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Everything posted by scook

  1. If the interface works outside of Platinum, try renaming %appdata%\Cakewalk\SONAR Platinum\AUD,ini and starting SONAR
  2. Yes, it does make sense. Thanks for coming back and adding the resolution. Glad it is working for you now.
  3. Sounds like an activation issue. This is the type of behavior the plug-in shows when trying to run the version bundled with Samplitude. Although that version is locked to Samplitude, it passes the CbB scanner OK but crashes the DAW when loading it into a project.
  4. There is only one preference setting to toggle the Start Screen. If Show Start Screen is enabled, the start screen should launch regardless of the On Startup Load the Default Template setting. When the start screen is running there should be three entries "Cakewalk Start Screen" under "Cakewalk Applications" in the Windows Task Manager. To the OP, it might be interesting to see what support@cakewalk.com has to say about this problem. I have never had any trouble with the program launching but one thing to try is Shutdown CbB Make sure no Cakewalk processes are running in the Window Task Manager Rename the %AppData%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\StartPageCache Start CbB The start screen will recreate the StartPageCache. If the problem was a corrupted cache, this should fix the problem. While waiting for a resolution, you could try Cakewalk Launchpad. It can serve as a start screen replacement albeit not as tightly integrated as the CbB start screen. The program is available on my Google page.
  5. The Cakewalk Command Center required installers written for the application. The Command Center was rolled out in 2015 along with SONAR Artist/Professional/Platinum. Only a few products released prior to 2015 had installers updated for the Command Center. Z3ta+2 and CA-2A were two of them. DAWs released prior to 2015 were not updated. All products with downloadable installers including the ones that show up in the Command Center should be in your old Cakewalk account.
  6. Try increasing the Playback using nnn Millisecond Buffers setting in preferences from 250 to 500 or 750. Some use much larger values. If that does not fix the problem consider supplying more information such as Hardware details - PC and Audio interface Software details - OS and DAW version info MIDI - whether using a third party MIDI file or entered manually. Project sample rate
  7. Cakewalk bought the source code for Bitbridge. That said, there is a limit to how much time a company can/should spend supporting third party software, in this case 32bit plug-ins, that the manufacturer no longer supports. Bridges were not intended to permanently extend the life of 32bit plug-ins. The main purpose was to allow manufacturers and users time to transition to 64bit. Continued reliance on a few pieces of software that are no longer maintained or supported while updating everything else is not a recipe for success.
  8. scook

    Sonar Platinum crashing

    This did not happen unless you manually sent the dump to BandLab support. There has been no automatic process since Nov 2017. Sometimes, it is helpful to know if a factory DP preset was used and if so, the name of the preset.
  9. I prefer Drum Maps with the Drum Grid Pane instead of the step sequencer for drum programming.
  10. One way to have all instances of the step sequencer load a custom set of rows is route the MIDI output to a drum map. Alternately copy/paste/unlink the clip to create a second instance with the same row setup then clear the pattern or Save an empty pattern with the step sequencer setup as desired then load the pattern after creating the new clip. This is sometimes referred to as a step sequencer template. A difference between using a drum map and step sequencer templates is drum maps affect the whole track, step sequencer templates affect one instance of the step sequencer.
  11. Yes, the re-save should be a one time event for each project. At least, there is a process to move forward without losing data. Since you are saving them under a different name, it is possible that BandLab may benefit from seeing one of the failing project files. They may be able to address what ever is causing the problem.
  12. The synth rack is a separate view and may be added to the project at any time from the view menu or keyboard shortcut ALT+9. When I open projects in safe mode, the browser is not displayed, keyboard shortcut B will toggle the browser display. Save the project under a different name (you can save it in the same folder if you wish) and see if it will open without running in safe mode.
  13. It is a process of elimination. Assuming Kontakt and Battery are relatively new, they are unlikely the problem as others use them too, Suspect freeware/shareware and 32bit plug-ins first.
  14. Likely a plug-in issue SONAR and CbB check the project to see if it was created by a newer version. If so, the DAW displays a warning message. This does not prevent the older DAW from opening the project but there may be features missing. The only case I know of that prevents a newer project from opening in an older DAW is when the project contains patch points or aux tracks. Older DAWs cannot open these projects at all and there is no warning message displayed. Hang on exit is likely plug-in related. BandLab may be able to identify the plug-in from a hang dump. This thread describes how to created the dump
  15. This is not safe mode. Running CbB with SHIFT held down runs a "partial personalization" - a process to restore files missing from the user folder. To open a project in safe mode, start CbB then open the project while holding down the SHIFT key. This is the safe mode dialog displayed when opening a project in safe mode -
  16. The bit depth in the Transport Module refers to the Record Bit Depth not the Audio Driver Bit Depth. It means, all future recording in the project will be done at the bit depth shown in the Transport Module. A project may have clips at various bit depths. The Record Bit Depth may be changed at any time. Usually it is a good idea to set the Record Bit Depth the same as the Audio Driver Bit depth.
  17. Try changing the "Buffer Size" under "Mixing Latency" in preferences. Start with a slightly more "Safe" value.
  18. The install button under the Cakewalk image on the Apps menu in BandLab Assistant downloads and runs the current Cakewalk by BandLab installer. The initial Cakewalk by BandLab installer is about 400 MB. Download time depends on the connection speed however; 2 hours seems like a long time. The download may have timed out.
  19. No. Both DAWs share some files and registry entries. CbB installs like an upgrade to SONAR. During the upgrade upon detecting an existing SONAR installation, CbB will use the same drive. Both DAWs have their own program, programdata, content and user folders. Both DAWs share the same bundled DX effects/synths, PC modules and utilities (the "shared" folders).
  20. scook

    Record will not work

    Verify the timing masters are setup in preferences If they are correct and the problem persists consider supplying details about the hardware and software.
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