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Everything posted by SUPAREELS

  1. This is one of my favorites .. a real message here with a smooth mix . great stuff ? ( PS it's a great track full blast while driving ?) Stay well Nigel&Crew Steve
  2. Have to say I hate covers done here, as there is nothing (usually) better than the original .. BUT my god ! is this a good cover Joe Cocker would love you for this ?? SRM
  3. THAT is a real piece of rack gear woooooow an' just under 2 grand ? Got cage nuts if you've run out ... just sayin'
  4. I, like so many of us , have too many cans, but it's interesting to hear that you feel the 1990s are good HPs. The 770 were purchased for their closed back so as to record vocals, however I just couldn't wear them for long periods .. the wife would leave me if I brought some 1990 but I'll put it on the back burner .. so cheers mate
  5. I purchased some DT770 pro's some 5 years ago ( just under 200.00 quid) and I have to agree Beyer are fools gold and are bloody awful ..would NOT recommend these at all .... SRM
  6. I have the 18i20 3rd gen and as said you should just import the loop (or record) to the chosen stereo I/p' then allocate and use the 8 inputs from you drum recording to your DAW ( making 10 tracks ) In this way you can manipulate individual as necessary to create a final mix. Other than that you would have to invest in a something like an Scarlett OctoPre Dynamic (or similar) to give you a total of the full 18 inputs to the DAW .. not cheap. This would give track it's own individual processing (depending on mike position etc) But as said .. not really sure of the problem you want to overcome SRM
  7. Hi mate, I've not always been positive with your stuff, in that I always thought you were rhyming one sentence with another that I felt too was easy for you as you have a strong and wonderfully rich voice .. This piece of work, and for ever the reason for you writing and singing it has everything a love song should have although I do feel you hold the phrases a little long, this is a wonderful love song with message and meaning that draws you in and when it ends, you need to play it again... For what it's worth .. well done from me, and it gets a 10/10 PS did I get a bit of EAGLES there at the end ... ?


    Could be the just new layout mate .. Thanks for the comment though Stay well Steve
  9. Hand on heart I wish I could have been there .. great song and vid Steve
  10. Bit late to the party but all of my mixes are produced with various O/P sources having gone through the HOOK test ... gonna keep that one. I wonder how much we've all spent over the years on H/phones/ear buds ( and these I hate ) but.. and studio monitors just to get it right for most people that don't really care as long as it's hot ... Hmm ( I think that's what WHOISP was getting at .. or not )
  11. Good old beat with a Xmas message ... all good mate .. and who cares about the mix ? SR
  12. Not my kind of stuff as I don't get the lyric but the mix is fine and clean SR


    When one of your most loved songwriters here, say 'Pretty damn good ', makes you feel 'pretty damn good ' inside so many thanks Kevin for the compliment Stay well mate Steve


    Hi, I have started using Ozone plugs on the master bus recently , technically it seems OK in the playroom and on cans it was kinda OK but I'm interested in what your hearing ( or not ) as I'll change the overall mix ?. Anyway I really appreciate the suggestion and your time .. many thanks Stay well Steve


    Hiya Mark ... all done as you suggested ? Steve


    Thanks guys for listening, and so glad you liked it ATB Steve


    Thanks Lynn, I have never posted this one before and interestingly it was recorded many years ago with Plat then remastered a few days ago with CB12 Pro and some new plugs. Have I missed a few of yours ? 'cause I haven't been here for a while ? Stay well old friend Steve


    Thanks Bjorn, I also thought it was abstract when I wrote it, not my best but I thought it might hold the listener, And as your one my thanks for the comment.? ATB Steve


    Good call my friend 'cause I thought the same thing after mixing it ... back in the playroom me thinks tomorrow .. many thanks 〽️? Stay well Steve
  20. I know I put this last on the album list but that was because I thought it illustrated what I felt your music was about, very thought full lyrics and this track ( to me ) is one of my favs as the mix is perfect, so would have been a great finish to a great album. All round winner ? ATB Steve


    Praise indeed ...Thanks M8 it means a lot ? ATB Steve


    My busy fingers checking out Amazon .. cheers M8 Steve


    I REALLY love this track, and I get that it needs to be thin to achieve the overall feel ... For what it's worth 'well done' .. works for me ? Only nit is the endings cut too sharp ... needs just a few millisecs more space .. Steve


    I love the concept here Bjorn, there are those here that try this stuff and fail ( in my humble opinion ). I think you've found your neesh, in that it's got a special feel . I'm thinking maybe you could try some movement with the synths, bringing them out left ( or right ) fields etc. I like this a lot ...goes down well with a large one Stay well Steve


    Been a bit dry on the creative side .. so been going through the back cat of my old stuff using Ozone 10 THE WITCH SupaReels Music There was a time, not so long ago When she could dance in fields of grass When the night was the only friend she knew And no one cared and no one saw She stole his heart on a moonlit night He's eyes enchanted by the light In vales of darkness she began to see A dance of grace, then she whispered “ Come with me” ….... Taking all the world and the hate that's in their minds Would you really have the time to say goodbye Thoughts now in your head for the living and the dead You don't know what's going on behind your back Look behind you ! Look around you! You'll see I'm right She showed him all mankind's history The wars and peace, greed and harmony Now he sees … For way beyond the realms of time and space he cries a tear for all those in his place
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