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Everything posted by BTP

  1. BTP

    8DIO Soundpaint

    You can download Soundpaint now.
  2. I haven't upgraded (yet), but believe in Opus you can download even single instruments/sounds if you want, as Guy Michelmore demonstrates here. https://youtu.be/CTqsxR_z9X8?t=270
  3. This is by far the most realistic guitar played on keyboard I've heard. It's great that you can play bass notes too.
  4. 8Dio doesn't seem to care about dates that much. Their sales never seem to follow the dates they post accurately.
  5. BTP

    8DIO Soundpaint

    In case people are still wondering, the Soundpaint engine is free. There's also a free 1928 piano. This has been confirmed on their Youtube channel.
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