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Greg Wynn

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Everything posted by Greg Wynn

  1. I started with a II, then a IIXL, then a III and then a III Mark II. My Marshall JCM800, Mesa Triple Recto and Splawn Quickrod have been reduced to being expensive dust collectors - I really need to sell them
  2. @Scott Longtime AxeFx guy here. What you are describing sounds like power amp modeling OR cab modeling is off. I highly suggest you hit the Fractal forum and get it sorted.
  3. I like the “new” look but truth be told it’s not really “new”. Just refined. However I VERY much miss the themes that @Matthew White has made. They are indispensable to me.
  4. Played around with it a bit tonight. Loaded a huge project that uses all of my UAD Octo card, lots of Acustica Audio Plug-ins, more Acustica Audio plugs via Audigridder to two Ethernet connected laptops… No issues noted !
  5. I also have a MOTU and use Wavelab. The fix for me was just renaming the Steinberg driver. Quick and easy.
  6. Nah, just rename it to x.old no need to touch the registry.
  7. Been a user since 2000 ! I’m stoked for the new version and resurrecting the Sonar name !
  8. 3 devices and no pop up. All are online, running various Win 11 betas with the very last CbB installed. To be honest I’m just happy people are reporting some kind of forward progress.
  9. Same issue the last update to DMG Limitless had. I uninstalled all my Kazrog plugs - great stuff btw especially the Avalon - and reinstalled with the latest and all good. I shared my finding with Kazrog support who responded almost instantaneously.
  10. Signed up for the beta ages ago and nothing.
  11. Applied and sent the NDA months ago and I’ve heard nothing. I hope it’s going well.
  12. Track view 90% of the time tracking or mixing.
  13. Been running 11 since early betas with zero issues at all. It was a painless update however some of your plugs will need reauthorization.
  14. For the life of me why is this subject treated like the third rail of conversation ?? Someone asks about the future of our favorite DAW and the negativity flies. Why ?
  15. Exactly. I track at 128 and use a few PA consoles and mix at 1024 because I use a bunch of Acustica Audio plugs.
  16. Thanks Bakers ! Looking forward to the next version for sure !
  17. I can vouch for that as well. A few years back I had a strange graphical issue and Noel contacted me to do a Zoom session. After we spent some time troubleshooting, he identified the problem, gave me access to a patch and then rolled the patch into the next release. It doesn't get any better than that.
  18. Tracked for 7+ hours last night. No real issues noted except for one thing that seems odd but completely unreproduceable. Tried to move a track just by grabbing it and moving it to the left like I’ve done a million times. However this time it seemed “sticky” (for lack of a better description) and wouldn’t fully “land” where it was supposed to. It was a single take but oddly there were multiple instance of the take in the take lanes. Weird, huh ? Deleted the extra take lane and all was well. .
  19. Gave it a fairly quick spin last night and no issues noted. I’ll be using it a lot more this weekend for some tracking and later some mixing. thx bakers !
  20. I use a LOT of Acustica Audio plugs and they are indeed extremely CPU heavy. But two things in my favor - Cakewalk (Sonar) and Reaper are known as the two DAWS that handle AA plugs the best. Also I use AudioGridder to connect a laptop to my main studio computer to offload some processing and it works a treat. How cool would it be to see AudioGridder becoming part of our favorite DAW ?
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