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Everything posted by Dean

  1. Wow! Thanks John, I don't know if I understand your post totally. But I have a Pioneer stereo receiver SX 650. I have a cable from the AUX on the receiver to the green connector on the computer. Then I connected a 1/4 in TRS cable from the back of the Scarlett to the tape monitor 1 on the receiver and I have sound to my speakers! Yippee! I doesn't seem to matter which line output I plug the cable into. They both work. Also it doesn't seem to matter if I have the direct monitor button turned on the "o" or the "double oo". It seems to be better with the direct monitor button off. Granted, all I have tried to do was play a sample song from Cakewalk and import an audio file and play it. I haven't tried recording with a mic yet. Thank you very much!
  2. Thanks John! Anybody want an old Focusrite Saffire 6 USB (joke) I got a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd generation. After installing it I downloaded a demo song and I was able to hear it through the headphones. I could also hear a C D through the headphones. I checked to make sure the settings were for speakers and it was. How do I get sound to my speakers?
  3. I installed "Ableton Live 10 Lite". In the installation instructions it says "Now that you have selected ASIO from the driver type chooser you will be able to specify you audio interface in the Audio Device chooser. If you don't see your audio device listed here, it probably requires a driver install before it can be recognized". Since I got the latest driver can I assume (shouldn't do that) my Saffire 6USB is to old? In "Audio Device" "Driver type" It gives me a choice of "ASIO Focusrite USB ASIO Driver". but none of the following installations steps work.
  4. Wow! Thanks for the reply. Yes I did download a driver from the website. But just to be sure I installed it again. So thank you for the list of features to check out. I kind of like the focusrite scarlett 2i2 gen 3. It would be wonderful if it was just an out dated audio interface.
  5. The installation CD says "Saffire 6 USB" "version 2.0". It's at least 6 or 7 years old. So recommendations for a new audio interface?
  6. I am trying out all your suggestions before I look like an idiot. But in the mean time I use windows 7 and have made sure that I have the latest driver for Focusrite. If my Focusrite won't work with windows 7 what would be a recommended audio interface?
  7. Thanks for the response! I went into CakeWalk and loaded a sample file called "Sophia Jane" and on my screen upper right hand corner it said "44.1" and "16". I made sure in Cakewalk and Focusrite the settings were 44.1 and 16. I used ASIO and "Tape 1" on my receiver. I did not get the message "Unable to open playback device..." and when I pushed play the gray "pro Channel" the playback level goes up and down but no sound. I also tried disabling in "device manager" "High Definition Audio Device" and "NVIDIA High Definition Audio Device". This did not work. I also closed all my other programs and restarted BandLab. This did not work either. I would assume since I am getting playback on the pro channel but no sound that it is a setting some place. Should never assume. Can I use a Mackie 1202 VLZ instead of a Focusrite Saffire 6 USB? I'm thinking this shouldn't be this complicated.
  8. Is there a place or site that can tell or show me how to connect my components to get things to work in BandLab?
  9. I have a Focusrite Saffire 6 USB. The cable is plugged into the 1 and 2 line outputs on the Focusrite RCA jacks. This cable is then plugged into the Tape 1 receive of the pioneer stereo receiver SX 850. The USB cable from the Focusrite is plugged into a USB plug on the computer. In preferences I select ASIO and make sure Tape Monitor 1 switch is on. I load a demo song in BandLab. I click on the play button and get this message: "Unable to open audio playback device. Device may not support the current projects audio format or may be in use." If I select "MME (32 bit)" the demo song will play. If I try to record I can here and see the meters go up and down but it does not record. I was told to use ASIO but am at a loss. I did check to load the latest driver for Focusrite
  10. Okay John. You say yes. But does it matter where I plug into the Focusrite from the receiver to the "line output 1,2,3,4" for RCA jacks and "1,2 for TRS" jacks"?
  11. I understand all the steps for connecting a Focusrite except for the last statement. "Finally, all audio playback will occur from the Focusrite Saffire 6 USB device. Make sure you have your speakers or headphones connected to its outputs". Do I not have to be connected to a receiver like in my case a Pioneer SX 650 and then connected from the receiver say Aux or Tape to the back of the Focusrite to where on the Focusrite?
  12. The Focusrite manual back panel shows "line output 1,2,3,4" for RCA jacks and "1,2 for TRS" jacks. Do I need to plug into one of these from my receiver-amp?
  13. With ASIO I tried playing the demo "Sophia Jane" and it didn't play sound. I changed driver mode to MME (32 bit) and it played with sound. I went into devices and checked for an updated driver for Saffire 6 and it said I had the latest one.
