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Everything posted by Monomox

  1. Not to be a stickler, but it was ten days ago ?
  2. This is tempting if you're into this genre. Not even when partnering with other developers will NI do guitar VSTis (that are not based on loops). They should've thrown a Shreddage guitar there, I mean, c'mon, three basses and no guitars (THREE basses!).
  3. Is it like Waves Vitamins or Gullfoss or what?
  4. I've never been to their offices, maybe it was odorous in summer afternoons
  5. "Odorous" or arduous? LOL! https://gospelmusicians.com/
  6. How does it compare with Shreddage or Odin, does anyone know?
  7. It looks interesting. I can't find the impulse records shop, though..
  8. You may already know this, but WUP must be current in order to transfer products to a different account. I don't understand how having two separate accounts would save you money, though
  9. Thanks for saying that. Now I'll be strong and leave (and stay away from) this thread before someone comes with a counter argument. I'm saving for Solemn Tone's Odin (or maybe wait for Impact Soundworks' 8-stringer). Must... Be... Strong...
  10. Can someone beat mibby's price of $0? The upgrade from version 9 to 10 was in name only. I'm actually planning to WUP every plugin I have at some point only to be able to sell the stuff I don't use. The math may never work, so I don't know what I am going to do when it becomes just to cumbersome to use very old versions. For example, I think you need a different Waves Central for version 9 plugins, don't you? I only use a small percentage of my Waves plugins, but I really really like those ones.
  11. How does it compare to Gullfoss? If 10 euros take me 80% of the way €100 would, then it's an easy decision. By the way, I have the theory that Gullfoss adds some subtle stereo widening as part of their secret sauce. So maybe Thirty One plus widening is the way to go.
  12. Yeah, sometimes presets and other useful stuff is installed with the exe file, but it's good to know that this tools exists. Use judiciously
  13. Sheesh wish I had the money
  14. I got a new computer recently and, man, moving all my plugins was such a burden... I got rid of all my 32 bit plugins and a bunch of free crap but slowly and surely I'm collecting junk again
  15. You're right, last month I got mine on the 8th
  16. I'm sure it's a great instrument but why do they design their interfaces in a Commodore Amiga
  17. I was asking just in general
  18. Anyone received your vouchers yet? I have not
  19. Got my free license and while I was at it, I asked them why I couldn't see my Ravenscroft license in my account. They politely pointed out that I was probably confusing them with "[their] friends" at VI labs... LOL! I'm getting old so much faster than I thought
  20. I want Exhale, but I think I'm going to use it as much as Movement which is never
  21. Includes expansions https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=5141
  22. I actually think people selling their V6s for a very low price are wrong. Arturia offered some ridiculous bargains on V6, hinting that V7 was on the horizon. But now that V7 is out, the only way to get V6 is second hand. V7 is $400 and it only has 3 new instruments, out of 20+. Once the meth addicts sell their V6s for cheap the price should come up. I mean, this is your choice: $250 for V6 or pay $150 more for three more synths.
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