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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. Good job hitting that first tier! The VI Group Buy is now at Buy 1 get 2 more free!
  2. If anybody having problems is on Windows 10, it likely has to do with something tickled by the update released just before IK Product Manager was out. There is a workaround posted at https://www.ikmultimedia.com/faq/index.php?id=1393
  3. This sounds like a specific Windows issue that the team was able to recreate (I believe after running a specific Windows update right beforehand, but that's neither here nor there) and they should have a workaround for you if that's the case. If not they'll still be able to resolve that for you. Same for others that seem to have a similar/same issue. Glad it works for you. I believe a couple of people here who are having trouble might be able to get a workaround from Support until there's an update. Support definitely can help, you are correct. Yes, you can find this and much more great information in the IK Product Manager FAQ: Yes, thank you for the suggestions.
  4. Ah yes, and honestly even though I'd love to see only IK Product Manager, the installers still containing Authorization Manager for the failsafe of manual installs at least saves some time of scratching one's head wondering "do I need that for a manual install?" and a tiny bit of time not having to download it separately. Though of course eventually it will be streamlined toward no more Authorization Manager, there had to be a transition period. "In case of manual installation break glass - and here's Authorization Manager for now". I believe we noticed some hubub when other companies introduced their download/install managers and some of these things are meant to hopefully not rock the boat as much.
  5. Right. That's because you're installing manually, not with IK Product Manager and Authorization Manager is not discontinued and is part of the manual installation process. You might want to work with IK Support and get IK Product Manager working and you won't need to use Authorization Manager at all.
  6. To follow up on that first part of my last post, and one of the main points of why IK Product Manager exists (finally) is... The rate of support requests for SampleTank 4 on opening day is not something we want to repeat. Welcome to IK Product Manager.
  7. It does. As with any software and with so many configurations people are running out there, some may not have optimal results. Like I said, IK Support can help. I know they identified an issue that was happening after a very recent Windows update and I'm sure if that's what's affecting you or others they will walk you through it now and the devs will implement a longer term fix. Apologies for being blunt but you seem to be emoting that you are happy to think you're seeing IK Product Manager "fail". See below where it does work flawlessly for the person quoted and I assure you I've heard from many, many more. Also our support queue received an insanely low amount of tickets for a new release, both against IK's data and industry standards. Thanks, I was a loud voice about de-authorization early on. Happy to see that here, it had to be included. Glad it works for you. I appreciate the suggestion, too, thank you. I'll let the team know. That's odd, I'm sure IK Support can assist you there, if you are on Windows and recently updated they may have a specific workaround for your case.
  8. I'm sure there will be files available to install as a failsafe but this will replace Authorization Manager and manual installs (which we know nobody loves, based on SampleTank 4 MAX!)
  9. Not sure why you installed it to even try then, as eventually (and not a super long time) IK Product Manager will be the only way to download and authorize current IK software.
  10. No, Custom Shop is where you try gear or buy with Gear Credits. This was not intended to replace Custom Shop - it is a download/authorization manager. Note you also need Custom Shop running in the background when demoing T-RackS or AmpliTube gear as usual.
  11. Sorry to hear it isn't working for you but it is working very well for many already, so I'm sure IK Support can clear up any issues you are having if you reach out.
  12. Downloading, updating, and managing IK software and plug-ins has never been easier. Welcome to a new downloading experience! We are proud to present the IK Product Manager - a free, custom-designed software utility that greatly enhances the user experience in managing their IK products on Mac/PC. It enables users to authorize, download, install, register and update the current versions of all their IK products from one central location, and includes convenient features for managing larger downloads and installations more easily. IK’s software team reviewed popular user requests, and then developed an optimized solution offering multiple benefits for a range of user activities. The resulting IK Product Manager gives users greater control over their products via an easy-to-use, tab-based hub. Click here to learn more about the IK Product Manager and to download it for free!
  13. Note that the list on the page may appear smaller than previous because the SampleTank and Syntronik instruments (of which there are many) are represented as one card/link each. Also, note that the brand new IK Product Manager may be handy for many who are in or interested in this group buy: IK Product Manager now available
  14. The last T-RackS update was to add Space Delay and some general improvements. But if there are specifics, we add them. For example the SampleTank 4 release notes are specific:
  15. If you think like that, sure. Or they are most definitely "$0 fun". Edit - going all the way (which we always do) would be at least $760 of fun for $199 if you added two $79.99 libraries
  16. The software in Total Studio 2 MAX is listed here: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/ts2max/index.php?p=software
  17. There are all the sound libraries for SampleTank and Syntronik available as well. The new libraries are really underrated, if you didn't pick up Clavitube in the Krazy Deal that's a really great one, and the Alternate Keys is excellent too. Some more great work from the team and Erik Norlander on these.
  18. I figured there would be a lot of interest in the MODO line, for sure. We're at 518 in the VI Group Buy now so not too long before we crash through that first tier and add another freebie!
  19. You can only pick items that are of equal or lesser value from the list. And you'd qualify for Crossgrade anyway if your initial purchase is 99.99+.
  20. To make sure those outside of the EN-speaking regions, etc can follow the link, here is the aggregated worldwide link: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=morethananimpulse
  21. Take your time, when this VI Group Buy hits 5 for the price of 1 it might be more enticing That's definitely a good'un
  22. AmpliTube has routing options that are stereo, including stereo input.
  23. Yes, on the news and VI Group Buy page this is mentioned (in the bottom section of the news, and in the FAQ section of the VI Group Buy page) You can use JamPoints as above (noting that your entry price is based on the pre-JamPoints price) and you can start with the version for which you qualify so if you qualify for the Crossgrade go for it. Then you can choose Crossgrade versions of equal or lesser value for your free choice(s).
  24. I like 1Password, personally. Not free, but I use the family account with multiple vaults etc so it works for me with the features it offers.
  25. Note that this promotion Ampocalypse MAX has been extended through the end of August 2020.
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