/trchiccarelli/ https://www.overloud.com/products/voice
  13. digging the mixture of a old school vibe
  14. ive noticed Decapitator is £120 cheaper now at £39 just one of those plugins you can use in any chain. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/44-Saturation/1801-Soundtoys-Decapitator-Analog-Saturator?nosto=deals-page-nosto
  15. SSL Native Vocalstrip 2 - Solid State Logic, i had a look at the guys review but seems limited , ive heard ist going for £20 soon on Plugin Boutique! stuff ive tested i can already do with what i have, maybe im looking for something i like has we all have different voice https://store.solidstatelogic.com/plug-ins/ssl-native-vocalstrip-2 demo here
  16. Yes, i follow you on them all. So many people on this forum you think would do each other a favour and follow on Youtube etc which obviously to help ranking exposure. I think many are old school and don't understand how it works though to be fair. I don't push any of my platforms yet and i should have but been busy with everything else. Unfortunately lets face it, YouTube, Facebook and Spotify want money is the reality for adds. You can manually push with social media groups etc but like you say hard work. I think the best way is doing a live video everyday and talking bollox about something, people seem to like that haha
  17. Thats why i bang quick videos together and put it all on YouTube and/or facebook and share. Soundcloud had its day, people more Spotify and itune if not on youtube for free music
  18. Its come a bit of a minefield hosting music for feedback, cakewalk forum, Bandlab, Facebook, YouTube, slaps and twitter etc.
  19. i get carried away sometimes with production so it could be me was expecting a few more things on fire ahah. You have some great triggers, it stands out to me something like the lyric "war drums" which welcomes in a fuller drum beat to kick in on that bit, which is clever production sometimes but works. The great lead guitar at the ends when you hang off the notes, i would try automation with delay or maybe more reverb only on theose notes noit through all the lead guitar, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
  20. When you say "war drums" i was expecting some war drum beat to come in a push instead of the same 4/4, just an idea, not a criticism. I think on some of the cymbals clashes i would try and hit the kick at same time has clash to give it more thud, maybe. The breaks with the rhythm riff, i probably give it a bit more crunch saturation because its the weapons of war that need some destruction i think. On the lead solo at end all the backing instruments stay the same level and panning, i would swish or wave them about, maybe give some width (EQ) so lead comes down the middle to give more dynamics, again maybe bit more destruction sound on lead guitar and maybe its begging for tad of delay, which you could automate when you hang off those notes because that's a great led work and some great lyrics. So maybe worth bit more experimental on production.
  21. whoisp

    Awakening My Soul

    Cheers thanks a lot Nigel, bit of a writing blank at moment
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