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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Digital Synsations - ChangeLog 2.0.0 --------------------------------------------- - [ADD] 140 new presets - [ADD] 4751 new samples - [ADD] New arpeggiator - Updated GUIs for Retina
  2. Yeah, my thoughts exactly so I gave them a miss. Trying hard not to keep buying stuff I already have covered
  3. I paid for my copy and still use it more than any other LA2A plugin.
  4. Hi Nigel, I have only just got around to doing the v2 upgrade myself, and one thing I noticed was that some of the presets have the mod wheel assigned to volume with some also defaulting to zero. So initially I couldn't hear anything from those libraries on certain patches e.g. bass single on Atma, until I happened to move the mod wheel. Maybe that's the issue for you, idk but worth mentioning just in case So these do seem to work ok in Cakewalk for me. Two of them I bought or got for free from PluginBoutique (Atma, Orakle) and the other one is a freebie direct from Mntra (Rasa). I also asked support about the other free library I had (Frcture), but they said that this is no longer supported in v2.
  5. You will get stray notes Aidan; I used to with my GR-55/Godin setup. It's the nature of the beast with guitar/MIDI where the notes are detected/translated by "sampling" the notes being played. To minimize this: I have found that tweaking the Gain, Tone and Curve knobs can yield good results (start with the gain). Try using a different pickup on the guitar and make sure the input is as clean as possible - you are trying to give the note detection its best chance. Try using an electro-acoustic guitar with piezo pickup - can give better detection compared to an electric one due to the cleaner signal making it easier for individual pitches to be detected. Remember that the way these things work, it can take at least half a cycle to work out the frequency or pitch. This means that the lower pitches will take longer to work out that the higher ones (also used to happen with the GR-55 as it's a method limitation rather than a hardware vs software thing). If you know this then you can do things like playing a bass part on higher strings or higher up the neck and then just transpose it down in MG2. The detection will happen faster due to the higher pitch and will also result in faster tracking.
  6. @Brian Lawler that Timber is very well done and hardly any vibrato on Asterian; but those spoken parts - wow! Here's my take on a classic with Kevin and Solaria. Turns out the backing track is made from the original recording, where Tom Scholz and co presumably didn't use a metronome or click track. The tempo varies from 115 to 120 bpm according to Melodyne making it a nightmare to try and get Kevin and Solaria to follow! I had to export the voice parts in standalone SV, import them into Cakewalk, and then cut and move the vocals to match the timing of the track. It's not perfect but I'm getting there. I'm only using the backing track as I couldn't find a really good MIDI version. https://soundclick.com/r/s8nbip
  7. @Brian Lawler Here's the version with less vibrato although I might have gone a bit too far! https://soundclick.com/r/s8nbhp
  8. Thanks @pseudopop ?? Their tax calculation seems a bit iffy for most people. They added just over 20% VAT for me, so more or less correct for the UK.
  9. Speaking of scripts I noticed this readme that came with Asterian...
  10. Lol, now there's an idea Brian ? To be honest, it was the first thing I tried with Asterian and I just used instant mode. I didn't change anything, but it is easy to do that. I will have a go at reducing the vibrato and update the post tomorrow. I have also tried him in place of Kevin, who I was trying out on the Disturbed version of Sound of Silence. It was a bit low for Kevin (so noisy) but Asterian sounds great. The different vocal modes are really good at altering his voice, based on the quick play I had.
  11. I am enjoying Asterian, he sounds great! Here's a little test I made.. https://soundclick.com/r/s8nawr Anyone still deciding don't forget the intro offer ends on the 9th December.
  12. Yes Aidan, I demo'd the trial version and found it to be pretty much as good as the hardware I had. So I sold both the guitar and gr55 and used the money to buy the full version of MG2 (with plenty left over).
  13. Thanks for the information, Vernon. I realized that it was just a UVI library, but I'm interested to know if it has any of the classic GR-300 sounds e.g. the lead sound that Pat Metheny uses in the video above. It would be pretty nice to have access to that sound again and be able to play it either from my MIDI keyboard or via MIDI Guitar 2. Arturia actually have a preset called Pat in their Arp 2600 library which is a nod to that patch but doesn't sound quite right.
  14. Hey Aidan, I used to have a GR-55 and Godin xTSA with synth access (like a built-in GK3 pickup) but sold it once I could do the same in software using any guitar (courtesy of Jam Origin MIDI Guitar 2). I'm just checking to see if PX Guitar Syn has any of the classic GR-300 tones a la Pat Metheny.
