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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Thanks Larry. I also had an update to Stradivari Violin (1.1.3) waiting after the Native Access update but there was no change log.
  2. Yes pretty generous. It remains to be seen whether the update brings user friendliness with it! Part of the appeal is that it is so deep but with that complexity comes the need to spend time absorbing how it works and understanding all of the options. A lot of the tutorial videos in the past seem to have been made by enthusiastic users like these for v3 --> http://www.musicdevelopments.com/videos.html It's ironic that for "rapid" music creation I tend to turn to Captain Plugins or Orb Production Suite but I will remain hopeful. I notice that there seems to be some more user videos now under the Support -> Rapidcomposer website menu (Yildirin and HiEnergy) which I hadn't noticed before and might be worth checking out. I also hadn't see the video posted above by Matthew. Will be interested to see whether v4 has anything new in the way of tutorials in the coming months. What they need is someone like Eli Krantzberg to make an in-depth video on Groove 3. I can dream can't I?
  3. Found this on KVR @Zo https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=354654&p=7625887&hilit=Overloud#p7625887 Which looks like one fee for multiple licence transfers to the same account (Dated January 2020)
  4. ZincT

    Virtual CZ

    The lowest note ( C1?) on my 61 key controller played the kick drum from recollection.
  5. Wow, that was fast Larry! I saw this post, then a couple of minutes later got the email. I reckon your brain must be directly wired to the Internet. ?
  6. ZincT

    Virtual CZ

    Yes, I know what you mean but I persevered and then realised that each preset had a number of patterns. There's a knob (ooer :) bottom left somewhere (sorry not near it at the moment) that switches between each pattern.
  7. ZincT

    Virtual CZ

    I thought it was OK for a freebie 909 emulator. The new Audiokit IOS one looks killer though and on £($) 2.99 intro if you are into iPad music apps.
  8. Thanks Larry! Been waiting for this and I'm eligible for a free upgrade. I'm hoping the new version will be a bit more user friendly than the old!
  9. ZincT

    Virtual CZ

    Same here abacab! First synth I ever had was a CZ-101 which I bought in the 80s. It was so cute with its mini keys but I got rid of it a long time ago........
  10. I just need to be able to play keyboard like him now (couldn't find an emoji for dreaming).
  11. That's why you are da King!
  12. Great app! Owned the full version since it came out. Basically anything with Jordan Rudess's involvement tends to be dope.
  13. ZincT

    Virtual CZ

    Yes I also just received an email with a $25 gift voucher from D16 after registering Drumazon.
  14. ZincT

    Virtual CZ

    Thanks for the heads up. Only one I don't have is Drumazon so that'll do nicely
  15. ZincT

    Virtual CZ

    Time to pick this one up. Cheers Larry!
  16. Worth a try for a dollar! Only thing I don't like so far is whenever I search I seem to find blog/article links rather than courses. If I limit the search to Tutorials I still don't get the results I'm expecting. For example, I thought let's check out the Mastering Tips course mentioned by @locrian so I typed in Mastering Tips in the search and got.. 13 article results - none by Daniel Wyatt and list of most popular articles. Clicked on Tutorials and there's no search so clicked on Mixing and Mastering category and ... 522 Articles!!! ? So I thought "it must be Academy" - clicked on that and eventually found it. So if you're looking for courses make sure you head to the Academy link. Also, is there any way to favorite a course? I use that a lot on G3. For anyone else wondering, the Mastering Tips course is here... https://ask.audio/academy?nleloc=/course/3464/daniel-wyatt-s-mastering-tips/curriculum-undefined
  17. Yes just checking. I think I probably decided not to bother as I had a (relatively easy) working solution with TouchDAW and rtpMIDI but hopefully someone with knowledge of Eucon will provide a solution.
  18. Did you check in Preferences -- MIDI -- Devices to see if there was any Eucon device? You probably have to add it there before you can add a Control Surface (just guessing).
  19. In April I was able to get Eucontrol from my Avid account but I never got as far as trying it. Have you tried that Larry?
  20. Ah I had forgotten it was paid. It does have a Cakewalk setting though. That's one area where Cakewalk could do with its own, like the Studio One remote app which is excellent. Maybe a future release? The articulation map feature was a pleasant surprise so I guess anything's possible.
  21. @cclarry Before I got a keyboard with DAW facilities I used TouchDAW on my Android phone/tablet and rtpMIDI on the PC which works fine (although I normally used TouchOSC on an iPad but the principle is the same).
  22. I get what you are saying Aidan... When I got the Komplete Ultimate 13 upgrade recently I needed to clear a lot of space to make room for some of the libraries. So I did a ruthless audit to root out stuff I didn't need to keep on the SSDs. For sample libraries I found that I didn't use them often enough to warrant the space that they took up but when I did it was mostly vocal and drum samples that I used. I also used the MIDI from them but of course MIDI is tiny compared to audio samples so I kept all of those. With Melodyne/Revoice or even basic DAW features you can pretty much do anything you like with these vocals apart from change the actual words used (but you can build up sentences). You might even use them as sound sources in a synth. This guy gives an example of chopping up and altering a vocal sample so it almost becomes an instrument..
  23. Lol, having installed Cubase 11 I'm now thinking I might hold onto it for now ?
  24. Thanks antler. Yes all of those SWAM instruments look superb and have a price tag to match although the iPad equivalents are much cheaper. I will also keep an eye on them over BF.
  25. Thanks guys! I have so nearly bought it before. It's now on my BF wishlist ?
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