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Everything posted by scook

  1. That's it - instrument tracks have an audio and a MIDI tab (T in the image below) Here is the CbB help for the Snap to Scale section (N in the image above) http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Inspectors.3.html#1239113 The CbB help pages are not indexed so searches on the old Cakewalk site only show SONAR results. Usually changing the product in the url to Cakewalk will open the current help page.
  2. Themes in OP updated for 2020.04
  3. If the session was started with a user theme it might be a good idea to switch the Mercury or Tungsten then restart CbB. Old user themes mess up the the Inspector tabs in 2020.04.
  4. Actually the old image is wrong. It shows a hybrid of the pre 2020.04 and current tabs. There is no Square-A tab in the old theme.
  5. scook

    Old Radio

    Not old, an emulation or a plug-in but a good source for http://www.websdr.org/
  6. Announcement here Arranger track PC presets and a rollback option (just in case)
  7. Great an EA release with a rollback option. FYI, user themes may not work with 2020.04 until updated For now stick with Mercury and Tungsten
  8. scook

    Sonar 7 studio

    There a two themes included with Cakewalk. The theme is set in preferences There are a few user created themes in this part of the forum
  9. scook

    Track problems

    Make sure only the track being recorded has input echo enabled. I turn off Always Echo Current MIDI Track in order to have better control over which tracks have input echo enabled. Also some plug-in have the ability to generate or pass through MIDI data. It is a good idea to turn this off when it is not needed. For those synths that have this option, it is enabled by default. To review and set "Enable MIDI Output", open the plug-in UI and click the VST2/3 drop down above the UI. This image shows a plug-in with the option enabled. Please avoid creating multiple threads on the same subject.
  10. This is not how the program works. By design, turning on input echo requires an input other than None on instrument and MIDI tracks. To that end, tracks set to None change to Omni when input echo is enabled. This is why I turn off Always Echo Current MIDI tracks and assume manual control of both the input drop down and input echo. Feel free to file a feature request.
  11. Or build it into the project templates All my project templates have a bus after the default (aka master) bus.
  12. The default "Entire Mix" is essentially "What you hear" - IOW all tracks and buses that point to the mains. As you know, the Export dialog also permits exports from the master bus or any track or bus.
  13. Not a bug, I explain why later in the the thread linked above (note: monitoring icon = input echo)
  14. Actually @Craig Anderton in CbB I route the master bus to a "final bus" which routes to the hardware output. Sonarworks would go in the final bus FX rack. It does not affect exports because exports are made using the master bus. There is no need to change routings for export. New tracks are always automatically added to the master bus because it is still the default bus. Of course, this routing assumes the headphones use the same main ports as the master bus. If the headphones can monitor different hardware ports, instead of a "final bus" a send on the master can do the same job.
  15. In addition to using the Quad Curve EQ in the Inspector ProChannel, the plug-in is available in the console view
  16. I do not use Sonarworks but if I did, I would create a bus between the master bus and the hardware outputs. Add the plug-in to this bus and always use the master bus for export.
  17. Not a bug. Maybe this thread will help explain
  18. The Theme Editor Toolkit. installed with the Theme editor, contains a folder of meter graphics. The default location is C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Themes\Theme Editor Toolkit\Meters
  19. The best search engine for DP programs is in Rapture Session/Pro Before those synths were around, to find programs in DP and Rapture I used Windows. Open C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Programs or C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Rapture\Programs in Windows Explorer and search I got several hits searching for acc in C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Programs
  20. Never felt the need to go beyond a standard 2 button mouse w/ wheel. When I worked on HP gear I liked the feel of their keyboards and mice. Don't know who makes them but I bought a wired HP keyboard/mouse combo when I had my last machine built in 2014. Still working fine.
  21. Use a different driver mode. The RealTek ASIO driver is not very good.
  22. Have you thought about putting this up on Google drive?
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