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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. I would say, if you aren't in a hurry. Wait for next group guy. I got the Mesa2 free in the last group buy a few months ago. Its pretty good, but IMHO they didn't really out do the Mesa1 amp bundle.
  2. Damn. IKM are after my BF pocket money. I gotta block their site.
  3. I would buy them if I could make 799 euros from my songs.
  4. Me too. I am saving up for the Fender Custom Shop Tele Violinmaster https://cosmomusic.ca/products/fender-custom-shop-9216095001?via=Z2lkOi8vY29zbW8tbXVzaWMvV29ya2FyZWE6OkNhdGFsb2c6OkNhdGVnb3J5LzVlOGMwMTNlNGFmOWJhMDEwMTA1YzRkOA
  5. I just noticed yesterday and updated. The new panel tab is indeed handy. No issues so far. No issues with the synth content I had.
  6. I think for now you need to buy them individually until a new version of AT Max gets released. But perhaps IKM can make a special offer to include them in new purchase of Max? https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/xdrive/index.php?p=versions
  7. in my case. the tube vm and bottle 563 mics. and maz 18, bi-valve, JCA and z-wreck amps.
  8. holy crap. the plugins are as much as upgrade to Nuendo.
  9. I believe this is what is included in Max. Source: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/include/at5/gear_list_pdf/AmpliTube_5_comparison.pdf
  10. Good product. Great price for it. I use it every day. But I feel like I shot myself in the foot a times. I kept buying bits and parts of AT5 in group buys over the years. So now I have about 99% of AT5 but am missing a couple of items here and there so I have to be careful not to click the amps or mics I don't own. And I am not eligible for a upgrade pricing for anything. Oh well. Live and learn. But I have no regrets. I have 90% of SampleTank and all of TRacks which are both great tools for what I do.
  11. Kontakt 7 update for me is $130 CA vs Upgrade to Komplete $520 huh
  12. I have beats and modular. they are fun toys to play with. but i never did find time to get into this stuff. the nubass loos cool.
  13. yeah. i am not a bass player. but i get the impression they use the 6 string to be able to play heavier chords.
  14. Gimme my freebie Waves. I wanna WUP again!!
  15. I did some of my own shootouts. I still like IK Modo Drums the best for what I do. But these do sound better than what I have in NI Komplete. So picked them up.
  16. Hello, my name is tele and I am an addict. I was born a guitar player but then I got addicted to the drum sounds. I like the boom, i like the bang. i like the crash. it makes me feel googly in my head. I got them all ?
  17. I personally like it. This link was useful for it.
  18. I was only able to figure out how to get the code that works for new customers. If someone knows what the trick is to get the one that works for existing customers, lemme know.
  19. I might jump on a good arturia deal. Maybe they do a $99 upgrade again? I might also jump on a softube deal.
  20. I just finished trying out Ragnarok. Its cool for $5. Kontakt drums. Not as advanced as some of the stuff I use regularly in Komplete collection.
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