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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Yes that's also one thing I wish they would add. Can't understand it as even the ancient previous version has a standalone option. I tend to use Cantabile Lite to run things like this as it loads so quickly. I guess you could also use a VSTi wrapper although haven't tried it.
  2. Waves support did get back to me and have now resolved the minor issue I had getting this popup on scanning... If any of you get this the solution was simple... 1. Hold the [windows key] + R and type %programdata% in the pop-up window. 2. Go to Waves Audio > Modules folder. 3. Locate and delete the WavesLicenseEngine.bundle file. 4. Launch Waves Central and install any plugin from the install products page (this will re-create the WavesLicenseEngine.bundle file). Do a full scan and it should now be fine. All of my V9, v10 and V11 plugins work fine.
  3. Yes I think it was on your's and other's recommendation that I bought it Grem. There are quite a few knowledgeable owners on this forum and of course the Rayzoon forums. Ralph, who is behind Jamstix, is also very responsive and active on their forums and puts out regular updates and addons. It is quite a unique product and the way it works really appeals to me. I am hoping to put that Dark Side addon to good use in a remake of a very old cover I did of Comfortably Numb.
  4. If you wait until later in the month Yan they usually have their annual 50% off sale starting around then and running until the end of the year. I bought Jamstix Studio in last year's sale around that time.
  5. You can use it like that and having given it a bit more of an in-depth try it seems to produce good results. However, one area where I find Waves Vocal Rider better, unless I am missing something in Voice Leveler, is that you can record the rider automation. Once you have recorded the automation in Vocal Rider you can then tweak it manually afterwards to make it exactly how you want it. Some automation parameters do appear in the automation menu for VL (e.g. output gain) but they are not the right ones to be able to record level variation automation. If you don't need automation though, for a quick volume leveler Voice Leveler does work well and is definitely worth $9. I like the zoom UI option (100%, 150% and 200%) which I wish more developers would implement.
  6. Thanks. I'm just looking through the vast number of EZXs and Drum MIDIs and realizing that I have quite a lot of catching up to do! I even have a spreadsheet for it now as I also do for EzKeys ?
  7. Useful information there, thanks Marled. I own most of the other plugins you mention but tend to end up using favourites all the time. I will have to give TriLeveler a go though and also revisit ERA4 VoiceLeveler. One thing I have been trying to do more lately is using parallel compression to reduce the need for vocal rider unless the vocal level varies massively and I always use CA-2A on the busses (it's part of my standard template). A lot of the time I don't need to make do with a vocal take as I can just re-record it if necessary.
  8. Ah okay I see what you mean. Yes I noticed that the Renaissance presets were added automatically after the update. Really bad mis-information on Waves part and of course none of this manual fiddling should be necessary if Waves had done things correctly ? Cheers
  9. Hey Fleer, I did try it out but still found Waves Vocal rider the better option. I dropped it into a track where I was already using VR. Hornet keep updating Autogain Pro so I must give that another go. Also doesn't their VU plugin have some auto gain functionality now?
  10. Thanks Magic Russ. Good to see that Dark Side is now available (it wasn't when I last looked) to complete my collection. https://www.rayzoon.com/
  11. Which are the two new EZX's Bapu? Thanks
  12. Yes those are the old presets and I remember trying to add them manually before. I linked to a PDF of the 1400 new presets in my previous post. If you look at the name of the PDF in my link it is "V11-presets-automatically-added-to-plugins.pdf" which implies that they should have been added automatically. As soon as Waves get back to me I will raise it with them.
  13. Always forget about that option, Fleer. I never liked Nectar V2 for harmonies but I must give the new version a try now that I have MPS 3.
  14. Thanks Matthew. Shame they didn't add a "single uninstall option" ?? I managed to get Codex standalone working - the desktop shortcut was pointing to an old version so I updated it to point it v10 and it starts OK now. @Frank, I also got GTR standalone to work. I updated the desktop shortcut to point to C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\Applications V11 then when it opens I pointed it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\Plug-Ins V11\GTR - NO JOY don't use this - it just continues to ask for the plugins folder. Then I noticed that there were also bundle files in the folder above that one so selected that one and voilà it worked. So the correct folder to point it at is C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\Plug-Ins V11 N.B. As you are on V10 you might need to use the v10 equivalent folders.
  15. Very true and I never use it for creating harmonies, only for creating weird effects. There are much better options for creating harmonies e.g. Harmony Evo or Melodyne.
  16. Frank, that sounds like the same issue I have with Codex see above. I have now just tried GTR standalone and that does the same as yours, not that I ever use it any more but that's beside the point. My GTR is actually on v11 as part of my Gold/RenMaxx upgrade. I raised a support ticket on Wednesday morning (UK time) about the "missing engine" error popup I get when Waveshell5 is scanned and still haven't heard back (it's Friday afternoon here now). I might wait until I hear back and try to cover all of these issues once I have their support person's attention. Matthew, when you select the uninstall V10 applications option in Waves Central does the next step allow you to choose which applications to uninstall or does it just do all of them? Thanks
  17. Thanks for your help Matthew! One thing I noticed with Codex (which is v10 for me) is that it asks for the sample folder when running standalone and no matter what I point it to it just keeps asking for the folder. However, if I run it in CbB then it works fine and finds the sample folder! I guess there will be a few bug fixes in the works.
  18. I guess there's an overhead in each file when they are downloaded separately. Apart from the download file which was a single 1.1Gb download for me I was referring to the installed file size in the vstplugins/Soundtoys folder. Updated with screenshot.
  19. Nice one, thanks Larry! Not sure what you mean Mibby? I have the full SoundToys bundle and it weighed in at 650Mb before the 5.3.1 update and 766Mb afterwards. The update file is 1.1Gb.
  20. Does anyone know how to get the new presets? For the plugins I own which are now on v11 I checked against the Waves list of new presets and I don't see any of them in my presets. e.g. for Trueverb the Waves website lists ⁃ TrueVerb Andrew Thornton Collection.xps ⁃ TrueVerb Dave Darlington Collection.xps ⁃ TrueVerb Leon Rothenberg Distant On Ocean.xps ⁃ TrueVerb Stanley Soares Live Vocal Plate.xps
  21. Makes sense, thanks Matthew.
  22. Weird but since updating with Gold/RenMaxx I now seem to have a license for Electric Grand 80. I already own Grand Rhapsody, Element and Codex so maybe some kind of freebie addon because of those?
  23. It didn't include the Halloween code which worked fine to bring it down to around 29 USD, thanks Larry ??
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