Speaking of Funk Guitarist, did you guys know this trick? I found it in Scarbee's blog
I was using my DAWs browser, but this one adds quite a few functions for the right price. I've heard that Loopcloud's sample manager is rather spammy... I don't know about that, but this one isn't.
This Sound Design Plugin Bundle combines two of Applied Acoustic Systems' unique Virtual Instrument packs which work with the free AAS Player Plugin. Both are crafted by master sound designer & producer Richard Devine.
In total you'll receive a total of 257 creative presets spanning over a variety of categories - NO ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE PURCHASE REQUIRED. Included in your FREE bundle are Abstractions and Harmonic Geometry from Applied Acoustic Systems making the bundle worth £58 / €65 / $78!
I once bought a plugin that required a physical ilok. I should have contacted the vendor. Instead I sold it at KVR and managed to get a $15 profit even after iLok 's transfer fee.