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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. Sorry didn't realize my input was necessary. If you already have the Tiny Terror, be it in the Collection or purchasing it a la carte, you already have it so it won't be added again to your account.
  2. True and I really was joking. I wouldn't be here 10+ years if I wasn't enjoying myself. Of course that segues nicely into KVR as I'll admit that's probably the only thing that's nearly broken me over those 10+ years. There has been some nastiness for sure, with a marked improvement lately even if it still can seem a bit heated compared to somewhere like here. I did have the advantage of an existing rapport with many users there pre-IK as I believe I had 4,000+ posts before my IK tenure started. Another tangent is that I stipulated to both KVR and IK that I must be able to use a separate and clearly-branded IK username as would any IK rep in the future. Glad to stick to that, though I really could have made that 4K post count SO much higher otherwise. Either way, "sock puppets" were a huge problem back then (and some argue still are, but I think it is far better now) so I didn't want to get associated with anything like that and wanted to remain above board.
  3. I honestly had no idea what it meant but still loved it and ran with it so that's probably worse! I didn't think I was the butt of a joke here, though, since I tend to hang here enough to get the inside jokes and the general vibe. Thank you for the kind words, too. I certainly like THOSE vibes. Who wouldn't?? Ah wow, I've only lived in places with single digit sales tax. I was sad to hear that you thought I took it negatively, I really did love it. Even if I didn't fully understand it. I also figured folks like @Fleer could run with something like that. No matter my affiliation or what I'm probably not supposed to laugh at - this was legitimately funny to me. 1 chortle well-earned. But also seriously taking a note from this too. I'm glad you're re-examining SampleTank 4 a bit. *start cloaking from my management* With the latest update, SamleTank 4 CS sound library, and the Editor, I feel that even we started getting the most out of the power of our own software. That's not a dig, it is a deep bit of software really and they had time to really take lots of notes so it isn't like they've "finally learned" our own software but still... the stride has been hit much better at this time *end cloaking* About that impressive tenure using IK products, *start cloaking again* Imagine working for them for 10+ years! *end cloaking*. But seriously, that's cool, I believe my first use of IK products was AmpliTube 2. It was around the time my colleagues from Berklee who were working in the industry in some major studios were still telling others "don't fear the amp sim" and things like "everybody uses them" etc. I can't comment on the KVR thread, I commented some matter-of-fact, well, facts about what is in Total Studio 2 MAX and the flagship MAX products and how that information can be found on our site (and how it is almost identical to how a large well-known bundle does it) and I don't think I was a jerk about it so I'm not sure if anybody ended up getting offended by that. I ended up coming here and Gearslutz after that (and started here this morning) so now I'm not looking forward to revisiting there but KVR is KVR, I understand how it's different there than here, GS, and some other forums. Another reason it is best to save that visit for last for me There are indeed some gold to be mined among the rest of the mess in most threads there though, I agree with that point. Keep me/us posted and we'll go from there.
  4. I'm sorry I am laughing so it worked. I took it as lighthearted and somewhat absurdist and love it. I don't think you are accusing me of being a horse (a horse, of course of course). I just liked the theme and ran with it. But wait, does that now make me the horse's *****? Dang it! (seriously, I'm taking these shots at my own expense not implying you think this so we're all good). Also, I'm currently confused quite a lot more than usual but I'm clearly just enjoying your post to the max and probably beating a dead horse with the references. OK that was the last one. I promise.
  5. We have offline authorization so you'd still need to utilize that process but after that you should be good to go. I believe the instructions are in the Installation & Authorization Manual and in our FAQ.
  6. I'd say with regard to those moments where the traction slips that "I'm only human" but I believe I've been outed as otherwise. Willllburrrrr
  7. Trust me, we wouldn't charge it if we didn't have to and I guess I have to state "this is my personal opinion" but I probably wouldn't be met with disagreement from my colleagues saying it sure isn't "value added". Heck, here in the States we don't like single-digit % sales tax and frankly we seem to forget the roots of our country with regard to taxation. I think on this side of the pond, it's the "with representation" that can be muddy.
