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Everything posted by jude77

  1. Any instrument that ends in "tron" must, de facto, be cool!
  2. Good to know. Thanks for the update.
  3. Here's a video I found on YT that may, or may not, help you decide about Tonocracy:
  4. That's like bapu in negative.
  5. jude77

    Arc 3 $49.99

    They always find a way to get into everybody's pocket!
  6. jude77

    Arc 3 $49.99

    last week it was $99, now, voila, it's down to $49.99 https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/arc3/
  7. Years ago I tried Reaper and one thing I absolutely LOVED about it was the was tons of GUIs that are available. when I demoed it I used the Abbey Road REDD console. It made me feel like George Martin! @satya definitely give Reaper a spin. I think you'll love it. BUT if you switch you still have to come back here and post deals!
  8. I was interested until I saw the Word That Shall Not Be Spoken, the evil "S" word. Not doing any s*bscriptions!
  9. Your curve doesn't really look that bad compared to the one ARC showed for my room. It sort of reminded me of the Swiss Alps on a sunny day.
  10. The JRRshop price is great! Thanks for posting this.
  11. Your trip looks fantastic!! I hope you had a blast.
  12. You don't. It's sort of like the Hotel California and that check-out thing they have going on.
  13. That was some amazing detective work! Very impressive. I hope you never decide to investigate ME!
  14. That's the truth. When I first saw this I thought "$45 for another compressor, I'll pass." Then I looked again and said, "But wait, you get FOUR! Sure I've got 85 compressors already but this is a great deal." Marketing Departments know how to make that "crave/need" factor itch!
  15. Personally, I'm pretty excited about AI. IMHO It's here to stay so we may as well start making our peace with it. In terms of its application in music I have some plugins that already use a form of AI. When I use them I find they sometimes make suggestions that are fairly strange and not at all useful, but I also find there are times they make better moves than I would have (which, given my skill level, isn't hard to do) and really improve things. As this stage in the game I'm seeing AI plugins/DAWS/composition software etc. as offering a starting place and I can either take its suggestions or not. For me, it's just another tool that sometimes does better than I could and sometimes doesn't. I'm waiting to see what's next.
  16. Good Lord! I'm impressed. And to think I was proud of myself for reading the Cliff notes to Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
  17. With the world as it is, the question might also be "Is there anything left of me?" Seems like everyday something else takes another bite!
  18. Lars is most definitely the King. Satya is clearly the Crown Prince, and the rest of us are expendable serfs laboring in the fields.
  19. There are quite a few review videos on YT (whatever a review video on YT is worth). I downloaded the demo and it's pretty impressive, especially for less than $20. https://www.voosteq.com/model-n-channel/
  20. That's the one I've been waiting for too.
  21. It looks like just the 32 bit ones are.
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