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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Frank, that sounds like the same issue I have with Codex see above. I have now just tried GTR standalone and that does the same as yours, not that I ever use it any more but that's beside the point. My GTR is actually on v11 as part of my Gold/RenMaxx upgrade. I raised a support ticket on Wednesday morning (UK time) about the "missing engine" error popup I get when Waveshell5 is scanned and still haven't heard back (it's Friday afternoon here now). I might wait until I hear back and try to cover all of these issues once I have their support person's attention. Matthew, when you select the uninstall V10 applications option in Waves Central does the next step allow you to choose which applications to uninstall or does it just do all of them? Thanks
  2. Thanks for your help Matthew! One thing I noticed with Codex (which is v10 for me) is that it asks for the sample folder when running standalone and no matter what I point it to it just keeps asking for the folder. However, if I run it in CbB then it works fine and finds the sample folder! I guess there will be a few bug fixes in the works.
  3. I guess there's an overhead in each file when they are downloaded separately. Apart from the download file which was a single 1.1Gb download for me I was referring to the installed file size in the vstplugins/Soundtoys folder. Updated with screenshot.
  4. Nice one, thanks Larry! Not sure what you mean Mibby? I have the full SoundToys bundle and it weighed in at 650Mb before the 5.3.1 update and 766Mb afterwards. The update file is 1.1Gb.
  5. Does anyone know how to get the new presets? For the plugins I own which are now on v11 I checked against the Waves list of new presets and I don't see any of them in my presets. e.g. for Trueverb the Waves website lists ⁃ TrueVerb Andrew Thornton Collection.xps ⁃ TrueVerb Dave Darlington Collection.xps ⁃ TrueVerb Leon Rothenberg Distant On Ocean.xps ⁃ TrueVerb Stanley Soares Live Vocal Plate.xps
  6. Makes sense, thanks Matthew.
  7. Weird but since updating with Gold/RenMaxx I now seem to have a license for Electric Grand 80. I already own Grand Rhapsody, Element and Codex so maybe some kind of freebie addon because of those?
  8. It didn't include the Halloween code which worked fine to bring it down to around 29 USD, thanks Larry ??
  9. I just checked my Waves account and to renew my WUP would cost $240, so that's not going to happen. However, there's an option to upgrade Gold to Gold + RenMaxx for $42. I am assuming that this will renew the WUP for all of my Gold products as well as adding the Renaissance plugins that are missing from Gold. That's tempting but I always check Everyplugin and they don't seem to list Gold + RenMaxx so maybe it's only available through Waves direct. Anyway, I will email Koby to check.
  10. Thanks Fleer! 2Gb of samples. Sounds great for a freebie. ?
  11. Thanks Larry! Only a 55Mb download and certainly sounds very spooky ? Will add it to my Halloween track for sure. Certain notes almost sound like a human scream ?
  12. Based on all of the above plaudits I am trying the demo and liking it alot! Insert here --> DAW User's Mantra
  13. Same here Grem. I used to get the same issue as Wibbles and Paulo but it was fixed for me many versions ago. I guess it's a tricky one to fix for every scenario.
  14. I like the new Waves Central. That's about all I can say as my Gold products are v9 with no WUP left so I am not able to upgrade the GUI of R products. I have 30 Waves products out of which 9 are version 9 (including Gold), and the remainder version 10 with only 4 of those upgradeable to v11. I did the upgrades so I now have 9 which are v9, 17 are v10 and 4 are v11. I also cleared the cache (2.5 Gb recovered) and ran the version organiser. All my Waves plugins (v9, 10 and 11) still work fine after this. The only issue I have is when Waveshell5 is scanned I get a "missing licence engine" popup. I press "skip" and the scan completes fine. I have a support ticket with Waves for this.
  15. Should be a good Christmas gift for my daughter! Cheers Larry
  16. I just visited their website to check that I was on the latest version of Vocalign Project (I wasn't - there's a new VST3 ARA2 version It then popped up a message stating that if I subscribe to their newsletter I will receive a Free Groove3 30 Days All Access Pass. Sure enough I just received the code by email almost immediately and added it to my Groove3 account. I got the 1 Year Groove3 deal recently with iZotope MPS3 upgrade so this just extended the end date by 30 days. https://www.synchroarts.com/
  17. Agree with everything you say! Wait 'til you try the slide bass. One of the best sounding slides in a bass plugin imho. Used it in a track recently. There's actually two ways of doing it but I just used the pitch wheel method.
  18. Looks nice Fleer. I'm tempted by their EQ Ranger Plus; could be a time saver.
  19. Good deal on MODO Bass which is my goto Bass plugin. A similar deal on MODO Drums and I'd be all over it.
  20. Already have Waves Vocal Rider (my preferred), MAutoVolume and Hornet AutoGainPro but at this price I will definitely try the demo. Update: To try the demo you need to download the ERA4 Standard Bundle from Accusonus and deselect all plugins apart from Voice Leveler on installation. You need to create an account with them but if you got the recent Regroover freebie from PluginBoutique you probably already have an account.
  21. ZincT

    IK Axe I/O

    When I have purchased from them they always charge the UK VAT rate (I am in the UK) so I guess it will be as per your country's rate.
  22. Thanks JoeGBradford. The e-licenser key (used by Steinberg etc) apparently works OK with this. I'll give it a try and post back with my results.
  23. Interesting to know, thanks Peter. I will demo the iRig Keys I/O 49 at my local Music Shop in York. BTW, check your PMs ?
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