  8. Thank you. While I may or may not be Mr Ed, I also was not clear in my reply for a few reasons. One being that Eric is straight up 100% legit - heck we even exchange ointment recommendations elsewhere in public so we're all good! - so I should just let go of replying to aggressive misinformation that sideswipes him due to being used as a tool for something technically nefarious but also technically not his fault.
  9. Thank you for the kind words. Speaking of being helpful (and sincere apologies that I don't recall offhand) but if you would like to PM me with your other reasons I can offer at least listening and relaying and at best a resolution or pathway to it. No guarantees because my aging mind isn't fully recalling the issues But please do feel free to hit me up via PM any time.
  10. Edit not worth it since you don't understand the law if you don't think it is "fair". It doesn't have to do with us, it has to do with your government and the retailer you chose to use to evade taxes. Again, not our "business terms with our dealers" but your government's terms with people who sell to those who live under their governance. It's not that hard to understand. You are "paying 27% extra just because you're based in Europe" because of your government. Take it up with them. ...and we follow the letter of the law with transfer fees and every other aspect of our business. You don't need to resort to misinformation just because I'm stated facts that you don't agree with or which don't suit your evading of taxes.
  11. Great to hear! Sorry I was this guy:
  12. Except that they are not exempt from charging VAT to customers in Europe (it was widely discussed and impacted dealers who have been required to charge VAT even if the dealer is US-based if the customer is in Europe, it's a law not just a "suggestion"). In fact, I'm 99.9% sure they're not supposed to sell to EU customers at all...
  13. You might want to check which phase settings you are using and make sure the measurements were good. ARC System 3 should provide better results in almost all cases. We'll be adding the ARC System 3 integration in a future update of T-RackS.
  14. I think we're all overthinking it. Objectively, traditional microphones are more affected by environmental factors (including age). However, we do include the profiles for those microphones because they can still provide excellent results. We just have more confidence in a MEMS microphone being exactly as it left the warehouse/factory and also will not deviate between different units of the same microphone (never a reason to create a "matched pair" for MEMS microphones like you find for traditional recording mics, for example) thus the profile is going to be more consistent among the MEMS microphones. But we do have accurate profiles for the previous two microphones which is why their effectiveness isn't negated, but there are real and objective physical truths to be considered and we make our recommendation for best results based on this information. Supporting third party measurement microphones (including the Sonarworks mic) is a big step in ARC too, and we can get excellent results there because we either had the profiles available or they have profiles available to use. It is similar to something like Mic Room - if you know the source, the results will be better. If the source is more consistent then different units even of the same source microphone will inevitably have variations, however slight and differing in impact based on environmental factors outside of the software's control, if they are traditional microphones.
