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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. Are we, were we ever really "here"? Might as well go full-on philosophical for the next day while we wait. ????
  2. I harbor no hard feelings. Humor etc sometimes doesn't land! I just turned 50 (yesterday, actually, well OK yesterday in the US... eastern US... ok that might not be funny either ) and have worked as a developer and admin/build manager for many a software project so yes a one day delay is still unfortunately considered a near-miracle. But I also know as someone interested in AmpliTube 5 and software like it (and games, which can and often do slip too) it legit sucks when it happens regardless. OK and now I'm officially more concerned that the joke DID land. Teasing. Mostly.
  3. Going to be honest (pun intended) and say that's a pretty hot take for such a simple sentiment/post on my part. Thanks for your input but sorry I'm going to keep it less corporate/uptight and still interact with the community as a human being. I apologize if that doesn't fit your expectations. I also post plenty without any reference to IK here and feel I'm part of the community, regardless of whether a few posts since I posted a one day change may make me feel a little bit otherwise. If there's any other underlying issue with IK (or me) that's causing what to me seems like a (again, I'm going to continue to post like a real human being) overreaction to the content of the post - I hope you can understand why I might feel this is a possible scenario, sorry if I'm wrong but it is well worth asking in my humble opinion - please do shoot me a PM and I'm sure I can help work it out.
  4. It will be available early afternoon Italian time on the 16th. Either way, I think people took WAY too seriously my "it's the 15th somewhere"... It's the 16th where you are? Then it is the 16th.
  5. While it will technically still be the 15th somewhere, the 16th afternoon Italian time (so also the 16th for the continental US etc) is not a typo.
  6. Just to let you know, so there's no surprises, as I posted on Gearslutz: While it still will be the 15th somewhere in the world, the expected general timeframe of release (Italy time) will be early afternoon December 16th.
  7. We just published a new video where you can see and hear the new routing/chains in action. Nice to have Wet/Dry/Wet for more than just the Brian May gear too:
  8. Per the AmpliTube 5 news, if you purchase AmpliTube 4 or it is included with hardware. Total Studio 2 MAX does not unlock free AmpliTube 5 SE.
  9. Just like "complete" bundles from others, Total Studio 2 MAX contains what is available when it was released and is not a subscription or similar where new products are added. It is also available currently for pennies on the dollar and has been for months in a huge promotion. The upgrade to AmpliTube 5 SE/5/MAX is not a huge amount and note that even if you paid $179.99 for Total Studio 2 MAX in the promo, you get JamPoints based on the MSRP of the version you bought which can be used to take off an additional up to 30% off the AmpliTube 5 intro pricing.
  10. I wonder if this one is going to be near-endless like the book/course bundles there since many of those have lasted for as long as I can remember and also have no counter nor end date posted but the game bundles all seem to have them.
  11. Tiers for USD are $1, $10, $20. So basically close enough. This doesn't actually look half bad. I spend enough money with them, and I'm sure this will trigger the "2 mystery Steam games for $1.89" addon and/or they'll have another game bundle I'm going to be a sucker for soon enough so here we go yet again Fanatical.
  12. @Maestro What is your order number? Do you have a ticket open? If so what is that ticket number too? Thanks
  13. That would be funny. T-RackS presets are not available in AmplITube directly but I'll run that up the line. That video posted, for those that didn't click, is about the speakers, rooms, mics, rack effects in AmpliTube 5 and here it is with a preview and embedded to watch here:
  14. I might upgrade in honor of Bruce Swedien. Can't touch his sound overall myself (though I'm sometimes in the same "grumpy old guy" category regardless!) but the 32C would be that console where he did his amazing work. Not to bring the thread down but RIP Bruce.
  15. Sorry to hear Cubase is giving you workflow problems. I really like Cubase and it remains my main, but I do like Mixbus for some things, mainly that it is a very console-like workflow and I am a big fan of the sound of Harrison consoles. But, I've been using it less and less and not sure I'll upgrade this time. Cubase is powerful enough and I'm able to craft the workflow I need with it for almost everything and I only use a couple other DAWs if I really have to.
  16. We also posted a great "making of" video where the people who brought AmpliTube 5 to life talk about it and some great concepts around how it came to be and how some of the more nuanced features affect the sound: https://youtu.be/Y2pg0ST1m-s
  17. Yes. You can unlock everything in CS so it is the same size.
  18. I don't know, plenty have had great things to say and have achieved realistic drum sounds etc. 1. There's a demo so you can get your own idea about how powerful MODO DRUM really is. 2. Ryan did a great live stream and showed off a lot of what MODO DRUM can do, which would pair nicely (like a nice wine or proper beer with your dinner, whatever you enjoy) with demoing it for yourself:
  19. No sweating. AmpliTube 5 will be similar to AmpliTube 4's installation. And other software. You install AmplITube 5 with all it offers, unlocking what you have registered from within. 3GB isn't that big a footprint and you can control where that is installed.
  20. It isn't split data/main program files but as with any IK installation you can choose the main installation path so you can choose your secondary drive for that. Then, as usual, you can specify your plugin paths after that too. The requirements on the Specs page state 3GB just for the basic info.
  21. 1. I suppose with the transfers done via the system that's in place (license transfer credits) it would be, and both would need to have the transfer field next to it in your respective IK User Areas if so. However... 2. The version included with your hardware is NFR per the EULA at https://www.ikmultimedia.com/legal/index.php?R=license-agreement under "Software Transfer"
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