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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. Yes that's sort of what i describe. Click on "view" in drop down then select piano view to write midi or right click track and select view and in drop down then select piano view piano view... write all midi in there. Don't forget only about one octave on keyboard is drums mapped from maybe C3 to C5 on keyboard or in midi view. Once you write your drums (drum edit track) then you split them up into 3 tracks to eq. You see all the views on image attached
  2. Cheers, stuck and my latest song, needs a female singer
  3. Its hard to understand what you saying. Sounds like you want a kick track, snare with toms track and tops (cymbals) track is the reality to EQ. Create 3 tracks call one kick, one snare (or mids and one tops. Duplicate the complete midi score or loop you have to the 3 tracks or copy and paste on 3 tracks. Delete everything less kick for kick track, delete everything less snare and so on. To edit the midi view piano roll. For midi select all inputs or your midi controller but if you write midi in the DAW (piano view or step seq) it doesn't matter about input as sounds like your instrument is addictive drums 2 and output is set as master which is sound card or audio device unless you route through a drum room bus. I will work with my media panel and plugin panel open on the right of my work space which you can collapse when working on track. I will create a folder in the media folder view Audio library and midi library for each project. I added a screen grab, on the right you will see media view and i can drag drop either way, into project or out of project to keep master edits or changes or ideas and basic things i always need etc. Hope one thing helps you
  4. I only use TH3 and the boos multi FX peddle i have in studio haha You can add some FX to the track over TH3 and pretty much get any sound you want or close, however there's never a substitute for a cry baby
  5. You got a link so i can repay the favour
  6. yes, you need 1000 subscribers at least
  7. Is it all about the money? So if you have a digital distribution, example like DistroKid, you can distribute your music everywhere and receive some type of royalty, is the idea. However, YouTube you must have a least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year. Once you reach that, you can apply to YouTube's Partner Program and monetize your channel. Until then, YouTube list your music under your Artist name followed by - Topic and will say something like Provided to YouTube by DistroKid. Here's the thing, YouTube pick up all the advertising royalties for all your music until you get 1000 subscribers. Given there is over 1000 subscribers on this forum, why don't we all subscribe to each other channel so we each get a royalty and not YouTube? Can we all add our channel here (i will then update a list) and all make a effort to like each others channel? We help each other with cakewalk and bugs so why not with our channels? Here's my channel follow me i follow you, let me know! https://www.youtube.com/whoisp
  8. always best to wait a couple of years for most of the bugs to go
  9. ive updated, however i used the wrong mix in video, used the beta lol, its the same structure but the spoken/rap part vocal on final mix as TDR Molotok parallel compression behind the vocal that gives it more aggression and excitement . It's best parallel compression free plugin ive used by a long way
  10. Thank you, full extended version is now up, top of page.
  11. The middle 8 guitar as taken it to a new level and its really caused me a problem if to extend it... Its current;y about 4mins but there's a extra minute in there easy, actually now sounds too short which is odd.
  12. Cheers freddy, should finish it this week.
  13. Cheers Steve, ive had a tidy on the spoke/sing/rap type section as much of its ben jamming to work on structure. Still tweaking production a long the way but I'm really unsure to go back into a singing verse followed by the sort of short chorus or just extend the last bit, keep it pumping and go nutz haha P
  14. still might do another verse or make middle 8 longer, i jammed with it and ended up thinking i got better idea haha
  15. The crazy electric FX sound is with sustain verb/delay (cakewalk stock) on a saturation distortion (cakewalk stock) with compression to bring harmonics out playing a copper finger slide on a strat. The simple riff guitar at start is plucking two strings together with compression and Verb on the Cakewalk TH3, all stock plugins less the Compression Autoformer i used. I love sound design, it gives me more ideas when im making sounds for production. I record my vocals, guitars and bass round -12 and never go over -9 so i get a warmer sounding recording so it doesn't feel stressed. I always think its about finding a sound you like and we normally like other peoples sounds more than our own. Phil
  16. haha i feel much better about it now. I'm unsure if the intro into fist verse was ok, sort of then felt a bit lazy, so i went mad to spice it up haha and i was going to go back into a verse and then end but i think i should keep it driving, maybe needs another minute. Cheers mark, maybe i should just JAme or end it like the bit at 2min10ish with the riff.
  17. This is the UPDATE from the link on BandLab _ The mix is now finished and extended, enjoy the middle 8 lol
  18. It's tough when you use certain gear that is unsupported. Do you change your gear or DAW. If you start off with cakewalk then i guess you make sure the gear works in cakewalk.
  19. Check what your mic is plugged into, i.e. hardware chain. Does mic go direct in audio card or a FX peddle first or some type of mixer or pre amp with FX. Direct input to audio card, on your mic track, you select your input channel in cakewalk then make sure you have no reverb FX on that track or your master pro channel. If you can hear verb when your speaking into mic, its either your hardware or software chain.... screen grabs help
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