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Everything posted by Monomox

  1. $19 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/10-Delay/2970-Repeater (see what I did there? ? I'll get my coat)
  2. SongKey not included
  3. PSA: Lynda has deals with public libraries around the US, so check if you can access Lynda for free through your PL. ?
  4. Waves plugins don't stop working without WUP. Waves Central is telling you you can update to the latest version you're entitled to without WUP. I had told myself I wasn't going to buy waves again (mainly because of their null resell value) but here I am considering Manny Marroquin 's eq and the API 550. SMH, like the youngsters say, LOL!
  5. Hadn't found a reason to use the sad reaction until now
  6. After careful consideration, it turns out that I do want a free month ? Does this only apply to new customers, do you know? Hopefully more licenses are on the way
  7. Or Waves Vitamin, which I already have ?
  8. Is this similar to Sugar? https://process.audio/products/sugar I saw a demo of Sugar and was impressed The price also impressed me, but in the opposite direction
  9. This is what you were talking about, weren't you?
  10. I get $149 without logging in
  11. from the creators of "so you think you can beat the King?" comes "I'm sorry to do this, mate" We've all been there, though
  12. I want this as part of the Focusrite collective right now!
  13. Maybe they're just ahead of their time
  14. Waves has worked very hard to make me feel underwhelmed by any sale that doesn't bring plugin prices down to $23 and change with code YNY23
  15. Good to know, thanks. I bought K11U with the idea of not updating until K13U came along. Let's see how my plan holds.
  16. I should've read the post. SongKey not included. ☹️ By the way, I asked Saverio to sign me up for his newsletter and he said no! LOL ??‍♂️
  17. Day 1 of a LONG month: I think I'm going to pass. I may jump in during BF if it turns out that Kontakt 6 becomes necessary and Massive X is the s**t ⏰ tick...
  18. Don't tease without links, rule number 1 of the Deals Club
  19. Two Black Fridays ago I bought a huge bundle by Aria Sounds. It seemed like it was a great value for the money--it had percussion, strings, pianos, you name it, tons of stuff for about $100. Well, I never use it. I tried a couple of times, but it's just a very old product, not a good workflow. It doesn't seem like that is the case with these libraries, but I'm still not convinced. The problem with most libraries is that once you buy, you're stuck with them. Anyways, I'll watch more videos. Thanks for chiming in, y'all.
  20. I mean, why would Germany not celebrate the US military? ?
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