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Matthew White

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Everything posted by Matthew White

  1. 'M-Blue Glacier' is a flat style Theme with grey Off/Unselected buttons and mostly bright blue On/Selected buttons, Blue audio meters and slightly larger text in some areas where possible. This is my first real flat style theme, 'M-Stealth' is sort of flat but the buttons when in the on/selected state aren't and 'M-Tungsten' is just a rework of the 'Tungsten' theme included with Cakewalk, this is why I'm calling this one my first flat style theme, it's taken me so long to make a flat theme from scratch as I usually prefer to make and use the non-flat (3D?-ish?) style themes but I thought I'd finally give it a go, so here is the result. Hope you enjoy! Free Download Here.... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vFLxJQ0hC4knMdOfC906G7TZHs3FYO-R?usp=sharing A combined total of around 150 hours, sometimes much more, goes in to creating each Theme I make, then there's more time spent to update them whenever BandLab makes changes or additions to the Cakewalk GUI to ensure any changed or new items display correctly and match the Theme, I also don't make all these Themes for myself, it's more of a hobby and to share the end results with the Cakewalk Community for their use and enjoyment at no charge, Any Tips/Donations via the following link for my time and efforts in creating and updating these are greatly appreciated, however small. Thank You! ❤️https://www.paypal.me/MatthewJohnWhite
  2. Matthew White


