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Everything posted by Dean

  1. Thank you John! I spent the last couple of days (not all day) with the Casio WK-1200 and am now able to hear the sounds and record them from the keyboard through Cakewalk. What a treat! Have a great day. Dean
  2. In regards to my post about the checkmarks in the green boxes that means that is what is installed. Duh on me!
  3. WOW! Thanks John. I will see what I can do with all the info.
  4. bdickens These are the settings on the three tracks 1.Audio track-Input-left focusrite USB ASIO input 3-output-focusrite USB ASIO output 3 2.MIDI track-Input focusrite USB MIDI omni-output 1 focusrite USB MIDI 3.Si-String Section-input left focurite USB ASIO input 3-output-focusrite USB ASIO output 3 On the Casio the settings are GM Mode-on, keyboard ch 01, chord-off, Local-off, AcompOut-off. I don't know if these make a difference. The second track says there is a recording and the sound will play but only on the Casio with the correct Casio sounds, not in Cakewalk. I can save the file but it will not play sounds in Cakewalk. MikeZ do I drag the notes from the second track where they are to the third track? (After the new track is created, drag the MIDI notes from the first track onto the new track. That should give you some sound.) Thanks
  5. Yes John. That is the tutorial I used to get my Korg EX to produce the sounds from the actual Korg EX and it works just fine. Thank you very much for the tutorial! So using the same procedure for the Casio. So with the Casio I set the Casio up for using MIDI. Then following your wonderful tutorial, thanks again. I get what I assume is a recording but no sound. Mike, thanks for the reply. I have a Focusrite 4i4 that I use for my Korg EX and following John's tutorial it works just fine. Steve, thanks for the reply. I didn't try "default GS Microsoft Wavetable Synth in MIDI preferences".
  6. I hope this is the right place. Can a Casio keyboard WK-1200 be used with Cakewalk? I did the DIN plugs for the keyboard into the Focusrite Scarlett 4i4. Turned on MIDI on the keyboard. Turned off Local Control. Selected a basic project. In the MIDI track I made sure I had Focusrite for the input and output. tried recording and the sound meters went up and down. The track shows something recorded but no sound when playing the track back. Need more info let me know. Thanks
  7. Promidi. This file is empty. %appdata%\bandlab-assistant\Downloads.
  8. I'm sorry if I misunderstand the thread. Is scook telling me I need to delete and reinstall Cakewalk?
  9. I did a search for the problem and found one which said the program froze at a white square. But nothing for the next step witch when I press "Install Add-ons" I get "Select Add-ons you would like to install" I get a screen that says four choices. "Studio Instrument Suite" "Drum Replacer" "Melodyne" "Theme Editor" with light green squares with check marks and an install box light green. None of those choices work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  10. Hi Anthony. I hope this is the right place. When trying to run Bandlab it stops at "select the add ons you would like to install". I don't know if it shows up well on the screen shot. But there are green boxes with check marks on "Studio Instrument Suite" "Drum Replacer" "Melodyne" and "Theme Editor". You said it took a long time for something to happen is that true?
  11. John, are you referring to Radim Kolář to start his own topic or me.
  12. The next day I could not duplicate what I had done to get the virtual instrument to work. The sound meters would go up and down but no sound. Last night I had my wife come down to make sure I was going through the tutorial properly. As usual the sound meters went up and down but no sound. I went to the left side of the screen with the two vertical slides, I don't know what those are called, On the left one I selected left focus USB ASIO input 3 and Master. On the right one I selected Focus USB Audio output 3 and to my surprise and delight it played a sound from the Korg! After 6 or 7 months what a wonderful discovery! I am probably not doing all things properly. But I saved the file so I can at least go back to it. Thank you for all of your help and I will continue to study the tutorials.
  13. Thank you very much for the tutorial! After carefully writing down each step I was able to play through the Korg virtual instruments. I didn't realize your signature videos contained tutorials also. I wasted my time watching other tutorials off and on for the past three weeks. My apologies for not finding them.
  14. When following your steps and I get to insert a soft synth I can get say the drums sounds on my computer keyboard and my Korg which by the way has DIN and quarter inch connections. I am assuming the third screen shot is the master and master buss. The next step that says set the output to the VST instrument I haven't found any info on how to do that. I am not getting the sounds of the Korg. Just one sound no matter what I select on the Korg. I don't know if the screen shots will help or not. I can do audio.
  15. When trying to record MIDI tutorials say in preferences-MIDI-Instruments- select your instrument. I have a Korg Wavestation EX. Should that be listed as a Korg in instruments?
  16. I'm trying with the tutorials believe me. But I will not give up! Either I missed it or didn't find to have the Input Echo set on in the MIDI track. Thanks for that bit of information. I was getting sounds but not the correct sound from the Korg
  17. Thanks for the reply! I'm new at this. Is my Focusrite 4i4 or my Korg a sound module? At track 2 at 1 Fcsrt USB I have showing none, all inputs, focusrite USB MIDI, preset (greyed out) and manage preset. At 0 2fcsrt USB, 1-microsoft GS wavable synth, 2-focusrite USB MIDI, New drum map, Drum map manager. Right now in 1 focusrite USB MIDI is checked and in 0 2 fcsrt 2-focusrite USB MIDI is checked.
  18. When I try to record a MIDI track using my Korg keyboard with Focusrite 4i4 I get the sound meters to go up and down when pressing a key but no sound. I'm thinking it's a setting but what? I don't know how to delete the second screen shot.
  19. When I try to record MIDI from my Korg EX I see the sound meters go up and down when pressing a key but no sound. It used to make a sound. So what I do is start cakewalk. Select a new basic file. Click on insert and chose a MIDI track. I select all and pull down the bottom line on the MIDI track to show the six lines of options on the track. I turn the record button on. I make sure the tape monitor switch is on. Then I click on the record button and record something. The screen is set to console at the bottom. And in the track are the notes or bars that are recorded but no sound. Input is set to 3-Focusrite-USB-MIDI and the output is set to 1-3 Focusrite USB MIDI. I have checked all my cables to make sure they are plugged in. I have my stereo set to aux and speakers to A. I can play a file in Cakewalk. I can record and play with a microphone. I can play a CD if I turn the tape monitor switch off. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
  20. Thanks for the replies! I did log into the Focusrite account page I did open up the other two links and have some learning to do thank you. I am able to hear the correct sounds on the Korg keyboard using an audio track. I am going to try using a mic to see how that goes. So after a month or so I decided to try again. Progress!
  21. Really dumb question. Is the manual under "help" in "Cakewalk"?
  22. I haven't been able to find the manual. When I get to the "Get started" videos and I click on it, go to step one and select "Scarlett third generation" nothing happens. I did sign in.
  23. Is this the "control software"?
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