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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. Nice plug "Living in a Matrix with propaganda signs" - Whoisp?
  2. Hopefully shes out for Christmas, she had the op last night and went well. Yes i have a varied influences like Bowie, Floyd, Sting, Lennon, Hendrix, Marley but i do listen to everything from 80s onwards to modern day, i have more favourite songs than artists, there is so many, where would i start given i have like hundred album's i like haha
  3. We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year I guess everyone should know who wrote that
  4. Lets me start it off with a bit of humour ? "I love your titties 'cause they prove I can focus on two things at once" - Kanye
  5. Cheers, outro solo maybe should have been lounder and longer haha
  6. Cheers Lynn, She was going for operation today, but cancelled because of strikes. Hopefully in next couple of days, i need at least a days rest haha
  7. You been a massive help, I managed to get the Launch Key 25 MK III working well, does what i want, cakewalk said it would do what i wanted when i asked what i needed it for. MIDI ACT _ MID LEARN is pretty straight forward depending on how complex you want to be with a controller. For me totally controlling a DAW with a controller is pointless when your mixing on the PC or mastering. I see a controller for workflow but i guess people want them for different objectives
  8. Hi John I ended up buying the The Novation Launch Key 25 MK III given i got it cheaper at the time in sale than the M-Audio 32 and came with loads of free plugins (£400) and the feedback against the M-Audio Oxygen Pro Mini 32 using it with cakewalk wasn't any different with both manufacture's saying they work and that was it haha I plugged it in, installed the Novation update usb driver and the Novation Launch Key 25 MK III popped up in midi devices input-output in CW preferences. Gave them a tick and apply, clicked on controller surfaces add ACT MIDI Controller - 1 and ACT MIDI Controller - 2 because the Novation Launch Key 25 MK III adds two device drivers and clicked apply. Then i opened up the controller and made my own preset template (Whoisp Launch Key 25 ) the tab controllers midi learn is pretty simple to set up, hit the green box on a bank and it will say "midi learn" and press the button or move the slider and it will learn it. For more detail go to options tab to setup Play/Stop/record, bounce and undo etc I setup all the functions i use when I'm sat next to it with guitar and extra ones for mixing. Any sliders, Rotary and buttons easy to setup then save your preset and keep updating it. Then using record act to learn a plugin is fiddly but can also be the plugin, I can control synth-master the 8 Rotary EZ settings with pitch and mod etc and other plugins i can control with midi act. Once i get them working i lock my act and save my preset was all done. Just takes bit of time to get heard round it P
  9. Not sure if anyone using the The Novation 25 MK III. Its working well with ACT MIDI so didn't want to mess with it haha
  10. For whatever reason act control tech only works when i add the second controller (ACT MIDI Controller - 2) I can change ACT MIDI Controller - 1 or 2 ports to either MIDIIN2 (LKMK3 MIDI) or LKMK3 MIDI doesn't matter what way round or order but the Active Controller tech enable for synthmaster only works on ACT MIDI Controller - 2 so must route though the fist controller It will not work if i add just one controller (ACT MIDI Controller - 1) no matter which one i add MIDIIN2 (LKMK3 MIDI) or LKMK3 MIDI so aforementioned must route through to ACT MIDI Controller - 2 for some reason. Could be to do with the Novation USB drivers as it does not work without them, so must exploit the device fully with two controllers . ACT MIDI Controller - 1 only works the Active Controller tech for strip parameters on channel strips and my play record etc therefore limited. I always have to use ACT MIDI Controller - 2 which still does strip parameters on channels but also then give control to plugins that can handle act It is no biggy, ive got my act preset so if the bug happens when i open a project, i delete both controllers and add them back fresh and select my preset and all is fine. Yes annoying but a 10 second job, 3rd world problems we can do without though lol
  11. Yes i have a permanent setup with USB and MIDI in same ports. The full size keys and peddle never a single problem in the audio interface old midi ports. I believe its a bug with cakewalk and the ACT midi controller. Out of the two devices it adds 1) LKMK3 MIDI and 2) MIDIIN2 (LKMK3 MIDI) Act midi only works on the 2) MIDIIN2 (LKMK3 MIDI) will not work on 1) LKMK3 MIDI to control a plugin like synthmaster so i am guessing the act control tech is more compatible with the whatever MIDIIN2 (LKMK3 MIDI)
