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Everything posted by scook

  1. To get all plug-ins listed in the CbB documentation requires running the CbB installer and the Installers listed on the "Install Add-ons..." menu in BandLab Assistant Platinum owner's should not use the Melodyne installer in CbB Add-ons. Instead use the Melodyne installer in your Celemony account. To have access to all the Platinum content, Platinum owner's should install Platinum preferably before CbB.
  2. To use Bounce to Tracks to create synth audio see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=SoftSynths.12.html To use freeze to create synth audio see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.23.html Both use the same routines to create audio. Bounce creates audio in a new track but does not automatically disconnect the synth. Freeze creates audio in the synth's audio track and disconnects the synth.
  3. The plug-ins bundled with CbB are detailed here. Platinum bundled a lot more content including a license for the full retail version of Addictive Drums 2. To access all of the software included with Platinum, consider installing Platinum. That said, XLN Audio (Addictive Drums 2) and Celemony (Melodyne) have their own installers. The Addictive Drums 2 installation instructions are here. Use the Melodyne installer in your account on the Celemony site and not the one in your Cakewalk account. If Platinum and AD2 are already installed and AD2 shows up in Platinum but not in CbB, it is likey an issue with the VST scan path.
  4. The PRV is a MIDI editor and cannot directly affect audio data. Cakewalk does not have a sampler but there are several free plug-ins that will do the job. In this case, Sitala looks like a good fit. Another frequently mentioned free sampler is TX16Wx.
  5. Just a few comments before my test results. Whether assignable controls are added to the synth depends on the "Recall Assignable Controls" setting in the Insert Soft Synth Options dialog. The Add Track does not use the Insert Soft Synth Options settings and it does not recall assignable controls. It probably should have this option in the advanced settings or the synth rack should have an option to recall assignments. So I started tested earlier today using SI-Bass and CbB 2019-05. I believe it failed like this Ultimately, I saved the project with a control assigned to the Master volume. I repeated the test with Platinum 2017-10 with the same results (I think) and ultimately overwrote the project saved with CbB. Then tested in X3e. It does not have the Add Track menu but all other methods worked OK and then I overwrote the project again. Retested in Platinum. It was working OK. Retested in CbB. It was working correctly. Just fired up CbB again, used different synths and controls are recalled using every method except Add Track (which is expected). IOW, after the tests I ran this morning I am no longer able to reproduce the problem.
  6. scook

