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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Good to hear Aidan! They are my local store (York) and I would have bought from them but Scan offered free next day delivery. I just entered my serial in NA and the rest was taken care of. After I received the email from NI this morning I went into NA and the new stuff was there waiting ?
  2. Scaler 2.1.2 is out and in your accounts (fixes the mouse click problem and others) https://www.pluginboutique.com/myaccount 2.1.2 (available 2nd October 2020): Fix an issue in the audio detection engine creating instability on the Windows platform and preventing mouse clicks from working correctly in some hosts. Fix a problem causing the chord notes to be held when triggered from Section C. Fix the playthrough of linked patterns; chords now play on the first trigger after switching pattern. Rest chords now play properly with the UI closed. Fix notes being cut-off on chord change when using Keys-Lock - Scale White Keys. Fix the triads button position in the Modulation panels Fix a problem when cycling through the phrases list using the arrow keys
  3. Their webpage says that the three new models Chicago, Fire Breather and Bass Invader uses their new Intelligent Circuit Modelling but to my ears even the old amps sound better than they did in GR5. I'll have a better listen when I get more time although I expect a raft of Youtube reviews to appear very soon comparing old with new. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/guitar/guitar-rig-6-pro/amps-and-cabinets/
  4. First impressions of GR6 are that it's a really big upgrade from GR5 and not just for guitar (you can filter the browser for effects for different instruments)! It has an excellent new resizable UI and browser. A quick flick through some of the amps and effects and I think they sound a big improvement on GR5. This could actually replace most of the other stuff I own. Just downloading Noire now and feeling like a kid with too many new toys and not enough time to play with them ! Pharlight and Super 8 will be next, oh and Stradivari Violin.
  5. ZincT

    iZotope MPS 4

    I deliberately held off buying SE2 and RX8 although was tempted a couple of times, you know how it is ?
  6. Just received my K13Ultimate Upgrade email from NI at 10am UK time! Woot!? Also confirmed in NA - I can see stuff like Noire and Guitar Rig 6 Pro ??
  7. ZincT

    iZotope MPS 4

    https://www.jrrshop.com/izotope?dir=desc&order=special_from_date I'm looking at the upgrade from MPS3 which is $167.17 (approx £130) in cart with code GROUP. Waiting to see what the prices are at other vendors. More details on what's included here --> https://www.izotope.com/en/products/music-production-suite.html The extras over MPS3 are RX8 Standard (vs RX7 Standard), Stutter Edit 2 and Neoverb. Nectar 3 is now called Nectar 3 Plus but I can't see what's different to Nectar 3 (anyone?). Not that great an update but the inclusion of 1 year's Groove 3 subscription clinches it for me (same as MPS3 upgrade last year although that was a free grace period upgrade for me).
  8. I am still waiting for my K13 Ultimate upgrade but have been following the KVR thread on this subject. It looks like NI dealt with the Collector's Edition upgrades first (yesterday) and in reverse order working backwards from those who upgraded on 30th September. Maybe we will hear something today but NI did say to allow up to a week and as Kevin H says there is manual work involved in doing the upgrades so who knows.
  9. I agree that a discount for DCO-60 owners would have been nice. I was trying to work out the main differences between this and the module version which I also own. Dan from Cherry summarised it.. I'll play around with the demo a bit more and maybe do some comparisons with the module version. I do wish the demo noise was just silence rather than that awful feedback sound.
  10. New from Cherry Audio, not a VM module but a standalone/VST/VST3/AAX instrument emulation of the classic Roland Juno 106. There's also a 30 day demo which will play random tones periodically, but is otherwise unlimited. Normal price is $39 but I don't know how long it's on the intro price. https://cherryaudio.com/instruments/dco-106
  11. Thanks Mesh, yes I got it but yet to test it ?
  12. What version did you buy? I am wondering if they are handling CE licenses first? Anyone on K12U or K12 (not CE) got theirs and if so when did you register?
  13. I'm still not convinced that I need it ? I need someone like Fleer to convince me
  14. $49.98 in cart at AudioDeluxe (code SUMMER2020 automatically applied) https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/sonible-smarteq-2
  15. https://www.sonible.com/blog/smarteq2-bday-sale/ It is 59 EUR for me when I log in (regular 129 EUR). I only have Smart:EQ Live and Proximity:EQ.
  16. Cool! The support guy said it can take up to a week ? When did you order yours Tomgu?
  17. First look at Guitar Rig 6 Here's the Komplete 13 one in case you missed it...
  18. Thanks Tomgu. I see some folk over on KVR have started to receive their updates (nothing here yet - I registered my K12U on 13th Sept)... https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&p=7901175#p7901175
  19. I ran the portal this morning and it updated (maybe something to do with MPS4 being released tomorrow?). Also, there was an update for Neutron 3 Advanced to v3.2, change log as follows. Version 3.2 released September 30, 2020 New Features & Enhancements Added advanced unmask functionality, available via the unmask feature in Nectar 3+'s Vocal Assistant. New unmask features include: Unmask EQ amount control Dynamic unmask EQ toggle Ability to trigger unmask EQ with sidechain input Bugfixes Fix bug where manually entering discrete slope values in the EQ's Q/slope readouts was broken Fix bug where the selected preset name would not persist after closing the UI Added the ability to scrub frequency, gain, and Q readouts in the EQ
  20. You would have thought the system for rolling out eligible upgrades would be automated but from the lack of anything in people's accounts at this stage I'm guessing that it's triggered manually. Maybe something will happen during NI office hours?
  21. It's 23:10 here in the UK and nothing in my account yet. Any luck with yours? I guess I will sleep on it and look again in the morning ?
  22. What he said ^^^ An insurance policy (or another way they can squeeze more money out of you). https://www.ilok.com/#!zdt-coverage
  23. Not long to wait now! I'm looking forward to NOIRE but I'm also curious to see what they did with Guitar Rig 6. My only question is which time zone are they using to determine when it's 1 minute after midnight is on 1st October?
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