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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. If I wouldn't get fired for it, I'd be in there adding "December 31, 2020 23:59 PST" But that would be evil. And wrong. Well yes it would be wrong in many ways including being the aforementioned evil but I meant incorrect.
  2. I'M IN THE US AND I'M ON EDGE TOOOOOO!!! Couldn't resist. But I am and I am, but that's just how these things go lately. 2020, I'm happy to be healthy (relatively, trying not to expand exponentially during this time stuck at home though), and we'll all get through it somehow. The US is a relatively young country, we're going to have to go through some stuff to keep evolving. To your first point, honestly the vast majority would be upgrades at this point. I think when people realize what they do get for the price, and via the version they need (the "Which AmplITube 5 is right for you?" message that went out was a bit of a help as well) they've been jumping in. Thanks for the filtering love, I know a bunch of us are chomping at the bit to look more closely at that (right now what some of us are using would have things unlocked or some of us are using accounts that already have everything) as the builds progress and finalize. The only cabs damaged were from AmpliTube Metal from what I'm seeing. As far as routing, the chart covers some of it but it might not be immediately apparent - check out the simultaneous cabs (and amps) columns where you'll only have routing options for 2 in CS for those vs 3 in SE/5/MAX. So you can't, for example, have the Wet/Dry/Wet routing options which is probably the best example because I know that's the option I'd personally miss most.
  3. Sorry to quote myself but I don't know if I made this prominent enough. It's a huge quality of life improvement and I was pushy about it in this morning's software meeting so I want to shout it from the rooftops so forgive my indulgence and boldface Edit - and the testing team agreed they'd test the F out of this as it is a huge request that's finally coming and they're excited too
  4. Those would vary, you can see the full list at https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/amplitube5/#version via the "download full comparison chart") which should show which are like MixBox and which are not (like the TERC etc). You should be able to click "RACK" on the left to go directly there.
  5. Yes we did update the chart to lay out what is and is not included with the CS version as well as the other versions, feature-wise. That should answer a lot of questions. There will also be a filter which will allow you to filter out gear you don't own and I'm told it applies to presets as well.
  6. CS will have limitations, similar to AmpliTube 4 CS. Of course it isn't going to have the full VIR™ 600+ IRs per cabinet functionality but will have a more "click and drag" functionality like AT4 CS does and use far fewer IRs per cabinet. It will however have resizing. Learned the lesson with T-RackS 5 on that, I made sure that was known to be one of the hills people would die on with regard to CS functionality. It will load your existing gear, but you can see how there will be a sonic difference since you don't get one of the big parts of the AmpliTube 5 feature set with the limitation of no VIR™ 600+ IRs per cabinet and the AT4 CS-like "click and drag" cab interface. See above, and I have already been surprised by the CS limitation details not being on the web site since I had expected them today. Will have to find out what happened tomorrow AM. I'm glad that works out for you! I think you'll be satisfied, it's quite a jump from AmpliTube 4 to my ears. I apologize that we have to charge tax. We prefer to stay in business by following the laws whether I (or most of us) agree with them or not We've received negative reception with regard to AmpliTube subscription so far, so I'm glad that I'm pretty sure you're joking CS will have the limitation in the VIR™/cab section as stated above. AmpliTube 5 SE and higher will not. See above. Cabinets were all remeasured with a few sad exceptions. I don't even want to think about this, but there was a flood in Italy that did irreversible damage to some of the cabinets from AT Metal which is why you don't see them on the gear lists on the AmpliTube 5 page so those unfortunately were not remeasured. We are looking to find exact replacements, though, which is very challenging in some cases. However, the free CS version will not take advantage of this. Thank you for the kind words. I really love AXE I/O and I think you'll enjoy it and AmpliTube 5 quite a lot. With regard to the cab modeling/IR topic, let's root for 143,000 IRs to sound really good - I really think they do and even though my ears are old they're still pretty good thankfully. It will load your previous purchases, yes, but with the limitations mentioned above most notably with regard to the cabinets. AmpliTube 5 is a new install. I'm one of the most vocal people here on this topic, and just like on forums and such we have varying opinions. To me, I do not want nor do I want IK users to experience a significant sonic difference when they open projects just because they updated one plugin. This is also partially due to the fact that I don't always remember to render/print tracks that I really should on projects that are finalized. In a perfect world I'd do that and be 100% covered. This is not a perfect world and as I approach 50 in slightly over a month from now I don't get any better at remembering these things. I do see both sides of the argument, though. I just like my take on it more! See above. Resizing is definitely available. But also check out the limitations of the cabinet section mentioned too. That's worth consideration. AmpliTube 5 SE and higher will run your previous gear with the VIR™ tech in full force. Please see above, while hopefully forgiving my rambling on the "why" portion of how AmpliTube 5 will be a separate installation. They do, with the exceptions mentioned above (the damaged cabinets ).
  7. You would want to go with either AmpliTube 5 or AmpliTube 5 SE depending on which gear from the new gear list you want (listed here). That way you'd get all features, run all your gear in the new engine/etc and pay the least depending on what new gear you wanted. No problem, happy to help. AmplITube 5 SE is not limited functionality. I address this in my reply above and elsewhere. It is the free CS version that does not have all the features of SE/5/MAX. I stated above that more information will be available soon on this. It will be limited in functionality and free, don't know what "limited functionality" we're offering for $99 because... we're not. AmpliTube 5 SE is full features which I also already posted.
