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Everything posted by Monomox

  1. Right.... It's more like "only ten?! But, why?"
  2. Strumming and fingerstyle seem to be the strong points of the engine/samples, what are yall's thoughts on melody/solos? I don't find them convincing in the demos. What do you think of the samples and articulations in melodies/solos?
  3. It's the Whiplash vst--it will torture you until you've finished your composition
  4. I'm watching a YouTube video... This looks pretty sweet
  5. Singsongy: "Yep, pretty much done now... No more plugins, nope, not for me!!"
  6. "We said E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!"
  7. 25% off at www.ToneBoosters.com with coupon TB_SPRING_2019 Https://www.ToneBoosters.com I didn't see this mentioned here, but you never know with eagle -eyed, faster -than -a-bullet Larry Equalizer 4 seems to be yet another Gullfoss... https://www.toneboosters.com/tb_equalizer_v4.html
  8. I saw a demo and stutter edit does what I thought Tantra would help me do, I think I'm going to go for this
  9. Monomox

    IK $49 Sale

    Get them both ?
  10. Larry is the Plugin Sherpa.
  11. Enough people complained about their free plugin that I didn't find this offer enticing. OTOH, some people said that this developer has done cool things in the past, so hopefully they'll get their act together soon
  12. In 30 years our minds will live in a computer-simulated environment while our bodies power Facebook's servers
  13. So PA thinks we should buy both...
  14. I used Waves Q-Clone to compare PA'S emulation to Luftikus (https://www.kvraudio.com/product/luftikus-by-lkjb) and found them to be nearly identical. Download them both and test yourself.
  15. Particularly if you're an anxiousmofo ?
  16. This is isn't new, but I was just reminded of it by SoundIron's UFO synth. It's a nice synth, and you can get a lot of nice sounds out of it if you know what you're doing. http://www.taron.de/lots/ My favorite track from a KVR contest featuring that synth:
  17. This is from 3 days ago, couldn't find any thread about it here. Soundiron's UFO 61 is a vintage five-octave electronic organ from Italian instrument maker Viscount. Built in the 1970s, this simple synthesizer has a smooth, quaint tone with a warm, pleasantly fuzzy texture. Like many early suitcase organs and portable synths that proliferated during the era, it has just a few core instrument voices, a single speaker, simple rhythm box and a basic selection of classic organ controls. Price: $29 - LTO: $19 until May 28th Midnight PST at https://soundiron.com/collections/pianos-keys/products/ufo-61
  18. THat's the lowest price per GB I've seen for an SSD
  19. Same with Waves. Do you have a list of what you want to sell? I buy and sell at KVR.
  20. Reaper's default skin is horrible. With a new skin and continuous customization I've made it look quite decent. When I saw Studio One I saw a better version of what I was trying to accomplish.
  21. LINDELL TE-100 A Nod to the Klein & Hummel UE-100 EQ with 14 Tubes Today! Just $29* 24H-14tubes-29 Copy & paste Voucher-Code during checkout This offer ends May 17, 11:59 - California Time (PST) https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/lindell_te-100.html
  22. Interesting... I haven't used Studio One, but in videos I've found its interface to be the most attractive of any DAW. OTOH, Bitwig looks great in videos, but I wasn't that impressed when I tried the demo.
  23. I sold my ADT. It's the only plugin I've ever regretted selling ?
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