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Everything posted by scook

  1. Set either the global or PRV snap setting to a higher resolution or turn snap off. The PRV snap setting is on the right hand side of PRV menu bar.
  2. Try CTRL+PageUp and CTRL+PageDown
  3. scook

    Blue sticky bar.

    No, but holding down the CTRL key while dragging windows suppresses it
  4. Should always use 64bit plug-ins if possible. I checked the Sonalksis site and FreeG is available as a 64bit VST.
  5. All the plug-ins installed with 64bit X1 will work in CbB AS noted above the VSTs must be in the scan path in Preferences.
  6. This can be the result of - 1. plug-ins set to "Enable MIDI Output." This option is in the standard header VST2/3 drop down above the plug-in UI. as shown in this image and 2. the input on the instrument/MIDI track is one of the "All Inputs" options. Tthe default is "All Inputs - Omni" so MIDI data coming from anywhere is picked up by the track. Deselect "Enable MIDI Outputs" when not needed and setting the instrument/MIDI track input to a specific controller should help.
  7. The default folder for importing audio is read from Wave Files in Preferences > File > Folder Locations
  8. When a topic is solved please edit the OP and update the subject line. Thanks. I did this one for you.
  9. Try using SHIFT+D to maximize the docked view.
  10. I like the suggestion in your other post on the same subject
  11. Mp3 is not a suitable format in this case. It is not sample accurate and AFAIK must be converted back to a wav before any DAW can use it. If you need an export to sync back to the metronome use wav files. As you have discovered wav files work as expected.
  12. The Universal Control software is not the ASIO driver. The control software is a Windows program used to setup the ASIO driver. I never installed it when I ran an AudioBox 44VSL electing to use the older ASIO driver to keep the VSL software. I am not sure what other features Universal Control offers.
  13. Before the track gain knob each clip has a clip gain envelope. An empty FX Chain may be added to Clip and Track FX Racks to boost gain.
  14. AFAIK it has always been the case. ASIO is a high performance replacement for Windows audio handling. Some interfaces have software mixers that can set levels.
  15. To achieve high performance, ASIO drivers bypass Windows audio controls.
  16. SONAR X3 and older have an advanced install option that provides for individual plug-in installation EXCEPT for V-Vocal. The last version of SONAR to include V-Vocal was X2 Producer. It requires a minimal installation. A minimal installation is an advanced install option that includes the DAW and shared utilities. This may overwrite the CbB shared utilities (ex, plug-in manager and VST scanner) requiring a reinstall of CbB or restore from backup to get the CbB utilities back. SONAR Platinum does not have an advanced install option. Instead Platinum broke out the bundled content into several installers. Most bundled plug-ins cannot be installed separately. DimPro, Rapture, Rapture Sessions do have their own installers. So these synths may be installed without installing other software.
  17. scook

    How to set loop points

    The Loop Module (help linked above) can set/alter loop points (much like the selection module does for selecting along timeline) and toggle loop on/off.
  18. I have never owned any Creative Software devices so I can only suggest solutions based on info provided in other threads. Stereo Direct has been reported before as a problem. The Stereo (2.0/2.1) is likely the one to choose. There have been problems reported with 64bit drivers in the past. I do not know if they were ever resolved. IIRC, SB used to default to 48kHz sample rate. Make sure Windows and CbB are set to the same sample rate. May want to experiment with setting both to 48kHz. As an alternative, try WASAPI then WDM driver modes in CbB. If they don't work or prove unsatisfactory try ASIO4All. I would uninstall the factory ASIO driver before installing ASIO4All.
  19. There are others though such as Xils Lab, Metric Halo and Zynaptiq. It may be because their products originally required a dongle and the manufacturers have not bothered to change their activation policy after adding PC activation.
  20. May need to setup the Sound Blaster for stereo operation to use the ASIO Driver. I believe this is done in the Sound Blaster Z-Series Control Panel software supplied with the card.
  21. Make sure nothing is selected in the MIDI output section in preferences. Automatic use of TTS-1 only happens when no MIDI output device is enabled.
  22. Most Windows programs do not use ASIO. It is not unusual for Windows programs to work along side a program using an ASIO driver. AFAIK WASAPI Exclusive is just that...a driver for exclusive use of one program with the device. To share the device a different driver must be selected.
  23. scook

    Melodyne expiration

    May be able determine this from the com.celemony.melodyne.plist file in %appdata%\Celemony Software GmbH I believe the default algo is stored in MUAnalyzerParameterDefaultSetPrefKey
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