  14. Wow! Thanks for all the responses. Bristol_Jonesey. Thanks for the correction. There is no sound. The meters work with the drum kit. Noel Borthwick. The VST's are there. John Vere. I cannot find the "track header menu". So I selected the drum kit and if I click on a drum or other the meters move but no sound. Are you saying to hit the letter "R" for record? I tried that.
  15. I am probably not making myself clear. So I am trying to follow a tutorial by"Simple Green Tech". I have tried several times to make sure I get it right. When I first click on the "Cake Walk" icon I get a blue box That says "VST plugins-scan complete. 28 plugins found (0 new 0 removed 0 errors". He said to select ASIO mode but I found that didn't work. I have a "Focusrite Saffire 6 USB" and used the setting "MME (32-bit)". Then he suggests to add the "Third party" two files C:\program files\steinberg\vst" and C:\program files\vst plugins". Apparently these are files separate from Cake Walk. When I get to the part to "record" and click on the "Record" button and try to record 4 or five measures there is nothing in the track. Then I'm stuck. Thanks for responding!
  16. Nubee here. During installation of the program it says to make sure to add "C:\program files\steinberg\vst" and C:\program files\vst plugins". I can't find them on my computer. What did I do wrong? Thanks.
  17. Thanks for the response! Those are the same instructions I used from the Focusrite site. So what happens when I select the drum kit and it appears I click on the first drum and it shows it striking the drum. On the right side where it says "volume" which is set at 70% if I click the mouse key I can see the volume indicators go up and down but no sound. If it makes a difference I have, on the computer, a NVIDIA GeForce GT 630, Realtek High Definition Audio and a Saffire 6 USB. The cord from the "Aux" settings on the Pioneer receiver to the green plugin on the computer. Maybe do I need to disable the NVIDIA and Realtek devices?
  18. Is there a place I can go to to find out how to set up my computer sound choices to work with CakeWalk? In my "Device Manager" in "Sound, video, and game controllers" I have "High Definition Audio Device". Three choices that say "NVIDIA High Definition Audio". Then "Realtek High Definition Audio". And "Saffire 6 USB". All say they are working properly. There is a grey, black, orange, red, green, and blue plugs from the amp set to "Aux". Or is there a setting in the cakewalk program I need to select. I have "Saffire " selected for input and output drivers.
  19. So in Midi with "drum kit" selected if I press the mouse key I should here a sound. On the "drum kit" where it shows "volume" it is set to 70. When I press the mouse key I see the green lights go up, indicating to me, that a signal or something is being sent. Do I not have some setting not right? Do I have the right equipment? I can play a Music C D.
  20. Thank you! I did not know they were folders. So I have a Korg Wavestation EX attached to a Focusrite Saffire 6 USB Which is attached to the computer and a Pioneer receiver plugged into the green plug on the computer. I noticed when I go to "preferences-Midi-playback and record" it says "MME" not "ASIO". In audio it does say "ASIO". Is that a problem?
  21. My apologies if I appear sophisticated. I am certainly not that, just confused. So I went through the tutorial again writing down every step. When I got to the "preferences" in the "VST" settings I get these two files in the "VST scan path". "C:\program files\cakewalk\VST plugins" and "C:\program files\common files\VST3. I don't get "C:\program files\steinberg\VST plugins" or C:\program files\VST plugins". I did a search and it said neither file was found. With the two files present I did a "scan in sandbox" and it said "scan complete 27 plugins found (0 new 0 found 0 errors). So then I went to open empty project-midi-+sign-instruments-select drums-drum kits-create. This time, yippie, the drum kit showed up! So I will continue with the tutorial and see what is next. By the way, when I did open the BandLab box to select the add ons all four were light green and nothing happened when I clicked install.
  22. Scook, I am not finding "Install Add Ons". Do I have to delete or reinstall "Bandlab" to get that screen?
  23. When I open Cakewalk I get a blue box lower right hand corner that says "VST Scan. Scan complete, 27 plugins found." If I click on the tab that says "Synth Rack" nothing happens.
  24. Thanks for the reply! I am greatful. I went to your nice post and to the page and clicked "open" then "Install Add Ons". After they all downloaded it said "Up To Date". So I wen to "Start An Empty Project" then clicked the "+" sign. Then "Instruments" and I still get "Default TTS-1" and no instruments. I also tried to run it as an Administrator.
  25. New person here. After installing Cakewalk I watched a video for beginners called Cakewalk Tutorial-How to Use Cakewalk by Bandlab for beginners in 2020 by Simple Green Tech. All seamed to go fine until I was told to click on "Instruments" and select "Drums". No instruments were displayed but it said "Default TTS-1". Any idea what I did or didn't do correct? I tried "search" but didn't get anywhere. Am I in the wrong forum? Thanks
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