  15. https://www.uvi.net/www.uvi.net/px-guitar-syn Sounds pretty cool. Intro price through December 18th, 2022 $49 / 49 €
  16. FYI VS is now out of beta (I changed the title of this thread accordingly), so it should update to 1.8.0. Incidentally, I found that the location of Voicebanks is not that big of an issue as they aren't sample libraries per se so are quite small. For example, my Kevin VB folder is only 63 Mb and Solaria is the same. So I just let VS install them to the default location --> \Documents\Dreamtonics\Synthesizer V Studio\databases P.S. I'm pleased that some of you got that Japanese site to work ok. Sounds like you got a bargain.
  17. This Asterian demo is worth a listen (check out those rolling R's!!!). https://vi-control.net/community/threads/synthesizer-v-vocaloid-haters-might-want-to-check-this.115973/post-5242732
  18. Yeh, I'm sold on the HB deal Aidan
  19. Thanks for pointing this out @Tezza He (Jay Lippman) actually did a Vegas Pro 20 review in which he mentions the trimmer, and he says that he's "probably being a bit nitpicky" - you can say that again! However, as much as I like Resolve, it's not perfect either. I was recently working on a Resolve project for a "virtual choir" video, which had 25 video tracks. It was then that I found a really annoying thing about Resolve that made me want to try out the latest version of Vegas again. In order to move tracks around in Resolve you have to select the track and then "move up" or "move down" one track at a time. There is no drag/drop to re-organise tracks! This has been requested since v15 from what I can tell, so I don't know why it hasn't been added by now. I also dislike having to go through the project manager to open a project that I'm working on every time I start up Resolve. One thing that keeps me working with Resolve is Fusion, which is absolutely brilliant and opens up so many possibilities. I'm still tempted by the Humble Bundle deal but Vegas 20 includes Optical flow motion tools; if this is the same as the Resolve feature of the same name then that would be worth having. Also, the paid version of Resolve vs the free one has magic mask (looks amazing and I would use this a lot), smart reframe, better video Noise Reduction, speed warp, face refinement, and object removal. Do you know if Vegas 18 (or 19,20) has anything similar to these and are they any good? Like you, I think that I'm leaning toward the Humble Bundle deal; a significant update from v15 and not much outlay.
  20. Yup for both 910 and 949 Harmonizers up to 150%.
  21. This is interesting as you can currently get the upgrade in the UK to Vegas 20 Edit for £57, and Vegas 20 Pro for £98 if you need the third-party add-ons. Although I stopped buying Vegas at version 15 as it used to crash while rendering, I did like its workflow. I have been using free DaVinci Resolve since then and I like it a lot, but I'm starting to want the Studio version features. Resolve Studio though would cost me £330 inc VAT, compared to £57 for Vegas 20 Edit (all I need for the same reason as @Tezza), and I'm also curious to see how far Vegas has come since version 15. This HB deal adds another option - Vegas 18 Edit for £20.99. I found the information below on the main differences between Vegas 18, 19 and 20. I'm not interested in the filler that comes with the Humble Bundle deal, so the extra £36 for Vegas 20 Edit might be a better deal to get all the latest features. Anyway, I am still pondering this at the moment as every pound spent on other NLEs could be put towards Davinci Resolve Studio.
  22. Bargain prices! Thanks for the update and detailed procedure pseudopop ?? I'm just hoping that Weina and some of the other English VBs appear there before they end the sale. Synth V normally updates itself and its voicebanks from within its own UI, so that's pretty normal.
  23. Also, @antler there's a Japanese site selling Synthesizer V and Kevin (unfortunately not Weina, Natalie or Eleanor Forte). Kevin is less than 50 USD on DLsite (with 20% off + new registration coupon -15% off) https://www.dlsite.com/soft/work/=/product_id/VJ015171.html Synthesizer V Pro is also on sale (20% Off - less if you buy at the same time as Kevin). https://www.dlsite.com/soft/work/=/product_id/VJ013608.html They have other voicebanks but they are native Chinese/Japanese. I haven't bought anything from them before so cannot vouch for them. Note: the site header says 30% off when creating a new account so it might be even cheaper than reported above, but I haven't tried it as I already own SV and Kevin. If anyone buys from them can they please post here what they paid?
  24. Yeah, I'm also teetering, but for me, it would be $79.99 and I also want Natalie ($86.90 inc Tax). I would like to try the voicebank in a couple of songs that I have in mind, but the demo voicebank won't be released until the end of next year (according to Eclipsed Sounds on Twitter). Here's another Asterian demo (pretty good): https://vi-control.net/community/threads/synthesizer-v-vocaloid-haters-might-want-to-check-this.115973/post-5241207
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