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Greg Wynn

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Everything posted by Greg Wynn

  1. The updates seem to roll out a bit unevenly sometimes. Strange…
  2. Camel was my first Acustica product a few years ago and now I think I own 99% of them.
  3. I’ve pinned my most used apps as well as control panel to the taskbar as well. Quick and easy.
  4. Been running 11 since early beta days - zero issues.
  5. Absolutely !! I’m a little surprised that hasn’t already happened.
  6. I paid for a year and all of the odd toast messages went away.
  7. Thanks Noel. I actually paid for a full year and the toasts have went away.
  8. This is truly the most botched product rollout I’ve ever seen. I mean I’m literally saying “take my money” and they’ve made that ridiculously confusing and convoluted.
  9. Same here. I cancelled it but because it’s still valid until 4/6 I can’t get the yearly.
  10. I’m still getting the same toasts that I added to the original post. But now’s it down to 8 days…and yes, it’s at the latest version.
  11. In general. I didn’t spend much time there to be honest.
  12. I found the whole Discord platform to be a lot of people screaming about really nothing to do with any products.
  13. I’ve been using Cakewalk/Sonar for +20 years. And for many years when it became CbB I used it for free. Zilch. Nada. Whatever the pricing scheme ends up being I’m onboard. Cakewalk/Sonar has been extremely good to me and I have zero problems reciprocating.
  14. They’ve really been good with updates. I think that was the third this week ?
  15. So I’ve been using it since the day it became available. I also signed up for the Backstage Pass (I think that’s the name) so it’s fully functional. Background - 20+ year Cakewalk/Sonar user, specs (RTX 3050, i9 14900KF, 64G Ram running at 6800, ASUS mobo, MOTU adapter) 1. Graphics. Super smooth here and the graphic enhancements are clearly visible. However I can understand where some might feel some of the text might be too small (like in the Opening Project and VST scan toast). I’m running the version literally just released today - I think there have been three updates this week. I’m using the “dark” them and have gotten really used to it but as I’ve said before I do miss some things (can we please get segmented meters back as well as color options ? Or maybe I just couldn’t find them). 2. Performance - I’ve thrown some pretty complex projects at it (AudioGridder using two Ethernet-connected laptops, a ton of Acustica Audio plugs and a mountain of UAD and others) and zero issues. Just like CbB had zero issues. 3. General Feel (completely subjective) - fast, snappy and definitely feels like things just work smoother. I can understand people quibbling about the UI to a point however remember when we went from 8.5.x to a completely new UI and we all were lost for a bit until we learned it ? There was a learning curve to be clear - the learning curve of the new Sonar is about 1/100th of that. I’ve transferred all of my projects to the new Sonar and just for the hell of it cranked up the CbB versions today and they feel great like they also have - but I’m completely used to the new Sonar and there is a difference. thx Bakers !
  16. This subject keeps coming up over and over. Steinberg products tend to install their own generic drivers which tends to upset Cakewalk/Sonar. No need to use regedit - just rename the Steinberg driver to something like x.old
  17. If you pay the Backstage Access thing you can save just fine and there is no “activate” nag toast. In fact I’m already using it with no issues - other than missing my themes from @Matthew White - on some big projects.
  18. AxeEdit is a great tool and makes it much easier than the front panel.
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