  12. Thank you Tom, always appreciated, have a good Christmas, don't eat too much .
  13. Its something i may look at but the Launchkey only has 8 knobs anyway and just the right amount of buttons i need. The problem i had, was my Yamaha keyboard (full size and action) which i love for playing and jamming had no Pitch wheel or mod or knobs for when i used a synth plugin (i generally use synthmaster) i only could use my peddle . I wanted the Launchkey for just a few extra functions and ease for work flow. I looked at all the 25 Keys and mini Keys but decided in the end to go with Launchkey. The price was drop and the free software plugins swung it with one guy i knew had it working with Cakewalk. Its made writing automation less time consuming (in more than one way) and better for jamming with filters swing, gates, mutate, filters, res and other FX in real time what i can tweak with automation. Ive also got my basics to hand what i use all the time when jamming on Guitar because the controller right next to me. Play, record, undo and bonce ive got programmed in and for browsing through sounds. My workflow much faster now and i have what i need without going OTT to do production. i got it for a steal in the sale and some great software. Im also happy with the pads and how i can manipulate arps in real time. The one down side is from time to time when i reopen a project, i have to delete ACT MIDI Controllers and add them again for the 8 rotary knobs to work on synthmaster. For some reason they stop working and i am not sure where the bug is or if its me and why i was going to try "AZ Controller"
  14. I actually did look at AZ Controller by Alexey Zhelezov because it came up as one of the fixes for Novation however the new MKIII gives you two midi inputs LKMK3 MIDI and MIDIIN2 (LKMK3 MIDI) but everything i needed to work, worked with "ACT MIDI" but my friend couldn't get his M Audio working like i got my Novation working.
  15. I have kept my full size Yamaha keyboard which goes through my interface on the old midi ports which goes through my UMC1820 midi in and midi out, works a dream no problems, however; i needed more functions, even though my full keys are touch sensitive and i have sustain peddle i had no mod or pitch wheel or knobs which come in handy for automation with synth work and sound design. So i ended up getting a the New MIII Novation launchkey 25 USB with pads, pitch wheel and knobs etc Like anything USB it acts as a storage device so to speak and with Novation, you need to update to the Novation USB drivers which gives you two midi inputs LKMK3 MIDI and MIDIIN2 (LKMK3 MIDI) and two midi outputs the same but different names. Do not ask me why not just one midi in and out i can not get anyone to tell me, i guess maybe a new protocol given its called MIII. However i add both inputs and outputs to see which one works the best but what i have noticed is MIDIIN2 (LKMK3 MIDI) works better with ACT MIDI Controller. I added MIDIIN2 (LKMK3 MIDI) as a ACT midi Controller input output and did not setup a Mackie, there is no point its not a Mackie controller and ACT as more functions. You can see i have full control Synthmaster with the 8 Rotary knobs on Novation launchkey 25, i have full pitch, mod and play record etc which is all i need and created my own template preset, i got there in the end but it was worth it. I got £400 of plugins free with it and only paid £90 for the MIII Novation launchkey 25 so i am happy
  16. 3:13 Unlucky for some haha, you are 100% right, i don't know if i listened to it too much or what but the minor with the blending ambiance really didn't work and sounded much worse of a progression, i used more of a broken chord to blend because the minor didn't work. It was more of a broken progression riff than chords, with the odd power chord and open string.
  17. Cheer's, out of interests whats your favourite plugin you use or couldn't do without?
  18. Great start to Christmas, mums broken leg in 2 places and im now a 24/7 carer. So probably last song for a fair few months
  19. Yes i just posted one 'Plugged in' i wrote one on piano and guitar, bit of both..
  20. Thanx and for the help with the LaunchKey 25 setup advice
  21. Amazing acoustic recording, so reminds me when i was young for some reason, very empathic. I love the recording its super good
  22. Nothing like a rock instrumental or guitar solo, awesome
  23. First time i used my LaunchKey 25 and i am impressed with its synth control function. Was a tad difficult to setup but great for subtle FX with automation on keys etc.
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