    Fade ins/outs

    If you are using one of the templates supplied by Cakewalk, it should have a master bus already set up. While not mandatory, using a master bus in every project is a good idea.
  7. Install one of the virtual cables (in this case I used LoopBe1 but either will work) Add the cable to the Chordpulse MIDI output options Add the cable to Cakewalk MIDI input devices in preferences Setup the instruments in Cakewalk (Drums in channel 10, Bass in channel 11 etc.). Of course, there is no restriction on the actual instruments assigned to channels 10 through 16 Enable echo on the tracks in Cakewalk and press play in Chordpulse.
  8. @Jesse Jost has been working on this issue for the last couple of days
  9. I connect Chordpulse directly to Cakewalk with a virtual MIDI cable. This gives me access to all the plug-ins in Cakewalk while using Chordpulse. Either LoopBe1 or LoopMIDI will do the job.
  10. What installers are present in your IKM account and the products they contain are a questions for IKM support. If the plug-in installer is for Amplitube 4 and CbB sees Amplitude 4 and not Amplitude 2 that makes sense to me. The standalone Amplitude 2 may not rely on a plug-in at all. The ampsim may all be built into the standalone binary. IDK, not having seen the product.
  11. I was going to suggest running the standalone as administrator but could not tell if this came with a standalone host. I thought it might based on the product name. Pretty sure this is a permissions problem so make sure "Run this program as administrator" is check in Cakewalk's compatibility options (right-click the Cakewalk icon and open Properties to access the Windows Compatibility tab). This is typical with XP era IKM software. If the plug-in still does not appear it may be because after the plug-in failed to register it was added to the plug-in exclude list. If this is the case, it may be necessary to run a manual scan with "Rescan Failed Plug-ins" enabled. Make sure to turn this option off after scanning. Also may want to enable "Generate Scan Log" and look in the log to see if the plug-in is getting scanned.
  12. A lot of old IKM software require running the host as administrator. BTW, BandLab (the company) has 2 DAWs BandLab - a web-based DAW that runs in Chrome Cakewalk by BandLab - the DAW they purchased from Cakewalk (a.k.a SONAR).
  13. When sharing a driver with Windows, it is a good idea to make sure both CbB and Windows are set to the same sample rate.
  14. The "Save As" function with "Copy All Audio With Project" enabled, copies only the audio referenced in the project. It does not copy audio clips that have been deleted from the project. For a hot backup, an OS level copy would work just as well although it may contain unnecessary files. What I gathered from the OP was the desire to know if it is safe to have multiple copies of a project stored in the same folder pointing to the same audio data and what was the difference between "Save As" and "Save Copy As." Even though using multiple copies of the project file point to the same audio data is a safe thing to do, I recommended a hot backup just as I would anytime someone was experimenting with a new workflow. As long as the hot backup is a complete snapshot of the project, it does not matter what method is used to create it.
  15. Thanks for letting me know. Glad you got the plug-ins back.
  16. To get the old LP series, right-click the Engineering FX Suite in the Command Center and rollback to version 1.0.14 then roll forward to the latest release (to make sure the other plug-ins in the installer are current).
  17. Initially Platinum included the LP64-EQ and Multiband plug-ins in the Engineering FX Suite. When introduced, the L-Phase plug-ins replaced the LP64 plug-ins in the Engineering FX Suite. Ultimately, the L-Phase plug-ins were removed from the Engineering FX Suite installer and got their own installers, Installing the original LP plug-ins will make transitioning existing projects to the L-Phase series easier. The last Engineering FX Suite installer that included the original LP plug-ins is version 1.0.14. It should be available in the Command Center and your account or if you have a copy of SONAR Producer run an advanced install to get the plug-ins.
  18. This is a low risk thing but when trying something new, I like to make a copy of the project folder just in case I mess something up or get so confused I just want to start over. In this case a "Save As" or "Save Copy As" to a new project folder to create a complete copy of the current project. Then start messing with the new workflow experiment.
  19. As always, make a safety copy of the project folder before trying something new. Just in case.
  20. It does not matter. The only difference between "Save As" and "Save Copy As" is "Saved As" closes the current project and opens the newly saved project "Save As Copy" makes the copy but leaves the current project open Both save functions may store the project file in any folder including the current project folder. Keeping multiple project files in the same folder is OK. What is done in one of the project files does not affect the audio referenced in the others, Deleting audio clips from a project does not delete the clips from the audio folder. Destructive edits create new audio clips.
  21. When loading a 32bit plug-in in Bitbridge, the standard header is in a separate window. Normally the header window is not opened. To open the header window, hold down the ALT key when dropping the plug-in into the FX Rack from the browser or opening the plug-in UI. Usually the header window opens behind the plug-in UI.
  22. A bundle is made from the project and the audio clips referenced in the project just like a new project folder created by "Save As" with "copy all audio with project" enabled. Audio not used by the project will not be added to the bundle or copied by the "Save As" function. If project has a lot of non-destructive clip edits, the project size may be reduced by using Apply Trimming to permanently remove the unused portion of the clips. If the project has a lot of silence in clips, removing the silence with split clips enabled will reduce the disk space used by the audio clips.
  23. For FX plug-ins that listen for MIDI data make sure "Enable MIDI Input" is checked on the plug-in's VST2/VST3 drop down This will cause the plug-in to be listed in MIDI track output drop downs.
  24. To take this analogy a little further... A DAW is more like a word processing program than a text editor. When saving a word processing document as a text file, the data is converted and saved but the word processing features are not stored the text file. Re-open the file in the word processor and it displays the text as found in the file. In fact many word processors display a message warning that document formatting and features will be lost when saving as text only.
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