  15. Glad you were able to win. I picked and guarantee you didn't get any favoritism! In fact Dave thought I was a bit slow in picking because I am meticulous about doing these right Right, support has to look at these cases as they need to check your account specifically. The new MEMS microphone is available now. $/€69.99 on our site and you can use JamPoints toward that. The new mic is able to provide better results for the reasons fret_man states below. Yes, that's the way to go - they'll be able to look at what's happening in your account directly. It would be best to report directly as they have to look at your specific account. This. There are definite advantages for physical reasons. Why would we take out the option to use the previous mics? They work, there are just actual physical reasons why the MEMS mic will give better results. ARC System 3 also works with 3rd party measurement mics - should we have left that out too? You can use JamPoints toward the microphone and combined with the upgrade for ARC 2+ users it is cheaper than the bundle (which is also only available on preorder). I agree that adding support for the previous microphones and 3rd party measurement mics was a good move. Also yes the upgraded algorithm is a great improvement and the main reason that ARC System 3 is better than previous, and the new features are great and support that improvement. About the microphones, from our FAQ: What is the best microphone to use with ARC 3? To get the best possible results in terms of accuracy you should use the ARC 3 MEMS Microphone. With this mic ARC 3 ensures a precision within +/- 0.5dB, which is a quite remarkable level of accuracy! It’s the best investment you can do for your studio, it’s a reasonably priced microphone, and it offers a great stability with time and temperature, so it will always deliver the same reliable results over years. Are the older ARC microphones (silver metal models) still good for ARC 3? With normal “recording” microphones the accuracy of the frequency response down to the dB or fraction of dB is not that crucial, but for measurement microphones it’s a fundamental aspect. There were two models of the original ARC condenser microphone, one with an orange ring at its base, one without; the first model is from 2007 and it’s the one without the orange ring. Condenser microphones tend to vary their response with environmental conditions and with age. In 2009 that mic was replaced with the second model (with the orange ring) to improve the stability with time and temperature. So, if you own one of the original ring-less microphones that was sold between 2007 and 2009, while you can for sure use and see the results, there are chances that its reliability is not great at today (11+ years later), making the precision of the ARC 3 correction less accurate. The second model was more stable, but even that one is surpassed in terms of precision and stability with environment and age by the ARC 3 MEMS microphone. So, if you’re after a great level of accuracy from your monitoring system, make sure to use the ARC 3 MEMS microphone for the room analysis phase.
  16. There is no deadline set currently for the coupon. The pricing isn't introductory it is MSRP just the bundle is just set as a preorder.
  17. The bottom part is labeled new instruments.... That is why they are not down there.
  18. I don't have a specific date but we are definitely making great progress on our side. Joe is still very busy promoting the new album (even though basically shut in like the rest of us) but we're getting there. We should have more news soon.
  19. Sure thing, glad to help and that it is making a difference. With regard to the mics, you'll be fine. MEMS mics are more consistent and don't age like traditional mics but the previous mics will get you to where you need to be from the sound of it.
  20. If you've already imported them in SampleTank 3, you can copy those over (or use the same external drive if that's how you fly) as a sample library location in SampleTank 4. Hey - did you just win it on Dave & Mark's Instagram live stream?
  21. Odd. I think it might be fixed again? I'm reacting my ***** off and haven't triggered it Well, you're welcome! I'm trying to do my part and multiquote! I know I sometimes forget since some "other forums" don't have it... Thank you, I appreciate the comments. 180 days for sound libraries. Sorry about that! I fixed it. I know it is unsupported but it's not THAT unsupported Seriously, we also should have a video coming because there are some who are confused even with the manual and subforum on the IK forum to help so I am happy that should be coming and I didn't have to exert any influence in this case. Thank you. I'm in the US, not like that's any better but I just wanted to be clear that I'm not in Italy. Normally I'd wish I was there but I can wait a while. I'm OK
  22. ARC 2.5 introduced the MEMS microphone, if that is what you have it would be the same microphone. Your mic will work. However we do have more information on why the MEMS microphone is the best choice: With normal “recording” microphones the accuracy of the frequency response down to the dB or fraction of dB is not that crucial, but for measurement microphones it’s a fundamental aspect. There were two models of the original ARC condenser microphone, one with an orange ring at its base, one without; the first model is from 2007 and it’s the one without the orange ring. Condenser microphones tend to vary their response with environmental conditions and with age. In 2009 that mic was replaced with the second model (with the orange ring) to improve the stability with time and temperature. So, if you own one of the original ring-less microphones that was sold between 2007 and 2009, while you can for sure use and see the results, there are chances that its reliability is not great at today (11+ years later), making the precision of the ARC 3 correction less accurate. The second model was more stable, but even that one is surpassed in terms of precision and stability with environment and age by the ARC 3 MEMS microphone. So, if you’re after a great level of accuracy from your monitoring system, make sure to use the ARC 3 MEMS microphone for the room analysis phase. Please see above about the microphones. Thanks for the compliment, I did have some influence - not gonna lie
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