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Alan Tubbs

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Everything posted by Alan Tubbs

  1. Well, that is welcome. After a couple days doing my morning browsing using the good ole iPad, today cakewalk is signed in with my password. I guess it took some time to get established. Don't know why, but ill take it . Funny stuff in computer land.
  2. I just got a surface pro running windows 11. My music computer and writing laptop are both win 10. My tablet I’m web writing on now Is an iPad. The surface however doesn’t want to accept passwords to get me into bandlab, cakewalk forums, gearslutz . When I checked my Windows passwords listings not only were the passwords correct but there were multiple passwords for the same site. I remember having problems with the two win machines. I used one password for windows itself and another for my email. Those kept getting switched - one would work with mail but not windows. The next day it would be switched. any ideas? Does win 11 not work seamlessly with passwords? Is it normal to have thee or four passwords under the internal listing? I’m interested in any ideas. thanks @
  3. From gearslutz, I mean space. https://gearspace.com/board/new-product-alert/1417163-bandlab-launches-exclusive-music-distribution-more-membership-subscribers.html who knew?
  4. I don’t know of any audio interface geared for guitar or drums or vocals. That is asking a bit much for a $2000 interface, much less a $200 one for use w a specific instrument. Basically, a good interface/preamp will sound good on most sounds. I’ve used an audient and they are very good sounding. A few years ago they used the same pre across the entire line, from cheapest interface to their $20,000 console. Those were very nice indeed and of all the interfaces pres I’ve used the most “analog” sounding, like there was a transformer inline. I would check them out first. for years I used a tascam uh 7000, which not only had double plus good conversion but crystalline pres. Unfortunately they made it for audiophiles, not musicians, and had high latency and no real expansion capabilities (there was stereo digital in out but no recording of the 2nd unit since tascam told me that they didn’t trust audiophiles with feedback). Shortsighted. They had a real winner . I don’t know how much they go for used. But it is the best sounding unit until I used the new Neumann mt48, a 2 grand unit.
  5. The Yamaha Motif etc can function as a one stop audio and midi usb unit. You have to run their driver and then you can record the motif’s audio directly as well as the standard midi output via usb. When I used it back when, however, the latency was high. This was years ago and I didn’t really try to replace my interface with the 2x2 Yamaha usb system, so others might have got it to work. however, the Motif line is a significant step up in price from the Korg. And that is about the only thing I know about the Korg.
  6. Pretty much the same look. The software on the screen is different and in brilliant color. And there is ADAT squeezed onto the rear.
  7. Had the chance to review the new interface from Neumann, the MT 48. It is a modified Anubis from Merging Technologies and part of their house and mastering system. It comes with AES67 for Ethernet such connections. And it is a step up from any other interface I’ve used. 136 dB signal to noise ratio and 78 dB gain on the mic preamps. It has the clarity to give you pristine replication and show off the slightly thickening sound you get from class A, transformer coupled front end. Even using their own pure pres the sound doesn’t come out serial, just clean. Two pres, two line ins and 4 out. Plus 2 separate headphones out, and all 4 of these stereo outs can have their own mixes and excellent effects package from Merging Tech. In fact, all outs share those same channel strips and you can record both the clean and effected mixes to your DAW for parallel compression. You basically get a complete hardware digital mixer with big board monitoring controls built in. You can run this with your DAW or bypass it and have practically 0 latency thru the unit. With the clean effects. There is even a setting to run the single ADAT signals straight out, skipping the DAW again to run out to your analog hardware. Like a tape deck. And the kicker is a touchscreen monitor to handle all the MT 48 functions in a logical layout. Much better than my DAW control via a large touchscreen. You might prefer a Burl ADDA sound, or any of the other top notch units, but they aren’t better, just different. And the Neumann lists for less than $2000. Admittedly that is pricey, but since the new Cakewalk offering will be a professional DAW(s), you can hook it up with a top notch interface too. A complete review will appear in a couple of months in Tape Op. and to squash that argument Neumann didn’t “pay” me for the review. That is a simpleton’s argument. Why would anyone even remotely professional want to waste one or two months reviewing a POS product. I asked to review this product because it seemed intriguing. And it certainly met my expectations, although i didn’t think it would sound obviously better than any other home studio interface I’ve auditioned. @
  8. If you need a no compromise interface try the Neumann mt 48. It is a take off of merging technologies hardware. Just finished a tape op review and it worked fine on pc. 136 dB gain on crystal clear preamps, reference quality adda and an internal digital mixer for 0 latency and world class eq (and the dynamics on each channel ain’t shabby at all). it has most of the features of a large format console including a monitor sections. It has a great but small touch screen with easy access to the most used functions. When I checked to see if it was outputting sound I plugged in the headphones ( I cracked a couple of lamar’s so digging around low didn’t appeal to me until more pain meds kicked in). My Akg 240s sounded better than my mains. If you want to hear that step up from commercial gear pros talk about try it. It does cost almost 2 grand but is worth it if you can afford it.