    Looks like a +1 for my 'Delete Our Own Forum Posts' feature request! ?
  3. Users of my Themes may like to download again and replace the old with new as a small number of corrections/improvements have been made to some, most notably my 'M-Tungsten' Theme has been updated to display the newer style 'Metronome Settings' button icon on the Transport Module, My 'M-Silk' and 'M-Tango Orange' Themes have also been updated with better 'Metronome During Play', 'Metronome During Record' and the newer 'Metronome Settings' buttons on the Transport Module, better icons on the 'Input Echo' buttons (Mix Module, Track and Console View) (As have some other Themes) and also better digits on the Snap Module buttons, the digits on these were the existing digits that I had just painted around when I made the themes, I have now painted over the old digits and added fresh digits to these so they should look a little clearer/sharper now, most Themes have also had an improvement to the 'Audio' and 'Instruments' tabs when in the selected state in the 'Add Track Flyout', the selected tab of these had more height than the unselected but I've now made them equal as I think it looks much better and served no purpose having more height, they were just made that way originally as it's how they display in the 'Mercury' and 'Tungsten' themes included with Cakewalk.
  4. I can understand that some might, but say if something changed causing the post and replies to become completely irrelevant, I think it would make sense to delete the post to free up the forum of that irrelevant and possibly confusing information for both current and future users rather than leaving it there, I for one have definitely searched the web and forums for an answer and been left confused and/or frustrated by finding a bunch of information that is outdated and no longer applicable.
  5. I had added the 'Super Dark Mode' extension in the last couple of days as it happens but removed it today as I noticed Chrome was showing some processor use in task manager all the time when this extension was switched on and never dropped to 0% as it does most of the time usually when there's no activity in Chrome so was worried this extension was doing something iffy. Probably just me being paranoid though lol.
  6. Just like a Facebook post, the replies would also go when you delete the post.
  7. Is there a way to delete our own posts in the forum? If not, can we please have a way to do so? I know we can edit our post title to show the content is deleted but I think being able to delete an entire post would be much better so as to free up the forum of invalid posts just saying 'Deleted' if we'd rather delete the post entirely. Also, a dark mode setting would be great!
  8. True, but this still wouldn't have helped at the time as I was also unaware BMPs don't support transparency, seems I'm still learning little bits now and then even after 4 years making themes. ?
  9. I see, I never realized they were BMPs just thought they were PNGs lol.
  10. One I've noticed so far is the 'Scroll Bar Zoom Icons' as I usually make the corners transparent, as soon as I save the Theme then open the icons in paint.net the corners are filled in completely black. ?‍♂️
  11. Yes. But I revisited those settings to rectify this issue... to no avail. Transparency as a whole is fine, only this particular image is affected ATM. Ah OK, was just a thought. Just tried this and I'm not seeing the issue here, I tried leaving just the Play, Stop etc icons and also making them completely blank.
  12. Just a thought... Was it since you changed any settings to try to figure out what was causing the 'Forum Site Map Issue' you posted about? Are you saying just the green play icon should be showing with nothing around it? I sometimes see the transparency get blacked out briefly on this icon when saving a project, but it displays as a rectangle like the base the image is drawn on (as shown in the image below) so the transparent chequered area is blacked out also , this would suggest some transparency is being honoured on yours but if it's displaying different to what you usually see using the same Theme then I have no idea unless it's due to a change you made trying to figure the 'Forum Site Map Issue'.
  13. Despite changing my mind about this previously, I think I have settled on the above opinions that it is a bypass button and so should be lit when in bypass mode but can be changed via Themes if so desired, I do however think the tooltip could do with changing to how the OP suggested if possible ('Enable All Audio Effects' when it's in bypass and 'Bypass All Audio Effects' when it's enabled.) to help the new or confused. @User 905133 Thanks for your kind comment, it's much appreciated!
  14. I've been thinking about this some more and have changed my mind, I think that when the mix module FX button is lit should mean FX are on, this would mean it would follow pretty much every other button i.e. lit means on/selected and unlit means off/unselected, I just won't make changes to my own Themes for this to avoid confusion for those who know how they already work or to go against the manual and any tutorials covering these, I would however like BandLab to change these to work this way though and would then obviously change my Themes to match. FWIW I think any changes to the Mix Module's 2x and Read Automation Buttons (as mentioned in comments above) are unnecessary as they already work as lit=on unlit=off.
  15. My thoughts... On number 1 , yes, that would definitely be better the way suggested. On number 2, I agree it's a bypass button so lit in bypass makes sense and think that any change to that would only confuse everyone but folks new to Cakewalk who learn that it's that way, I do however think that something such as an 'X' or diagonal line (as @Lord Tim said) over the text like on the 'Clear all Automation Write Enables' button could be a helpful hint for newcomers, those who have fear of the manual (lol) and those who forget these things sometimes, I know I've forgotten about things like this before!
  16. And it just got bigger, new theme 'M-Tango Orange' added. ?
  17. 'M-Tango Orange' Cakewalk Theme is derived from my 'M-Silk' Theme but has darker backgrounds and off/unselected buttons, most on/selected buttons have been changed to orange as has most of the text, all inspired by a can of 'Tango' fizzy Orange drink. A few other small changes have been made here and there including the coloring/shades of the Audio and MIDI meters and a new on/off button for the Pro-Channel Strips, text color for clips in the track lanes have been left white (light blue when selected) as orange clashes and can become illegible if the Audio/Midi data behind it is also orange, the colors used here seem to work well whatever the background data color. As with any Theme, and especially using colors like this, I know it won't be to everybody's taste but it's another Theme in the list of choices for the Cakewalk community to use if they do like it. Free Download Here.... 'M-Tango Orange' Cakewalk Theme A combined total of around 150 hours, sometimes much more, goes in to creating each Theme I make, then there's more time spent to update them whenever BandLab makes changes or additions to the Cakewalk GUI to ensure any changed or new items display correctly and match the Theme, I also don't make all these Themes for myself, it's more of a hobby and to share the end results with the Cakewalk Community for their use and enjoyment at no charge, Any Tips/Donations via the following link for my time and efforts in creating and updating these are greatly appreciated, however small. Thank You! ❤️ https://www.paypal.me/MatthewJohnWhite
  18. Some may find it of benefit as a more eye catching way to highlight particular buttons which are active amongst a screen full of static buttons although I know they're not all lit at once but still thought it may be useful/preferred for some, other than that.... oooh! Flashy lights! lol
  19. That's fair enough, as with everything, it won't be wanted by everyone but it doesn't mean the idea shouldn't be implemented, just that there should either be a way to disable it or for theme creators/cakewalk to provide alternative static theme versions.
  20. Another unchangeable item unfortunately. ?
  21. Knob and Knob (Small) are for Pan, Knob Unipolar and Knob Unipolar (Small) are for Gain.
  22. I've changed the font size to make it stand out a bit better now, I meant to do that anyway but forgot lol. It's been a busy day so I'm a little fatigued.
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