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Everything posted by Monomox

  1. I remember people were disappointed by version 5
  2. not here either... I was checking the biotek synth on youtube
  3. https://8dio.com/instrument-category/8dio-instruments-on-sale-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instrument-samples/ Bundle for $198 Each for $78 Only for 48 hours
  4. - you have some that you've never figured out how to use Y - you've accidentally purchased a plugin you forgot you already had Almost - you have bought any "every plugin" bundle from any vendor I'm going to say yes because I have FabFilter's FX bundle.. their other plugins are just silly - you still think that a "musical" EQ or compressor is a real thing, and you just don't have it yet LOL! No - you have more than one tambourine and/or cowbell library aw, c'mon, that doesn't count! - you have more than one convolution reverb who doesn't? - you have ever been mesmerized by a Dan Worrall video, AKA Hypno-Toad ? - you are trying or have ever tried to keep up with bapu we all need goals in life
  5. I was about to post this deal... damn, foiled again
  6. Sounds interesting... let's see how their price compares to that Atlas thing ($99)
  7. for me JamStix's problem is its instability. I can use it with no problems 97.4% of the time, but that 2.6% when my DAW shuts down is really starting to get on my nerves.
  8. LOL an April fool's special I guess ?
  9. Couldn't make it more boring in just 15 seconds Thanks for sharing though
  10. You think? Your Udemy course looks interesting by the way
  11. Yeah I don't think they'll go below $20
  12. Did you go for it? I would, $200 for V6 and Pigments is a great great deal. I got V6 (I just haven't registered the serial) and Soundtoys for $300 last year. This deal is just as good if you can get it (unlike me ☹️).
  13. pfff, I, an existing customer (I have Lab 3), get a price of $399 and no pigments.
  14. Their customer support is slow (maybe even more so now during a product launch), but they've made sure I'm satisfied... I'm pretty sure you'll get the coupon back
  15. never mind, go to "my deals" under your account
  16. If I ever find out which is better, x, z, or any of these two, I'll jump at it next time they're at the magic price
  17. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Koby here
  18. Use code NS1SAVE, ends March 31st https://www.waves.com/plugins/ns1-noise-suppressor W43 is also on sale for $29, no code needed Have you guys used any of these?
  19. I started watching the tutorials last night.... I think I'm going to go for it
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