  9. Let us know what you think after living with it a while. I never got a chance to review this unit and have the transformer coupled outputs from my RND summer but it always nice to hear what others think. Warm stuff generally punches above its price. The ssl unit costs 1000s more. Even if I thought it was worth it I couldn’t afford it.
  10. This topic has a huge, locked thread. Read it and you’ll see there is no known answer until cake releases it.
  11. Cakewalk has had several different plans for payment. Mostly you just bought a lease of the software (you don’t own the software and can’t use the code itself ). You can, tho continue to use the software until MS breaks something. This usually came with a years worth of updates. cakewalk has sold versions of their DAW with effects and softsynths included, or just plain. Those cost more but continue to work to MS breaks something. Updates incl for the year. and the most problematic was rent to own. You sent in a monthly payment for 12 months and then you owned the last version of cakewalk you paid for. It didn’t die and leave you stranded. Why this is so hard to grasp is beyond me. Maybe if cake called it layaway.
  12. If you read all that cakewalk has put out here and on-site it seems that CbB is going to eventually wither into obsolescence since it won’t get updated. Window will eventually break it. Two of my favorite synths died this slow death - Komplexer and one that went Mac only. this makes sense if you are selling software. Don’t kill the golden goose but don’t unnecessarily ***** your base. After 6 months or a year CbB will be phased out (see the link below and read staff’s remarks). No more freeloading of their top line software. You’ll have to decide on Sonar, Next, Bandlab or some other company’ Daw. https://www.cakewalk.com/sonar Hopefully there will be a cheaper standard Sonar and one with cakewalk synths and effects. By now Bandlab Co has a good idea of expenses for keeping Sonar (and Next!) updated. Hopefully the vanilla version of Cakewalk with come in from a hundred dollars to 2 hundred and keeps the flow of newbies from Bandlab entering their paid world.
  13. Thanks Bass, these are all new interfaces for review. They all say windows 11.
  14. My main rig is still windows 10. I’ve been testing various interfaces this year and they all seem to work fine. The new Neumann interface is next on the list. pros con at this point in windows development.
  15. A bit on the expensive side, but an excellent input channel. RND cut and simplified features but the sound is the same as the “new” Neve cleaner sound. This is not an 1073 or older neve sound like the RND Shelford channel strip but more in the line of the Portico ll. it goes for 2000$ which is a lot, but not for a professional tool. The sound is brilliant and the control it does provide is well chosen, if stripped down (semi parametric eq, fixed comp attack, etc.). If you can get one you won’t have to ask yourself is it me not capturing the signal? It is and not the equipment. a great price for what you get. But get two as there is a link function and as a buss effect it really shines (as well as stereo recording). The review should be in Tape Op’s next issue. Tape Op is free just sign up. An audio engineer’s magazines.
  16. Greg, add “solved” to the title so others can see your solution.
  17. The unpro simple Dimension was part of P5. I don’t think it was included in Sonar until after it became Dimension Pro.
  18. Yea, that was going to be my suggestion - fins a transfer shop usually in video production house.
  19. Most soft effects have presets for drums, guitar etc. that is as close as you’re gonna get. what you actually asking is to be replaced by AI.
  20. Dithering is the last process to do for a final mix file. Don’t dither unless it is a final file that you don’t plan on working on that file anymore. check both dithering algorithms and use whichever one sounds best to you.
  21. Most rooms can be made decent for little money. I made some traps and it cleaned a lot of sludge out of the way. these are simple to make. Buy some rockwool at a Home Depot or such, order some pillow covers from Amazon and have your coffee roaster or find one that will give you enough 70 kilo burlap bags. Cut the rockwool into pillow sized panels, stuff them into the cases to keep fibers at bay and put them into the decorative burlap bag and hang them in the corners and reflective spots. It will clean up your soundstage for under $100 and an afternoon.
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