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Everything posted by scook

  1. By default C\program files\common files\VST3 is in the scan path. The scanner looks in the paths and every folder under the paths defined in scan path preferences for plug-in binaries.
  2. It sounds like the problem another user reported on p39 of the KVR thread - the dlls were too many levels deep in the scan path. I placed the vst2_bin folder immediately under C:\Programs Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins (although I renamed vst2_bin)
  3. CbB hotfix added to the regular release Link updated in OP
  4. VeeSeeVST Rack, a free port of VCV Rack 0.6.1 to the VST2 format compiled to run as both an instrument and effect now works in CbB. It contains quite a few of the free modules written for VCV rack. The patch files are compatible with VCV rack. It a good way to test out this modular synth inside CbB. At least until the VCV v2.0 VST is released. To run in CbB currently it takes two downloads The latest version of the VeeSeeVST Rack package https://github.com/bsp2/releases/raw/master/vsvr/veeseevstrack_0_6_1_win64_bin-05May2019.7z and a hotfix for the dlls https://github.com/bsp2/releases/raw/master/vsvr/veeseevstrack_0_6_1_win64_bin-05May2019_cakewalk_hotfix-06May2019.7z After uncompressing the first file into the VST scan path. Overwrite the two dils by copying the contents of the second file into the vst2_bin folder. Update: the hotfix was rolled into the regular release https://github.com/bsp2/releases/raw/master/vsvr/veeseevstrack_0_6_1_win64_bin-07May2019.7z Update 2: another release today (bug fix for Frozen Wasteland BPM LFO) https://github.com/bsp2/releases/raw/master/vsvr/veeseevstrack_0_6_1_win64_bin-07May2019b.7z Update3: fixed problem with Fundamental LFO-1 and more modules added. https://github.com/bsp2/releases/raw/master/vsvr/veeseevstrack_0_6_1_win64_bin-19May2019.7z. I will probably not update this post with newer version. Check out the kvr thread or github for the most current release. The main thread for this software is https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=507216
  5. Enable MIDI Input in the VST2/3 drop down above the plug-in UI (the image below shows the VST3 drop down above the TH3 UI) Add a MIDI track setting the input to the controller, output to the plug-in and enable input echo
  6. Forget about the bus section, use aux tracks for buses
  7. scook

    Converting MIDI to MP3

    TTS-1 is automatically added to a project when a MIDI file is opened AND there is no MIDI output device selected in preferences.
  8. Please pick one reply as an answer regardless of how many posts it took to solve the problem. Also there are two sort orders for each thread just below the OP. The default sorts by vote but there is a sort by date option as well. thanks
  9. makes sense 73.7*48/44.1=80.2 good to know math still works
  10. Autohotkey is a handy tool In this case, since you are not familiar with it, I compiled a new version of Aim Helper that supports both SONAR and CbB. The link is just above the old themes near the bottom of my Google page
  11. Use quick groups Select the tracks While holding down the CTRL key click one of the selected track's expand/collapse take lane button
  12. https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2016000033/Unable-to-register-the-DLL-OCX-RegSvr32-failed-with-exit-code-0x3
  13. yes by 48/44.1 The space requirement formula does not change based on how the file is created.
  14. Off hand IDK. Can't recall ever overwriting a clip but as pointed out above there are a lot of different ways to set up for recording. If I had to guess, the clips are likely still in the audio folder. That said it should be easy to test with a new project and a signle track recorded using what ever method creates the overwrite condition. For me, experimentation is a great learning tool. I am more likely to remember something learned through experimentation than any other method.
  15. It does not matter how wav files are created. The disk space used is a function of the record length, sample rate, bit depth and number of channels. 44.1 kHz 16bit Stereo uses 10.1 MB of disk space per minute 48 kHz 16bit Stereo uses 11.0 MB of disk space per minute Source: http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=AudioPerformance.16.html
  16. 64bit hosts like CbB do not see 32bit DX plug-ins. As far as CbB is concerned 32bit SONAR LE and the DX plug-ins it installs to not exist.
  17. To add any regular DX or VST plug-in into the ProChannel requires an FX Chain to host the plug-in. This may be done by first adding the FX Chain the loading the plug-in into the FX Chain or just drag and drop the plug-in directly into the ProChannel. If the 64bit SOBAR 8.,5 is installed on the machine running CbB, the Cakewalk MultiVoice Chorus/Flanger should be available in CbB. If the 64bit SONAR 8.5 is not on the PC, run an advanced install of SONAR 8.5 and select any/all of the plug-ins to install.
  18. If CbB and Windows use the same audio interface make sure both CbB and Windows are set to the same sample rate.
  19. While waiting maybe this will do... Before the Aim Assist line was extended through buses, I wrote an autohotkey script to draw a vertical line through SONAR at the current mouse position bound to Windows+a. I compiled the script for those who did not have autohotkey installed. The original source is here. The Else If WinActive("ahk_exe i)SONARPLT.exe") needs to be updated to support CbB. I could compile a version that supports CbB if needed.
  20. scook

    Export to wav

    Not clear what this means. When creating a data CD any file type may be copied to disk. The wav files on an audio CD are 44.1kHz @16bit. CbB will export wav files based on the export settings. Most player programs can handle a variety of samples rates and bit depths but some CD burners expect the files to be in audio CD format - IOW 44.1kHz @ 16bit.
  21. I suppose that could do it but the issue I was thinking about was automation internal to the plug-in such as an LFO modifying some parameter(s) and the plug-in telling the host about the change. I recall this being an issue in the past. The plug-in should not be sending out this information and Noel has made adjustments in the past to address this but apparently there is no foolproof way to discriminate between this type of chatter and real plug-in change messages. Another case I have first hand experience with is Softube Modular. Simply opening the plug-in UI causes Modular to tell the host it has changed.
  22. scook

    Wrong tempo on loops

    Sometimes when creating a groove clip the program cannot determine the correct number of beats in the clip. This can be adjusted using either the Loop Construction View or the Groove Clip section in the Clip Properties Inspector.
  23. Bounce to Clip(s) is in the Track view Clips menu. It is also available in the clip context menu when the edit filter is set to Clips. The clip context menu in the image above is used when the edit filter is set to Audio Transients.
  24. It may be one or more plug-ins. Could be effects, synths or both. Bypassing FX is a high level approach for effects. This may be done globally or per FX rack. Archiving synth tracks may be done one at a time to see if they are the issue.
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