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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. I'm open to it but really lean toward the tactile feel. I do use an iPad app to control Cubase (the Steinberg official app) from time to time but it isn't my preferred method for anything more complex than recording myself from another room/area of the studio. Interesting. I put motorized faders near the top of the list of requirements but I've heard good things about that unit so I'll keep an open mind.
  2. I'm starting to hate my old MCU so they had an opportunity here. I guess if any reps are watching, I'd be fine with some "industry consideration" LOL. Actually, I know I'll hem and haw over which surface to choose anyway so probably better they didn't have a deal here. So many choices, I'll likely choose one that takes up too much space and is overkill if the price and feature set are right, I know myself too well...
  3. My best purchase is also hardware: My dual CPU 24-core 96GB RAM studio computer upgrade. Having been in IT, I was able to find a nice enterprise-class workstation pull of a model that's known to be rock solid for Cubase (I believe Pro Tools also officially supports them) at a steal of a deal. If I squeeze in a new control surface before the end of the year (unlikely), that will probably get honorable mention. For non-musical purchases, if gifts count my wife got me a nice bottle of Lagavulin 16 that will last into 2021. The Nick Offerman bottle (an 11 year) only has a little left so that's going to be a goner before 2020 is over.
  4. Judging by the topic name, I was bummed when I found out this wasn't 50% off of Faderport 16.
  5. Inside is quite good. It seems like a more cosmetically-enhanced Limbo experience on the surface and for me delivered a bit deeper and more interesting gameplay overall. Makes sense that six years later they'd have improved the formula so to speak, and Limbo is no slouch of a game by any means.
  6. Thanks for the reminder (though I already had it). Interesting to me, though, is that with the dailies they don't have a second option when the main is game that is 18+. I'm not complaining, but it is different than their normal giveaways where they offer a family-friendly game as well. But really, no complaints, just an observation. I believe they had hinted that the giveaways in general wouldn't happen even in 2020 and now it looks like they continue to go all in and I wouldn't be surprised to see the normal (weekly?) giveaways last well into or even through 2021. Let's hope the Unreal Engine keeps kicking ***** (more and continued use on high-visibility projects like The Mandalorian and in non-gaming industries like automotive and architecture surely help keep Epic profitable and we benefit) to allow for these freebies.
  7. Thanks for the inclusion Though in this case, having a real Juno 106 with original and working voice chips still makes me want to collect the virtual versions (especially when they have some additional features, official version from Roland, etc).
  8. There are others in the series, right? Are they (or possibly it, since it may be only one other game in the series) better? I am selective about installing these Epic freebies. I have installed all that I purchased from them but only a couple of the free ones (including when Rocket League went free to play, though I already purchased that one on many platforms, many times over (including for other people). I missed Subnautica so I was hoping they'd repeat that one as I'd install that one right away.
  9. Thank you. Definitely have been picking up every free Epic offering. They're surprisingly good. Great or amazing? I guess that would be a stretch but they're overall pretty good. I already have Torchlight and even though that's old I really like the first two and would recommend them both. The third is on sale for the Steam Winter Sale right now but still a little worried about that one based on reviews and such.
  10. I think it ended, I clicked earlier today and it said it was no longer valid. Not as much a fan of the Ubisoft store/launcher but still a fan of free games so I was slightly bummed.
  11. That is a good one, I picked it up on Epic but have played it and glad to have it here for free. I also enjoy tower defense so Defense Grid: The Awakening is recommended but I do already have that one. I have many from the leaked list (which appears accurate so far so that bodes well for the rest of the list) but I'll pick them up on EGS regardless. I didn't know about the Ubisoft ones so thanks for those. I also don't have a ton of time for games but I do like to take a breather to play them when I can so these are great to have in the backlog. I think that's why I like tower defense games. Can typically pick that type of game up for a short time to get a nice brain break, without committing to a huge gaming session.
  12. Bingo. Also happy to see the "Manuals" tab in IK Product Manager for AmpliTube 5.
  13. Yes, if anybody has not installed it please note that an update for AmpliTube 5 - version 5.0.1 - is now available via IK Product Manager. Please update as soon as possible. Thank you.
  14. CS was specified so I was thinking it was something more specific to it bu that could be it. They are testing an update that has multiple fixes but I don't have a specific time that will be released but it will be released as soon as possible.
  15. What updates are you looking for? AmpliTube 5 CS was released with AmpliTube 5 on the 16th. You should not have to purchase additional gear for collections that you have. Please let the team know what you're having an issue with (and please do a Restore Purchases in the Custom Shop application first to see if that helps) and I'm sure they'll be able to figure it out. Great!
  16. The Tiny Terror should appear for all now. You may need to Restore Purchases though. CS has 16 IR per speaker, using the same tech there as AT4. So the default would be the AT4 cabinets but you will still have sonic differences since AmpliTube 5 is a complete rewrite including the engine. Plus the legacy amps are redone, etc.
  17. Shorten it to iCig and we can keep it broad... Cigars, cigarettes, etc. I seem to recall an old Flintstones cartoon where either Wilma or Betty was selling them saying "Cigar?... Cigarette?" but I could be imagining it.
  18. The team is aware that some are not seeing the Tiny Terror that was given away. It should be fixed soon. I'm surprised these didn't make it even larger. But now I hope I have not jinxed it! It was tested extensively in Reaper. I wasn't one who specifically tested in Reaper but I did use it a few times in the latest versions of 5.x and 6.x and it worked fine. I'm sure they'll figure out what's getting "tickled" for those who are having issues with Reaper. This may be related to some reported bugs that were fixed for an upcoming release but I'd suggest reporting your specific issue to the team to make sure it tracks with that. If not, they'll get it submitted and fixed.
  19. The smaller resolution issue will be resolved in an upcoming update, it is listed as a fixed issue from what I'm seeing.
  20. I'd make sure you're running the proper full feature set, with VIR™ and all working properly because AmpliTube 5 is most definitely different than AmpliTube 4 sound-wise. An example of someone who did a great A/B with their own projects (from VI-Control) below for this perspective but from a user:
  21. Odd on the lag, not seeing such a lag but running with an overkill RTX2080 here, I should turn on the FPS monitor and see what I'm getting Also, I should remember to use that knob more often! I tend to forget to reach for it as much as I should. Had nothing to do with that, this is the first time I've been here today. There was a small glitch in the communication with the authorization server though and that was fixed early this morning so authorization/gear should all be working since then. Glad people are enjoying AmpliTube 5, it really is a step up.
  22. I went with Transparency as it had some sounds I think I could use on an upcoming project, and I wanted to stick with VA sounds as I only have the player for the others.
  23. IK: (ok well we don't drop in all of those folders but you might find some VST2/AAX/etc that could be removed...)
  24. I don't know about those Tarantino movies. I rented that "Pulp Friction" one and the production quality wasn't as people had explained and there wasn't any violence but a lot of ***** scenes.
  25. Got the mail here too, but I'm a mix of straight up purchases from their site, at least one of the bundles that was an amazing deal, and previous freebies.
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