  8. They will work in AmplITube 5 and you don't have to pay extra to specifically upgrade them. Any version of AmpliTube 5 above CS will have full features and run your existing gear. Seven collections were added, $680 if purchased separately. If you don't have those, the MAX upgrade is a great option (makes them around $43/each but I guess some feel this actual math is "biased" math for whatever reason), plus all the new gear listed on the AmpliTube 5 page (under each version there's a "gear included" link), and of course the new features like the VIR™ with the 143,000 IRs etc etc. This is basically what I had posted yesterday: If you are missing those subsequent collections released post-AmpliTube 4 MAX, you'd be getting Fender Collection 2, AmpliTube SVX 2, AmpliTube Brian May, Dimebag Darrell CFH Collection, AmpliTube Joe Satriani, Fulltone Collection, and AmpliTube Leslie for about $43 a piece. Not to mention ALL of the new features in AmpliTube 5 PLUS the new gear in AmpliTube 5. If you do have those or most of those, SE or 5 are your best bet. Run what you have in those and it may be more cost effective to pick up the collections separately, when on sale, etc. Your gear will run in AmpliTube 5. The SE, 5, and MAX have varying amounts of gear (listed on the AmpliTube 5 web page) but all carry the full feature set. CS does not and there will be more information about that soon. You don't have to pay $300 to get Satch, that would be ridiculous and I'm glad you didn't do it. You can just get SE or 5 for far less. When you feel Satch is at a price you'd pay, you can pick that up for less than that MAX upgrade price that you are correct isn't right for you in your situation. You can use your existing gear, but you will not have all of the new features available to you. More on the specifics of CS coming soon. Yesterday was HUGE. Sorry, I barely got my head above water from the onslaught on our forum and was making sure all of the pertinent questions not only got answers but also that we'll update our web site and mailings to make things clear. I was not under the desk as much as I might have wanted to be That is one day before the date stated for the free AmpliTube 5 SE. You may want to contact IK Support to make that case, that's VERY VERY close to the cutoff. If you have the packs, all you need is AmpliTube 5 SE (or 5 if you want more new gear). I don't think that's ludicrous - you can use all that you have already for a small upgrade price that gets all the new features and the new gear (which you can choose two options for basically in your case, three for others who don't have MAX and the new collections). Yes, there are some good deals to be had and I'm working to get some more clarification posted on the web pages, etc. You should be very happy running what you have with the full features available, using AmpliTube 5 SE. Yes but see above about limited features and more information coming soon about CS. The introductory pricing runs through December 31st but the release date will be during Q4. More information on the status there below for those who think this will be any issue to meet (we learned from AT JS). Well I like to sit a lot more now that I'm a couple months shy of 50 but thanks!! You can. Your best bet for all features, less gear is AmpliTube 5 SE. You can see what gear is included there on the AmpliTube 5 page. You'd get all the features. The "clarification" mentioned in another post about my Gearslutz posts is specifically about clarifying exactly what features are available using CS is all. The other versions are full-featured. No. We've been working hard on this (check out the robot video, we've got 143,000 impulse responses locked and loaded for example) and we have the audio demos up using AmpliTube 5 and we're working on the typical last bits of a major release. I've been in the meetings, we've known about any issues and the developers and product managers know what target we can hit so we're looking great. You can see exactly what is in each version on the AmpliTube 5 page. There's also a comparison chart. SE, 5, and MAX have all features, and I'll have more information (and get it posted on the web pages) about what CS features are included soon.
  9. Total Studio 2 MAX wouldn't include anything we release on the 29th, though, just like T-RackS Sunset Sound Studio Reverb, MixBox, etc (and as other complete audio software collections operate.
  10. Yes, that looks like a great option especially if you plan on attaching USB3 external hard drives. This review seems to sell that for me:
  11. I loved that show. I was 13 or so, if I recall. Also enjoyed Earth 2 but that one wasn't great throughout unfortunately.
  12. Ah yes you are looking for a USB 3 hub. Likely needing something powered if you want to be sure that drives and similar will work correctly and well. I use a powered USB hub from Amazon Basics (because I'm basic cheap frugal? I learned how to program in BASIC when I was a kid so I'm old if not basic) on my gaming machine which works well and supports an external hard drive and wireless headphones without issue.
  13. I just installed a couple of their plugins on my new studio machine. I'll have to check out the site when it is up. I believe the reskin may also include updates to some of the plugins if I'm not mistaken? I recall seeing an offer to upgrade one of the ones I have but haven't installed yet to this new more modern version.
  14. Honestly that's automated so when we added SampleTank 4 SE it followed the same process as other sound content. We should have emailed folks and instructed clearly in any registration email but there are times where one may have missed or not been part of either/both of those. You could also contact the team and explain, they can take a look at your account and situation and see what can be done too. If you've done that, let me know the ticket number. If you have not, please PM your IK username and I or Ryan will take a look. Thanks!
  15. At the request of some of us who see direct comments/suggestions from users we had the web team improve the listings like the one above as well as information on the web pages (for example, you can now see what collections a particular instrument you are viewing is included with, if any).
  16. We've been working with them to get new Groove3 users a free 14-day pass too
  17. Ah forgot that we just added another live interview video from Joe, about the Satch Overdrive (OD-1)
  18. Ah yes, I have a Pignose and love it. I use that or that little Kustom mini stack that was on sale a while ago in the main sitting area of the house. Fair enough And thank you for the kind words, it's a heck of a demo for sure and these models are really great sounding. I like using these Satch models with the Dimebag gate set at 1K.
  19. It really does. I ended up falling in love with the Satch VM, but the 5150 model (RIP King Edward) sneaks up on me and reminds me of how good it is too I've been asking for the Rockman model for years, so I'll take it this way. At least it gives Joe some satisfaction about how he was right about "budget" gear being fully capable while some engineers turned up their noses at it to him. He discusses it in this video:
  20. Ooooh. Just bought a great audio computer but dang I need to resist begging you for first right of refusal on that OG Rockman ?
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